Grades 9 and 10 - Open
Students will explore topics connected to nutrition and health, food choices, and global and local foods. They will have the opportunity to learn hands on skills in the kitchen. They will complete individual labs in order to stay socially distanced.
Introduction to Anthropology, Psychology and Sociology
Grade 11 - University
Students in this course will be introduced to three social science disciplines; anthropology, psychology and sociology. They will develop research skills
throughout the course.
Understanding Fashion
Grade 11 - College
Students will explore ideas about fashion with regards to culture, media, marketing, environmental and consumer behaviour. They will learn sewing skills in the fashion classroom. They will demonstrate their learning through the final project where they create something new out of an old unused garment.
Raising Healthy Children
Grade 11 - Open
Students will learn about pregnancy, birth, and the early years of human development (birth to 6 years old). They will get practical hands-on parenting experience by caring for a simulator baby for a short period of time. Students will also learn how to meet the developmental needs of toddlers and effectively guide their early behaviour.
The World of Fashion
Gr. 12 - University/College
Students will research the history of fashion and influences on the fahion idustry. They will learn about textile production, society and the globalized marektplace. They will develop design and fashion construction skills. Students do not need to have taken grade 11 Understanding Fashion to be successful in this course.
Human Development throughout the Lifespan
Gr. 12 - University/College
Students will learn a range of theoretical perspectives on human development. They will examine threats to healthy development as well as protective factors that promotes resilience.
Nutrition and Health
Gr. 12 - University or College
Students will research topics connected to nutrition and health, eating patterns and trends, and local and global issues connected to food. They will learn food-preparation skills in the food lab. Social distancing will be in place in the kitchens.