We know that families are busy
and appreciate whatever efforts parents can make to get involved. Whether you
have a lot or only a little time to spare, there are many ways to contribute
your valuable ideas, thoughts, time and skill sets. Consider any of the
following ways to get involved in Council-led activities. For information on
helping directly with the school, such as volunteering in the classroom or
joining grade level activities, please talk to your child’s teacher or school
Apply to be an Elected Council Member for that school year. Nomination Applications are sent to parents and
guardians in the Book of Forms each September. You may nominate yourself or
someone else you think would be a good Council member.
Attend Council meetings to learn about school news from
the Principal or Vice-Principal and provide feedback where appropriate. Find
out what Council is doing, including the work of committees. All parents are
encouraged to attend and lend their voice to the discussion: your input counts.
School Advisory Council decisions should reflect the entire Cornell community.
Come out and be heard.
Join or support a committee. You do not have to be a Council
member to join one or more committees. If you cannot commit to joining a
committee on an ongoing basis, you can still volunteer for a particular
activity or event. For example, the Fundraising Committee conducts
approximately four fundraising events each year and requires volunteers for
each event. Similarly, the Staff Appreciation committee provides dinner to
teachers and staff on evenings such as Curriculum Night: they welcome
volunteers to sign up to contribute a dish.
Provide financial support to Council fundraising events.
Council fundraising exists solely to help enhance student life. As of September
2013, Council provides parents information on what a fundraising event is
raising funds for and how it will be used. Where appropriate, Council can offer
a tax receipt for donations $25 and over.
Donate or sponsor items for
fundraising events or other Council initiatives. Our aim is to involve students in our initiatives
so that it is fun and of value to them. For example, Council’s signature
fundraising event, the Dance-a-thon, is growing each year. Every year our hope
is to offer prizes to students who are successful at raising funds. If you are
able to donate a “hot” item for a prize, it is always greatly appreciated.
Spread the word about Parent Council and
information from Council meetings to other Cornell parents and guardians.