Alphabetical Listing of Careers related to the study of Languages (from My Pathway Planner):
- Adult Education Teacher
- Anthropologist
- Community Worker
- Curriculum Specialist
- Early Childhood Educator
- Elementary School Teacher
- ESL Teacher
- Foreign Language Instructor
- Foreign Service Officer
- High School Teacher
- Immigration Officer
- Interpreter
- Mediator
- Middle School Teacher
- Political Aide
- Professor
- School Superintendent
- Sign Language Interpreter
- Social Worker
- Speech-Language Pathologist
- Translator
Links to Post-Secondary Institutions Offering Business-Related Programs:
My Pathway Planner
Ontario Colleges
eINFO (a guide to Ontario's Universities)
Ontario Universities Application Centre
The University of Ottawa haws a great opportunity for students who would like to get a degree (in a variety of disciplines) with a French Immersion designation.
Are you interested in a bilingual or trilingual degree? Visit Glendon College at York University's website.
Interested in which careers are available to you if you study languages? Visit this website from the University of Toronto.