Ventura Park Homework Guidelines 2013-14
Purpose of Homework
In alignment with the YRDSB Homework Policy #320, Ventura Park P.S. supports the inclusion of homework in the school program and recognizes the need to communicate clearly and effectively to students and parents the learning related to homework. Our guidelines support student learning and recognizes the importance of personal and family well-being.
At Ventura Park, we develop homework that:
- Aligns with the curriculum expectations and supports in-class experiences
- Supports the development of literacy skills
- Develops a positive attitude toward learning and independent study
- Is never punitive
- Encourages the development of learning skills and work habits
- Assists students in preparing for subsequent planned learning activities
- Acquaints parents with their in-school learning experiences and strengthens partnerships between home and school
At Ventura Park, teachers:
- Ensure that homework is appropriate for each age group and includes reading*; as a rule, the expected time for homework shall be (10 minutes) X (the grade level) For example, in Grade 2: 2x 10=20 minutes
- Ensure that homework is assigned for a maximum of four nights per week
- Ensure that homework is NOT assigned on weekends or over school holidays or on significant Faith days as outlined by the Board school calendar
- Ensure that homework timelines are adjusted for identified students based on Individual Education Plan accommodations and/or modifications
- Provide alternative forms of homework assignments for students who are away for extended periods of time as a result of family-initiated or parent –initiated absences
- e.g., daily journal, daily reading supplied by parent, math activities from workbook related to strands targeted through long-range plans
- Provide class time and appropriate support to record assigned homework in agenda
- Share information about the number and type of homework assignments among core and subject teachers where appropriate
- Ensure that homework is monitored and tracked for completion
- Note on the report card related to learning skills and work habits, a student’s tendency to be late in submitting, or to fail to submit homework
At Ventura Park, students:
- Make every effort to complete homework by the due date and submit it to their teacher
- Locate and organize homework materials and resources
- Record homework daily in their agenda
- Accept consequences if homework assignments are not completed
At Ventura Park, parents:
Provide daily oral and reading opportunities with their children and engage them in discussions, in their first language, about their learning
Provide a suitable environment for study and support their child in all learning activities
Provide enough notice to teachers if the child is going to be away for an extended period of time