Extra Help
Science teachers are available for extra help, either in person or virtually. Please arrange a time with your teacher. You can arrange a time with your teacher by emailing them.
martha.schissler@yrdsb.ca |
marianne.estabrooks@yrdsb.ca |
john.dragert@yrdsb.ca |
Science students have to opportunity to participate in a variety of contests throughout the school year. If you are interested in any of the following please speak to your science teacher. For the 2022-2023. Ask your teacher for more information.
of Toronto Biology contest (grade 12 biology)
Sir Isaac
Newton Physics exam (grade 12 physics)
OAPT physics
exam (grade 11 physics)
Chemistry contest (grade 11 chemistry)
Chem 13
Chemistry contest (grade 12 chemistry)
McMaster on
line physics contest (grade 11 physics)
Michael Smith Contest (grade 10 science)
University of Toronto National Biology Contest (grade 11 & 12 biology)
Science Council
The science council is an amalgamation of the biology, chemistry, physics, STEM, astronomy and environmental science clubs. We meet every Thursday at lunch in room 2063. If you would like more information please join the science council google classroom using the code tguf3uv. Events we have run this year include:
- visits from Stouffville firefighters
- school wide mental health and well being activities
- grade 8 STEM events
- Wendat STEM night
- Toronto Zoo e-waste collection campaign
- March Mammal Madness
- owl pellet dissection
- suturing workshop
- exoplanet watch
- envirothon
- and many more!
Join us anytime of year for exciting science activities.