Welcome to Armadale Public School's website!
We are privileged to work with you and your children in a partnership that focuses on “empowering all students to become engaged and caring citizens”. We will strive to build strong links with students, parents and the school staff. At Armadale, we strive to ensure that each member of our diverse community is valued, nurtured and encouraged in an environment that provides equitable opportunities for ALL to SUCCEED.
The staff at Armadale P.S. is committed to providing a safe learning environment with high curriculum and behavioural expectations. We continue to strive to develop the cognitive, social, emotional and physical needs of all our students. We must never forgot that along with the Ministry expectations, school must always be an inclusive and engaging place, so that students wake up each morning excited to get to school.
At Armadale, we work with parents and families of the Armadale community by offering:
a variety of athletic, academic and community extra-curricular opportunities for our student to participate in and enrich their learning journey;
the EarlyON Centre for children ages 0-6 years of age to come with a caregiver to prepare them for school and encourage families to be a part of their children's early learning;
a daily breakfast club for any students who wish to start their day with a well balanced and nutrious meal
a daily healthy snacks program each morning where students receive different healthy snacks from three of the basic food groups - a dairy, a grain and a fruit or vegetable
Character education, community and restorative practices are embedded in our school culture to promote student citizenship and leadership.
We share a great common interest – your children! When we work together, all of our students experience success. Please do not hesitate to contact the school to ask questions or share any insights you have regarding your child's education and school experience. We welcome the opportunity to talk with you!
Your partners in education,
Michael Matt Natalie Reid-Curiston
Principal Vice Principal