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Attendance 202
Regular attendance and punctuality are essential components for academic success.  Students are responsible for work covered during any absence, and can expect to be evaluated on all work in the course. 
If a teacher is late or absent from a regularly scheduled class, students are to inform the main office. The students must remain in the class and await instructions. Students leaving without permission will be considered truant.
Absence Procedures
A parent note, email to, or phone call (905-727-3107, ext. 150) is required when a student is absent from school.  Please include the following information when contacting the school:
·         student’s name
·         date(s) and reason for absence
·         parent or guardian signature on notes
·         students 18 years of age** and older may sign their own note - however, signing in and out privileges and note authorization may be withdrawn at the discretion of a school administrator.
A student who is absent from class without authorization will be considered truant until proper authorization is obtained. The student may be assigned a lunch-time detention to serve.  The school will notify parents of any truancy unless the student is 18 years or older and has requested no parental contact in writing. 
When an absence is not accompanied by a note, it will be considered an “unauthorized absence” or/a “truancy”.  Students are responsible for providing authorization promptly and on their own time.  Attendance issues should be dealt with before school, at lunchtime, or during a spare period, but before the class for which authorization is required.
Persistent Absence
Consequences for students who are persistently absent may include some or all of the following: counselling, making up time missed, alternative assignments, in-school work detail, an attendance contract, or  consideration for an alternative program.  All cases will be reviewed on an individual basis.
Early Leave
Notes requesting early leaves must be submitted to the office before 8:00 a.m.  Students without a note must obtain permission from the office prior to signing out.  Students who leave without signing out will be considered truant.  Once students have signed out, they must leave the building.  Students will be considered truant for classes missed if they remain on school property.
Illness at School
If students become ill at school, they are to report to the main office.  They are not to stay in a washroom without informing a teacher or the office.  Failure to report to the office may result in the absence from class being recorded as truant.  Students under 18 years of age will be allowed to go home only if the school can notify a parent or guardian.
Illness (Extended Period of Time)
Students who are confined at home or in hospital for more than one week should contact Guidance.  Assignments and homework will be collected from each subject teacher and picked up in the Guidance office.
Late for Class and/or School
It is the student’s responsibility to report promptly to all classes. Students detained by a teacher must obtain a note from that teacher in order to gain admission to the next class.  Students arriving within the first 20 minutes of each period are to go directly to class. Students in the hallways during the national anthem and announcements are to stand quietly and wait for them to finish before proceeding to their next class
Persistent Lateness for School
Consequences for students who are persistently late may include counselling and other disciplinary actions.
Procedures & Consequences for Missing Major Term Evaluations or Deadlines
As outlined in both Guidelines for Assessment and Evaluation – A Curriculum Expectations Document 2006 and Growing Success – Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting: Improving Student Learning the primary purpose of assessment is to improve student learning. The intention of the procedures below is to ensure that students submit work and complete evaluations according to deadlines so that the teacher can assess their learning in an accurate and fair manner. 
To assist students, teachers will:
  • provide clear communication of expectations for assessment or evaluation;
  • identify timelines and deadlines;
  • speak to the student and/or parent/guardian when individual students fail to meet deadlines; and
  • communicate in a timely fashion with parents/guardians if/when students are experiencing difficulty.
Regular attendance is crucial to student success. To provide students with every opportunity to succeed, the consequences for students who are persistently absent may include some or all of the following: counselling, making up time missed, alternative assignments, an attendance contract, or consideration for an alternative program. All cases will be reviewed on an individual basis.
The following outlines procedures and consequences related to missed evaluations or deadlines and academic integrity:
Evaluations/Deadlines Missed Due to Illness, Family Bereavement, Medical Appointments, Field Trips or other School Sponsored Events
Absences must be validated by a parent/guardian prior to the absence wherever possible. If this is done, students will be given the opportunity to recover lost marks through revised due dates, make-up tests or assignments.
If students are in the school on the day of an evaluation but leave before it, they must:
  • contact the teacher before the evaluation
  • sign out in the office
If students arrive after the evaluation, they must:
  • sign in at the office when they arrive
  • contact the teacher before the end of that school day
In the case of missed group presentations or individual seminars, students are expected to
contact their teacher before the start of the school day if absent for the entire day. This provides the opportunity for the teacher to make adjustments where appropriate.
Family Vacations
Because they can have a negative impact on student achievement, vacations during school regular time are strongly discouraged.
Students are expected to obtain an Extraordinary Absence Form from the Attendance Secretary, inform their subject teachers of the absence and have them complete the form. The completed form should be returned to a Vice-Principal at least one week before the commencement of the absence.
Students are responsible for all missed work.
Vacations must not be planned during examination periods. Such absences will result in a grade of zero on the examination.
Evaluation/Deadline Missed Due to Truancy
When a student is truant for any evaluation:
  • he/she may be referred to an administrator;
  • appropriate consequences will be determined by the teacher and/or administrator;
  • parents/guardians will be contacted by the teacher and/or administrator;
  • arrangements may be made for an alternate evaluation;
  • a central record and documentation will be kept of every student’s missed evaluation; and
  • repeat offenders may lose the opportunity to make up the missed evaluation and may; receive a grade of zero
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