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Welcome to the Cooperative Education Department 202
Welcome to the Cooperative Education Department

Co-op is credit-earning course that combines classroom learning with practical "on the job" experience. The job placement is based on a partnership between the school and a business or community organization.  Students can expand their interests and explore their career options while earning 2, 3, or 4 co-op credits towards their Ontario Secondary School Diploma.

Aurora High School is proud to offer the following specialized programs that include a co-op placement:

S​pecialist High Skills Major (SHSM)

Aurora High School offers 5 SHSM pathways to enhance a career path that matches a student's skills and interests. These specialized programs enable students to take interest-based courses together with experiential learning in a SHSM sector. 

  1. ​Arts & Cultureelectrician.jfif
  2. Business
  3. Constructionevent management.jfif
  4. Health & Wellness
  5. Transportation

Students enrolled in any of these programs will:

·       ​Complete a specific bundle of 8-10 courses in the student's selected sector

·       Earn valuable industry certifications, including WHMIS, working at heights, virus transmission mitigation, counterfeit detection, customer service and project management as well as first aid and CPR qualifications and AED training

·       Participate in reach ahead opportunities, post-secondary fast track programs and specific field trips to industry partners

·       Enroll in dual credit (earn both a college and high school credit) opportunities at Seneca and Centennial Colleges 

·       Gain important on-the job skills

Militia Co-op - Army Reservescanadian forces coop.jfif
This is a four-credit program that runs in semester 2 only.  Students will gain their Basic Military Qualification (BMQ) and Soldier Qualification (SQ) courses upon successful completion.  The application and testing process is the same as for all Canadian Forces applicants. This includes, but is not limited to, a fitness test, a medical examination, an aptitude test, and a formal interview with a Canadian Armed Forces Recruitment Officer.  Students are encouraged to continue in the Army Reserves after program completion.


Ontario Youth Apprenticeship (OYAP)chef.jfif

An OYAP student earns cooperative education credits and gains experience in a skilled trade.  Students accumulate workplace hours that count towards both secondary school co-op credits and the requirements of an apprenticeship program.  To participate in OYAP, students must be at least 16 years old and have earned a minimum of 16 credits towards their diploma.

Accelerated OYAP

The Accelerated OYAP program is offered in the final (2nd) semester of a student's high school program. Offered as a 4 credit (full day) co-op timetable, the program includes in-school training delivered by a college or training facility to obtain a Level 1 apprenticeship. Opportunities are available for general carpenter, automotive service technician, residential air-conditioning systems mechanic, cook, baker, electrician construction & maintenance, plumber, and child development practitioner (formerly ECE).


It is highly recommended that students interested in participating in Accelerated OYAP take at least a 2 credit co-op program in the trade prior to applying. 

Benefits of a Co-op Placement:

Co-op provides students an opportunity to:

·         Develop knowledge, skills, and attitudes through hands-on experience

·         Explore a career in order to make informed educational and career decisions

·         Develop maturity and self-confidence

·         Strengthen employability skills

·         Develop networking opportunities

·         Earn credits towards a diploma; co-op credits count towards the Group 1, 2, and 3   diploma requirements

·         Complete the program requirements of the Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM)

·         Participate in specialized programs such as OYAP, Accelerated OYAP or military

·         Enhance a résumé for post-secondary programs (where a supplemental application or portfolio is required)


What type of student is ideally suited to co-op?

Geared for students in Grade 11 and 12, co-op is for students who want to explore a career.  While on placement, students gain valuable work experience and earn academic credits that count toward their high school diploma.  If enrolled in a SHSM program, students could even earn credit towards a post-secondary program. 


Job opportunities are available for students interested in all pathways - university, college, apprenticeship and workplace.


Who is in the Co-op Department? - ​drop in and see us in room 222!

Team photo Dec 2019.jpg
Suzanne Ashby - Department Head 


Voicemail Extension - 172 

​​​Vincenzo Fragomeni


Kerin Harding​


voicemail extension - 424


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