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School Registration 319
School Registration

Welcome and thank you for choosing
Woodbridge College
Registering at Woodbridge College takes a few easy steps.

Please confirm first if you are required to register through the Reception Centre and follow the appropriate process. 
  • Students new to Canada (residing in Canada less than 6 months)
  • Students transferring to YRDSB from home schooling in Ontario
  • Students transferring to YRDSB from other boards in Ontario/other provinces with time-sensitive documents, e.g. work permits, refugee claimants
  • Returning students from outside Canada who have been residing elsewhere  internationally for over one yea
                    If none of the above apply, please begin on Step 1 below                            


Using our School Locator, enter your current home address to find your “home” school. 

If Woodbridge College is your home school, skip to STEP 3.


If you wish to enroll at Woodbridge College, but we are not your home school, please fill out the appropriate form:

 **** For semester 2 transfers (February 2025), please submit your forms now.  We will contact you once all registration documents have been received to set up an appointment to discuss a possible transfer.****

**** For September 2025 transfers (2025-2026 school year), please submit your transfer form, along with all registration documents no later than January, 2025. ****

1. Transfer Form​ –  For students who live within YRDSB, but outside of the Woodbridge College boundaries (e.g.: Emily Carr SS, Tommy Douglass SS, Maple H, etc.).  

    • ​​Please contact your child's current school's main office to have the transfer form emailed to you
    • email the completed form to, along with any other documents listed in step 3

2. Permission to Attend Form​ – For students who live outside of YRDSB boundaries(e.g.: Tornotboard etc.). 
    •         ONLY required if DO NOT currently live within the boundaries of the YRDSB (York Region Boundaries)
    •         email the completed form to, along with any other documents listed in step 3


Please choose one of the 4 scenarios (A, B, or C) below and submit those documents which apply to


A – Grade 8 Student currently attending a YRDSB elementary school

·        ​ Grade 9 Course Selection Form

(myPathwayPlanner is currently closed until February 2025)


B - Grade 8 Student from a NON-YRDSB elementary school

(i.e.: YCDSB, other school board, private school)

Acceptable documentation (Proof of Name, Gender and Date of Birth):

· Birth Certificate/Statement of Live Birth (long form with seal)/Birth Registration

·   Passport

·   Certificate of Canadian Citizenship (Citizenship Card)

·   Current Canada Immigration and Citizenship documentation

· Record of Landing (IMM 1000) 

· Confirmation of Permanent Residence (IMM 5292)

· Permanent Resident Card (PRC/Maple Leaf Card) or confirmation of Permanent Resident form

· Refugee Claimant Form (IMM 1442)

· Study Permit issued by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)

· Certificate of Indian Status

· Baptismal Certificate (Not all religious denominations provide a certificate of baptism.  Speak to your religious representative in this regard).

  • Proof of residency

Acceptable documentation (Proof of Address):  Three (3) documents, one (1) from Category A and two (2) from Category B

Category A

· Property Tax Bill / MPAC Notice of Assessment

·Agreement of Purchase and Sale, including proof of purchase and closing date, provided before the student attends school

·Bank Statement/Financial letter: must be stamped by Financial Institution – financial details can be obscured

·Any CRA document (i.e. Notice of Assessment, Canada Child Benefit,Goods and Services tax/Harmonized sales tax (GST/HST credit), Housing Benefits, etc.)


Category B

· Utility Bill/e-Bill (i.e. Hydro, Water, Residential Phone/Cable/Internet Bill, Enbridge, Insurance Policy (Home, Tenant or Auto)

· Any CRA document (i.e. Notice of Assessment, Canada Child Benefit, Goods and Services tax/Harmonized sales tax (GST/HST credit), Housing Benefits, etc.) (must be current – within past year) IF NOT USED FOR CATEGORY A

·  Other official Provincial or Federal government documents that includes parent(s)/guardian(s) name(s) and address (must be current – within past year)

*Documents NOT Acceptable – Credit Card Statement, Lease or Rental Agreement, Cell Phone Bill, Driver’s License

C -
 Grade 9-12 from a secondary school
  • Credit Counselling Summary / Student Status Sheet from your current school

  • Proof of birth date

Acceptable documentation (Proof of Name, Gender and Date of Birth):

· Birth Certificate/Statement of Live Birth (long form with seal)/Birth Registration

·   Passport

·   Certificate of Canadian Citizenship (Citizenship Card)

·   Current Canada Immigration and Citizenship documentation

· Record of Landing (IMM 1000) 

· Confirmation of Permanent Residence (IMM 5292)

· Permanent Resident Card (PRC/Maple Leaf Card) or confirmation of Permanent Resident form

· Refugee Claimant Form (IMM 1442)

· Study Permit issued by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC)

· Certificate of Indian Status

· Baptismal Certificate (Not all religious denominations provide a certificate of baptism.  Speak to your religious representative in this regard).

  • Proof of residency

Acceptable documentation (Proof of Address):  Three (3) documents, one (1) from Category A and two (2) from Category B

Category A

· Property Tax Bill / MPAC Notice of Assessment

·Agreement of Purchase and Sale, including proof of purchase and closing date, provided before the student attends school

·Bank Statement/Financial letter: must be stamped by Financial Institution – financial details can be obscured

·Any CRA document (i.e. Notice of Assessment, Canada Child Benefit,Goods and Services tax/Harmonized sales tax (GST/HST credit), Housing Benefits, etc.)


Category B

· Utility Bill/e-Bill (i.e. Hydro, Water, Residential Phone/Cable/Internet Bill, Enbridge, Insurance Policy (Home, Tenant or Auto)

· Any CRA document (i.e. Notice of Assessment, Canada Child Benefit, Goods and Services tax/Harmonized sales tax (GST/HST credit), Housing Benefits, etc.) (must be current – within past year) IF NOT USED FOR CATEGORY A

·  Other official Provincial or Federal government documents that includes parent(s)/guardian(s) name(s) and address (must be current – within past year)

*Documents NOT Acceptable – Credit Card Statement, Lease or Rental Agreement, Cell Phone Bill, Driver’s License

  • You will be invited to a meeting with a vice-principal to finalize your registration (late spring 2025)



 Other documents required, if applicable:         ​​


Other Considerations:  

To learn more, visit School Registration​.

Families who do not need to register through the Reception Centre can send a completed Elementary Student Registration Form (Grades 1-8) or Secondary School Student Registration Form (Grades 9-12) to the school email address (available on the school websites).  Online Kindergarten registration is also available.​​
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