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Courses 406

Dramatic Arts

Dramatic Arts


This course provides opportunities for students to explore dramatic forms and techniques, using material from a wide range of sources and cultures. Students will use the elements of drama to examine situations and issues that are relevant to their lives. Students will create, perform, discuss, and ana​lyse drama, and then reflect on the experiences to develop an understanding of themselves, the art form, and the world around them. This course is intended to introduce the student to the basic skills needed for future work in the area of drama. The course explores movement, mime, improvisation, choral reading, character study, and scene writing.


TYPE: Open


Dramatic Arts


This course provides opportunities for students to explore dramatic forms, conventions, and techniques. Students will explore a variety of dramatic sources from various cultures and representing a range of genres. Students will use the elements of drama in creating and communicating through dramatic works. Students will assume responsibility for decisions made in the creative and collaborative processes and will reflect on their experiences. This course advances the students knowledge in improvisation, interpretation, and character study. The course also explores storytelling, monologues, story theatre, ritual theatre, scene study and theatre production.


TYPE: Open


Dramatic Arts (ESL)


This course provides opportunities for students to explore dramatic forms, conventions, and techniques. Students will explore a variety of dramatic sources from various cultures and representing a range of genres. Students will use the elements of drama in creating and communicating through dramatic works. Students will assume responsibility for decisions made in the creative and collaborative processes and will reflect on their experiences.

COURSE NOTE: This course is the same as ADA2O1, and is designed for English Language Learners. There is a special emphasis placed on language acquisition and developing the students' listening and speaking skills through Drama.


TYPE: Open


Dramatic Arts


This course requires students to create and perform in dramatic presentations. Students will analyse, interpret, and perform dramatic works from various cultures and time periods. Students will research various acting styles and conventions that could be used in their presentations, and analyse the functions of playwrights, directors, actors, designers, technicians, and audiences. This course builds upon the skills introduced and explored in grades 9 and 10. Students experience the creative dynamics of a theatre company working as actors, playwrights, producers, designers, technicians and stage crew.

COURSE NOTE: Involvement in extra-curricular drama activities is highly recommended.


TYPE: University/College


PREREQUISITE: ADA1O1 - Drama Arts or ADA2O1 - Drama Arts

Dramatic Arts


This course requires students to experiment individually and collaboratively with forms and conventions of both drama and theatre from various cultures and time periods. Students will interpret dramatic literature and other texts and media sources while learning about various theories of directing and acting. Students will examine the significance of dramatic arts in various cultures, and will analyse how the knowledge and skills developed in drama are related to their personal skills, social awareness, and goals beyond secondary school. This course builds upon the skills introduced in ADA3M1 and advances the students' skills by exploring contemporary approaches to acting and directing. Students also identify and research post-secondary options in dramatic arts and in related fields.

COURSE NOTE: Involvement in extra-curricular drama activities is highly recommended.


TYPE: University/College



Flow Chart of Drama Courses from Ministry documents:



Descriptions of the courses offered at Milliken Mills High School

This chart maps out all the courses in the subject guidelines issued by the Ontario Ministry of Education and shows the links between courses and the possible prerequisites for them. It does not attempt to depict all possible movements from course to course.


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