A Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) is a specialized program from the Ministry of Education which allows students to experience a range of customized, career-focused
learning opportunities while working towards their Ontario Secondary School
Diploma (OSSD). The Ministry of Education has developed SHSM programs for many
of the industry and business sectors in the province and has authorized Aurora
High School to offer five SHSM programs: Arts and Culture, Business, Construction, Health and Wellness and Transportation.
have the opportunity to customize their high school experience, explore new
ways of learning and 'reach ahead' to their post-secondary destination of
choice (apprenticeship, college, university or the workplace). Learn how your
child can take advantage of these specialized programs by contacting the
guidance department.
Benefits of SHSM:
- Customized education to suit students' strengths, interests and abilities
- Develop specialized knowledge and
skills in a co-op placement
- Gain sector recognized certifications
and career-relevant training
- Develop essential skills and work
- Make informed decisions about their future
- Receive the SHSM Red Seal embossed on the
Ontario Secondary School Diploma and official documentation of SHSM
credits earned
- Program recognition by universities,
colleges, apprenticeship training and industry
Who is SHSM for?
- All students in grades 11 and 12
To apply, and for more information about the program at AHS, please visit the AHS Guidance SHSM page: http://www.yrdsb.ca/schools/aurora.hs/guidance/Pages/Grades-9-12-SHSM.aspx