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Message From Our Trustee 327
Message From Our Trustee

Welcome to the start of the second half of the school year. 

Congratulations to secondary school students who have completed exams and culminating activities and are ready to start a new semester, and to elementary school students for all their hard work in the first term. I want to remind families that when report cards are available, you can now access your child’s report card through the Family Dashboard

For students looking at course selection for next year, the Experience YRDSB pages on our website will let you explore the areas that interest you and learn more about the courses, programs and opportunities available in your secondary school. 

At the end of January, we recognized Lunar New Year, commemorating the first day of the Lunar calendar. Throughout the month, we also recognized Tamil Heritage Month. In February, we recognize Black History Month, I encourage you to check the Board calendar for upcoming events to celebrate Black excellence and recognize the contributions made by Black Canadians. You can also find information about other upcoming significant dates and events for families. 

The Student Trustee election process is underway for the 2025-2026 school year. Student Trustees play an essential role in our system, representing student voices at the Board table when we are making important decisions, and we greatly appreciate their contributions to our discussions. I would like to congratulate all of the students who put their names forward for the position and encourage all students in Grades 5-12 to take the time to vote. 

I’d also like to take this opportunity to thank current Student Trustees Hayden Lai and Mitusaan Kugathasan and Indigenous Student Trustee Natalie Pitawanakwat for their hard work, leadership and commitment to student voice. 

As a Board of Trustees, we have several important roles that affect the daily life in our schools and Board. 

One of those responsibilities is to set the policies that govern the operation of schools in YRDSB. Policies cover important topics, such as assessment and evaluation, field trips, homework, dress code, caring and safe schools, health supports, student leadership and more. 

We regularly review Board policies to ensure they are updated and reflect the current context, priorities and needs of our community and system. An important part of this process is inviting feedback from the community, including families. You can find a list of all policies and those currently out for comment on our Board website and I encourage you to take a look. 

Trustees are also responsible for setting the Board budget. As we prepare to plan for the 2025-2026 school year budget, we will be once again reaching out to families and inviting you to share your input and feedback. Please take the time to review this information when you receive it; your voice is an important part of the process. 

We are also working through the District Action Plan to reflect and align with the new Multi-Year Strategic Plan. This plan outlines how we will achieve the priorities set out in the Strategic Plan and focus on serving all students. 

I wish everyone all the best as we go into the second half of the school year.


Cindy Liang

Trustee, Richmond Hill Wards 3, 5 and 6


As we enter another month of winter, this is a good time to be thinking about our health, well-being and the importance of self-care. We know that, like all of us, our students can focus better when they feel better. Our schools play an important role in health and mental health promotion and education, and fostering well-being and mental health is one of our priorities as a school board.

There is a lot of work taking place in our schools and board to create healthy schools and promote mental health and well-being, including: ​

  • ​​​Providing training and resources for educators on strategies to support mentally healthy classrooms for all students, including holding a mental health conference. 

  • Hiring identity specific mental health workers and developing partnerships with community partners to serve the diverse needs of our students. 

  • Developing a Student Suicide Intervention Protocol to help keep students safe in the event of suicidal thoughts or actions.

  • Educating students about the risks of substance use and misuse, including vaping and cannabis

  • Providing strategies and supports for students in preparing for exams and managing stress​.  

This commitment is also reflected in Board policy like the Healthy Schools and Workplaces policy and procedures. Setting policy, which governs the operation of the Board, is one of the roles of trustees, and we greatly value the input provided by students, staff members, family and community members. I encourage you to look at the policies under review and share your feedback.

We have a lot to look forward to in 2020. At the Board meeting in December, trustees unanimously approved the addition of new permanent Indigenous Trustee and Indigenous Student Trustee positions. We are committed to Indigenous Education in our Board and it is important that these voices are represented at the table. We hope to fill the positions as soon as possible and will share more information as it becomes available. 

message from the Chair of the Board of Trustees is also available on the Board website at ​

Cindy Liang
Trustee – Richmond Hill Wards 3, 5 and 6






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