Welcome to Hodan Nalayeh Secondary School - home of the Nighthawks! We are excited to meet and officially welcome you in the fall.
Updated information for the 2025-2026 School Year will be posted here as it becomes available.
Transitions - Grades 8 to 9
Transitioning from elementary to secondary school is a very exciting time for all students. A lot happens during the grade 8 year that will help to make this transition a smooth and enjoyable experience. The information below will help students get registered at Hodan Nalayeh Secondary School School for Grade 9, which will begin at in September 2024.
Grade 8 Information Night Presentation - this presentation was delivered at our Grade 8 Open House in November 2023.
Grade 8 to 9 Course Selection Presentation - This presentation was delivered to Grade 8 students at our elementary partner schools in January 2024 for the 2024-2025 course selection process.
All students are encouraged to look at the flyer called What Do You Need to Graduate From High School? prepared by the York Region District School Board. Please note that an updated version for students entering Grade 9 as of September 2024 will be made available soon.
The update will include the single Technological Education credit students will need to complete in either Grade 9 or Grade 10 to earn their Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD).
It will also clarify French Immersion Certificate requirements on the second page. Students will still need to earn 10 French Immersion credits for the Certificate, but after students complete the four French Immersion French credits (1 per grade), the remaining six course options are flexible. That being said, students are still strongly encouraged to take Grade 9 Geography, Grade 10 History and Grade 10 Civics and Careers, in French.
Information on Grade 9 Course Types
Grade 9 Mathematics, Grade 9 Science, Grade 9 English, and Grade 9 Geography have been destreamed across the province. Below are the course titles and codes:
Mathematics, Grade 9 (MTH1W)
Science, Grade 9 (SNC1W)
English, Grade 9 (ENL1W)
Exploring Canadian Geography, Grade 9 (CGC1W)
Academic and applied courses for Grade 9 Mathematics, Science and English will no longer be offered and have been removed from My Pathway Planner (myBlueprint). Moreover, Grade 9 Geography will no longer be offered as an Academic course and has been removed from My Pathway Planner (myBlueprint). Locally Developed Mathematics (MAT1L), Science (SNC1L) and English (ENG1L) will continue to be offered.
If you have a student who, in previous years, pre-selected any courses that are no longer being offered in My Pathway Planner (myBlueprint), they will see a message indicating that the course is no longer available. They will need to delete the course and add the desired course code: MTH1W1 for Mathematics, SNC1W1 for Science, ENL1W1 for English, CGC1W1 for Geography.
Grade 9 French (FSF1D) will continue to only be offered as an Academic course. Students can still select Grade 9 Open French (FSF1O) if they have had less than 600 hours of elementary core French instruction.
If a student is coming to Hodan Nalayeh Secondary School and will be enrolled in the French Immersion program, they will select FIF1DF for Grade 9 French and CGC1WF for Grade 9 Geography. They will also be encouraged to select two Grade 9 French Immersion electives. More information on courses can be found on the Course Selection Information page.
There have also been changes made province-wide to the Business Studies Curriculum. The new Grade 9 Business Studies course is entitled Building the Entrepreneurial Mindset, Grade 9 (BEM1O). Information and Communication Technology in Business, Grade 9 (BTT1O) will no longer be offered and has been removed from My Pathway Planner (myBlueprint).
Students will also need to complete a Technological
Education in either Grade 9 or
Grade 10 to earn their Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD).
Please note that Advanced Placement (AP) course offerings - which are offered in English, Math, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Computer Science - begin in Grade 11, but only require to be enrolled in the Grade 12 course to be eligible to write the Advanced Placement (AP) exam.
This message will also be communicated to all current York Region District School Board Grade 8 students coming to Hodan Nalayeh next year; it will be included in the email they receive via their GAPPs account, with all of the necessary materials and information to complete their course selection, in mid-February.
Thank you for reviewing our Grade 8 Information Night Presentation, Grade 8 Course Selection Presentation, and for your interest in Hodan Nalayeh Secondary School. If you have further questions, you can call the school directly and ask to speak to any Guidance Counsellor.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q. Can I attend Hodan Nalayeh Secondary School if I do not live in the school boundary but still attend a YRDSB elementary school?
A. Current YRDSB Grade 8 Students interested in coming to Hodan Nalayeh Secondary School, who do not live in the school boundary, must request and submit an electronic Transfer Request Form to their elementary school by February 2, 2024. Where a signature is required on the electronic Transfer Request Form, either an electronic signature or full name entered in the signature field will be accepted as a signature. The elementary school will track and forward the transfer form to the home secondary school (the YRDSB school the student is designated to attend based on the student's home address). By February 12, 2024, all student transfer decisions will be made and families will be notified. To see list of which schools are open and closed to transfer, please click here. Please note that for the 2024-2025 school year, Hodan Nalayeh Secondary School will be open for transfer only for regular track programming; it will be closed to transfer for French Immersion programming.
Q. I am in Grade 8, currently attend a school in the York Region District School Board, live in the Hodan Nalayeh Secondary School boundary, or have been approved for transfer to Hodan Nalayeh Secondary School. How do I select my courses?
A. All Grade 8 students currently enrolled in a school in the York Region District School Board, who live in the Hodan Nalayeh Secondary School boundary, or have been approved for transfer to Hodan Nalayeh Secondary School, will receive an email in mid-February. This email will contain all of the instructions and resources required to complete the course selection process. All course selections are completed using myPathwayPlanner. You may access your pathway planner using myPathwayPlanner (myBlueprint) anytime, from any computer, using the My Pathway Planner icon and your GAPPs login and password. You will find all pertinent resources and information listed above on this webpage or alternatively, on our Course Selection Information webpage.
