First Approved: June 19, 1997
Last Amended: June 15, 2006
Last Ratified: September 21, 2006
Article 1: Name and Address
The organization will be known as Langstaff Secondary School - School Council. The members of the school council shall be responsible for maintaining the constitution.
Langstaff Secondary School
106 Garden Avenue
Richmond Hill, Ontario
L4C 6M1
Article 2: Mission Statement
The Langstaff Secondary School – School Council (hereinafter called "Council") is a collaborative and cooperative body whose objective is to facilitate a partnership of the school community to achieve the highest possible standards of education.
Article 3: Purpose
The purpose of the Council is, through the active participation of parents, to improve pupil achievement and to enhance the accountability of the education system to parents. The Council is to act as an advisory body to the principal and, where appropriate, to the York Region District School Board regarding matters including, but not limited to:
- creation and maintenance of an environment which is conducive to improving student learning and school effectiveness;
- enhancement of communication among parents and/or guardians, administrators, teachers and children in the school community;
- provision of a forum for input into educational matters for members of the school community;
- communication of Council members' ideas, recommendations and concerns to the Board of Education;
- development, implementation and review of the School Plan for Continuous Improvement;
- support for school, family and community partnerships that assist parents in the education of children;
- sponsorship of additional programs, such as educating the Council on how the Board of Education operates, which would not otherwise be available;
- building of a viable school community which works together in the interest of education at the School;
- offering advice on criteria for the selection of the leadership team (principal and vice-principals) through means such as the School Profile.
Article 4: Procedures and Operating Guidelines
The operational procedures of Council are outlined in the YRDSB Policy and Procedure #262, available on the Board’s website. All recommendations and activities of the Council shall comply with all Ministry of Education Acts, York Region District School Board Policies and Procedures and Staff Collective Agreements.
Article 5: Membership
It is expected that the membership of the Council will reflect the diversity of the school community.
1. The Council shall include:
- minimum of 6 parents/guardians (hereinafter referred to as “parents”) of students enrolled in Langstaff;
- The parent representatives shall be appointed by parents of the students at Langstaff.
- one community representative;
- The community representative shall be appointed by simple majority vote of the Council.
- one student representative;
- The student representative shall be appointed by the student council.
- the school principal;
- one teaching staff representative;
- The teacher representative shall be elected/appointed in accordance with YRDSB Policy and Procedure #262.
- one support staff representative.
- The support staff representative shall be elected/appointed in accordance with YRDSB Policy and Procedure #262.
2. Parents shall form the majority of the Council.
3. In order to effectively conduct the business of the Council, members are expected to regularly attend meetings and to conduct themselves in a manner above reproach. The Council, on a 2/3 (two-thirds) majority vote, may ask those failing to do so to resign.
Article 6: Elections
The election/appointment of the members of the Council will be held during the first thirty (30) calendar days of each school year. The call for nominations and the notification of the meeting will be publicized to parents and staff by the principal at least fourteen (14) days before the date of the election. Nominations must be made in writing and received by the principal one (1) week before the election meeting. Elections shall proceed as described in Procedural Appendix A of Council’s constitution.
1. Acclamations
- Parent elections shall be by acclamation when the number of candidates is equal to, or less than the number of parent member positions on Council.
2. Election Procedures for Parent Members
- Each parent seeking election must be nominated or self-nominated in writing, must have a child registered at the school, and must declare if he or she is employed by YRDSB.
- A parent member cannot be employed at Langstaff with the exception of school (lay) assistants.
- All parents who submit a nomination form will be appointed to Council at the Annual General Meeting.
- If a vote is ever necessary, each parent of a student enrolled in the school shall be entitled to one vote for each vacant parent position on Council.
3. Vacancies in Membership
- A vacancy in the membership of a school council does not prevent Council from exercising its authority.
- If positions remain vacant, after the election, Council may appoint parent members.
- Positions that become vacant due to resignation or removal shall be filled as soon as possible by offering the person with the next highest number of votes, the opportunity to accept the position. When there are no more candidates available, Council may appoint parent members.
4. Term of Office:
- The term of office shall be until the date of the first meeting of the next school year.
- Elected and appointed members may seek additional terms.
Article 7: Executive
The executive will consist of chair/co-chairs, vice-chair, secretary, and the principal (or delegate).
The Chair/Co-chair/Vice-Chair must be parent members of the Council.
The Chair/Co-chair/Vice-Chair cannot be YRDSB employees.
1. Chair/Co-Chair
- At the first meeting after the elections, Council will elect one chair or two co-chairs.
2. Other Officers
- At the first meeting of the school year, Council will elect a vice-chair if only one chair has been elected, a secretary or two co-secretaries.
3. Vacancies in Office
- Officer vacancies will be filled as soon as possible, as per above conditions.
Article 8: Meetings
Any parent, student, or staff member at Langstaff may attend a Council meeting.
1. Timetable
- The Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held during the first thirty (30) calendar days of each school year, during which ratification of constitutional amendments, annual elections, review of annual reports take place as necessary. Notification of the meeting will be publicized to parents and staff at least 14 days prior to the meeting.
- There shall be at least six (6) general meetings held within the school year.
