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Principal's Message 105
Principal's Message

Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year at Huron Heights SS.  On behalf of the HHSS staff and administration I share a very warm welcome and welcome back to all Huron students and families.  It is clear to me that our staff are eager to reconnect with students and resume the fantastic programs at HHSS.

Huron staff is commitment to students and families.  Staff have been working tirelessly to prepare excellent programs and opportunities for all students.  It is clear that they are designing and implementing learning activities for all students with great thoughtfulness, professionalism and compassion.  We are excited for our students to be learning in a vibrant school.

To all parents and guardians, as the year progresses I encourage you all to remain in close contact with the school and your child’s teachers.  Please do not hesitate to reach out to these teacher directly or to connect with the Main Office with any questions or concerns.

Once again, welcome and welcome back to HHSS.  Wishing students and families all the best this school year.

Erik Gordon


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