Q. How do I select my courses if I do not currently attend a York Region District Board elementary school? How about if I already attend another secondary school?
A. If you are not currently attending a York Region District School Board elementary school (i.e., York Catholic), or if you have already completed at least one year of secondary school regardless of school board, you will need to contact our main office for registration information. The process will include completing a secondary school registration form.
Q. I do not live the Hodan Nalayeh Secondary School regular boundary, but live in the Hodan Nalayeh Secondary School French Immersion boundary. Do I need to submit a transfer form to attend for French Immersion programming?
A. No, you do not. Enrolling in any French Immersion program at your designated French Immersion school is not considered a transfer, and thus, no electronic transfer request form needs to be submitted. For school boundary information, please click here or use the School Locator feature found on the main YRDSB website. If you do not live in the regular school boundary for Hodan Nalayeh Secondary School, and want to attend for regular programming, a transfer form would be required.
Q. If my child is currently in Grade 8, and enrolled in a Gifted program at a YRDSB school, how do I ensure he/she/they remain in Gifted programming upon entering high school?
A. If your child is currently in a Gifted program at a YRDSB school, their myPathwayPlanner (myBlueprint) account, based on your home address, should be mapped to the appropriate high school offering gifted programming. During the annual Identification, Placement and Review Committee Meeting (IPRC), you will have the opportunity to confirm your desire to have your child remain in gifted programming for Grade 9. Please note that Hodan Nalayeh does not offer Gifted programming. If you would like to see what programs each individual secondary school offers in York Region District School Board, you can find the information here.
Q. What if my child is currently in Grade 8, enrolled in a Gifted program at a YRDSB school, but I do not want him/her/them to continue in Gifted programming upon entering high school?
A. If your child is currently in a Gifted program at a YRDSB school, their myPathwayPlanner (myBlueprint) account, based on your home address, should be mapped to the appropriate high school offering gifted programming. During the annual Identification, Placement and Review Committee Meeting (IPRC), you will have the opportunity to confirm your desire to have your child removed from gifted programming for Grade 9. By doing this, your child will be automatcially mapped back in myPathwayPlanner (myBlueprint) to their home secondary school (the YRDSB school your child is designated to attend based on your home address). If you do not live in the Hodan Nalayeh Secondary School boundary, and you would still like your child to attend our school for regular programming [including Advanced Placement (AP) courses in their senior years of secondary school], you must request and submit an electronic Transfer Request Form to your elementary school by February 2, 2024.
Q. What are the Advanced Placement (AP) course options at Hodan Nalayeh Secondary School? Can my child start these courses in Grade 9?
A. Hodan Nalayeh offers Advanced Placement (AP) courses in English, Math, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Computer Science. Please note that Advanced Placement (AP) course offerings begin in Grade 11, but only require to be enrolled in the Grade 12 course to be eligible to write the AP exam. The one exception is that we strongly encourage students who wish to write the Math - Advanced Placement (AP) exam, to start the Advanced Placement (AP) Math program in grade 11. If you would like to see what programs each individual secondary school offers in York Region District School Board, you can find the information here.
Q. How many courses are offered at Hodan Nalayeh Secondary School School and what are the course names?
A. You will find all of our course offerings and descriptions on our Course Selection Information webpage.
Q. Do I need to submit an application to come to Hodan Nalayeh for French Immersion or Advanced Placement (AP)?
A. No, you do not need to submit an application. If your child is currently in a French Immersion program at a YRDSB school, their myPathwayPlanner (myBlueprint) account, based on your home address, should be mapped to the appropriate high school offering French Immersion program. Moreover, any current Hodan Nalayeh Secondary School student, in French Immersion or regular programming, can select Advanced Placement (AP) courses in their senior years of secondary school.
Q. What extra-curricular activities does Hodan Nalayeh Secondary School High School offer?
A. Please view the Grade 8 Information Night Presentation above to discover the extra-curricular activities offered at Hodan Nalayeh Secondary School.
Q. Can you elaborate on timelines and school boundaries?
A. For registration and course selection timelines, please see the Grade 8 to 9 Course Selection Presentation. For school boundary information, please click here or use the School Locator feature found on the main YRDSB website.
Q. Will there be bus service to attend Hodan Nalayeh Secondary School for French Immersion?
A. Unfortunately, there is no bussing provision to attend Hodan Nalayeh for French Immersion at Hodan Nalayeh Secondary School. There are a few exceptions. Please visit School Bus City for more information.
Q. May I take Grade 10 Technology, Computers, Arts, Social Science or Business courses in Grade 9 because they are designated as "open" courses?
A. Yes, you may. In fact, since there are no prerequisites for any Grade 10 "open" course, Grade 9 students are welcome to select them if they so desire.
Q. May I take a Grade 9 elective course (i.e. Grade 9 Visual Arts - AVI1O) and its Grade 10 elective counterpart (i.e. Grade 10 Visual Arts - AVI2O) the following year and get a credit for each of them?
A. In most situations, yes. However, there is one exception in our French Immersion program. Students cannot take both the Grade 9 Food and Nutrition (HFN1OF) course and Grade 10 Food and Nutrition (HFN2OF) course as they will only earn 1 credit.
All other course selection materials (i.e. myPathwayPlanner Course Selection Instructions, Master List of Courses, General Information about Hodan Nalayeh Secondary School) are available on the Course Selection Information tab on the Hodan Nalayeh Secondary School Guidance webpage.