What is it? The Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) program is a Ministry of Education initiative that allows schools to offer certification in specialist subject areas. At Mulock we are proud to offer SHSM Certificate options in Health and Wellness, Business and Information and Communications Technology.
What is it? The Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) program is a Ministry of Education initiative that allows schools to offer certification in specialist subject areas. At Mulock we are proud to offer SHSM Certificate options in Health and Wellness, Business and Information and Communications Technology.
Why should you do it? Students in the apprenticeship, college and university pathways all have an opportunity to combine their academic skills with “hands on” experiences and co-op credits. The SHSM specialist certification is recognized by employers, colleges and universities and may increase your opportunities for scholarships and highly competitive programs and careers after high school.
How does it work? Students register online by completing the following steps:
Step 1: Login to your YRDSB @gapps account
Step 2: Complete the on-line application form
Step 3: Monitor your YRDSB @ gapps email for all SHSM related communications. If you wish to forward your YRDSB @ gapps email to a preferred email account, please follow these instructions
What SHSM courses are offered? SHSM Pathway Charts are available in the guidance office. These helpful planners outline your academic options and opportunities in this program. These courses will combine knowledge with relevant “hands on” experiences in the school, with guest speakers, on field trips and in their co-op placement.
If you have any further questions please see the Guidance Department.