On these pages you will find information about the School Advisory Council’s
mandate, members and activities.
does the Council do?
School councils are an important
way for parents and guardians to have an active voice in their children’s
education. At CVPS, the
Council is made up of 17 seats, with parent representatives elected each September.
Only elected members may vote on issues; however, all parents and guardians are
encouraged to attend meetings and become involved with Council activities.
The Council’s
main functions include:
- acting
as a forum for school administration and parents to discuss and make
decisions about relevant issues
- providing
advice on how Board policies and practices can best be applied at our
school, based on our knowledge of the community and our children
- working
with school administration to develop and implement the School Plan for
Continuous Improvement
- communicating
Council news and activities to parents through the Council section of the
school website and regular installments in the school newsletter
- organizing
committees to support initiatives, such as staff appreciation and
sustainability, outside of monthly Council meeting times
- fundraising
to support initiatives that enhance school life for our students, such as Smart
Boards, books for the classrooms and library, and resources for the music
and physical education programs.
When does
Council meet?
Council meets once a
month during the school year. Meetings are held at 7 p.m. in the school
staff room. All parents, guardians and community members are welcome to attend
meetings. For this year’s meeting dates, please view the CVPS Community Calendar.