- The first general meeting usually takes place with the AGM, if not it must take place within the first thirty-five (35) calendar days of each school year.
2. Quorum
- All Council meetings must have the principal or delegated vice-principal in attendance.
- A meeting will have quorum if:
- The majority of Council members are present.
The majority of those present are parents.
- A meeting of Council can be held without quorum and voting deferred.
3. Decision Making
- The preferred method to resolve issues on Council is by consensus. Consensus is a collective opinion or general agreement by ALL the Council members.
- In the case where a decision cannot be reached through consensus, the chair may decide on one of the following:
- To have a vote by way of a show of hands or a silent vote by those present in which a 51 % majority shall carry the vote (each member of Council, with the exception of the principal, is entitled to one vote for each vote taken by Council)
- To defer the issue to the next meeting
- To defer the issue to a special meeting
- To defer the issue to a sub-committee
4. Conflict of Interest
- If individual Council members perceive themselves to be in conflict of interest, they are honour bound to declare their conflict at the earliest possible opportunity and at the time of the meeting, so the minutes may reflect this declaration.
- Council members cannot receive any remuneration for their work as a member of council.
5. Conflict resolution
- Council will undertake to resolve all internal conflicts within its mandate in a timely manner.
- Council will abide by any conflict resolution policy issued by the Board.
Article 9: Roles and Responsibilities
The members of Council are accountable to the constituents they serve.
1. Council Members shall:
- maintain a school-wide perspective on issues;
- regularly attend Council meetings, and in addition, actively participate in its projects and committees;
- participate in information and training programs;
- act as a link between the school, Council and the community;
- encourage the participation of parents from all groups and of other people within the school community.
2. Chair/Co-chair shall:- call Council meetings in consultation with the principal;
- ensure that parents are consulted about matters under consideration by the council.
- ensure that fundraising activities, management of the proceeds of fundraising and all expenditures are in accordance with applicable Board policies and procedures.
- prepare the agendae for Council meetings in consultation with the principal;
- chair Council meetings according to the agendae;
- ensure that the minutes of Council meetings are recorded and distributed to members prior to subsequent meetings;
- communicate with the principal;
- ensure that there is regular communication with the school community;
- consult with senior Board staff and Trustees as required;
- co-ordinate with the principal annual elections.
- ensure that the constitution and by-laws are reviewed annually.
3. Vice-Chair shall:
- act on behalf of the Chair in the event of his/her absence;
- assist the Chair with his/her responsibilities.
4. Secretary shall:
- record and maintain minutes of all meetings.
5. Principal shall:
- support and promote Council's operations and activities;
- seek input from Council in areas which it has identified as priorities and be prepared to provide a rationale for decisions made;
- provide or gather resources on laws, regulations, Board policies and collective agreements required by Council to enable it to make informed decisions;
- ensure that copies of the minutes of Council's meetings are kept at the school for 4 years and are accessible to all parents;
- ensure that Council’s constitution and by-laws are readily available to the school community;
- assist Council in communicating with the school community;
- encourage the participation of parents from all groups and of other people within the school community;
- lend support to school community organizations which operate separately from Council, and provide for an effective liaison between Council and the organization.
- advise Council when it is not in compliance with Board policies and procedures.
Article 10: Sub-Committees
Sub-committees shall be formed whenever the need arises.
- A sub-committee must include at least one parent member of Council and may include persons who are not Council members.
- Each subcommittee will appoint its own chair.
The sub-committee Chair shall:
- consult with the Council chair as required
- report to Council as needed.
Article 11: Constitutional Amendments
Council shall be empowered to amend this Constitution upon a simple majority vote at any general meeting after two weeks prior distribution of the proposed amendment; provided that any such amendment shall be in force for the school year but must be ratified at the Annual General Meeting in order to continue. Any other amendment to the constitution must be submitted in writing to the Secretary of Council at least one (1) month prior to the Annual General Meeting and placed on its agenda.
All amendments must be presented in the form of a motion and passed by a two-thirds (2/3) majority at the Annual General Meeting, with a minimum of 6 members in attendance, and the majority being parents. Each parent of a student enrolled in the school shall be entitled to one vote for the ratification of constitutional amendments.
Procedural Appendix A: Process for the Election of Parent Representatives to Council
An election/nominations committee shall be struck prior to an election date and disbanded once the election has been completed. The committee shall consist of from 1 to 3 members of the school community and may solicit assistance from other members of the school community. The committee shall have the following responsibilities:
- To assist the principal in preparing for the election for the current year, including dates for nomination, meetings and the election, and to submit that information to Council for approval.
- To compile and disseminate information regarding the candidates.
- To arrange for an opportunity for the school community to meet candidates and cast their votes.
- To organize and facilitate an election by secret ballot.
- To conduct the election and appoint scrutineer to count the ballots.
- To notify the candidates and the school community of the election results.
- To meet and review the election procedures and to make recommendations for the following year.
- Elections shall be held by secret ballot unless candidates are to be acclaimed.
The election committee shall be responsible for keeping ballots for a period of six weeks following the election in order to allow for a recount if required, after which time the ballots shall be shredded.