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AP Programs 412
AP Programs

College Board Restructures 2020 AP Exams Amid Pandemic – The Rider Chronicle Thornlea Secondary School - Wikipedia


Our Advanced Placement (AP) Program is one of the longest-running and most extensive AP Programs in York Region. 




​Advanced Placement @ Thornlea - General Information

AP Programs at Thornlea Secondary School provide an enriched classroom environment for highly motivated students in many subject areas.

The program offers students the flexibility to select the number of AP classes that best serve their academic needs. Students may select as little as one AP class or work towards national or international distinctions by selecting a full complement of AP classes.

For further information on AP, please go to


AP courses are beneficial for students because they...

  • Emphasize higher-order thinking skills that challenge students to aim higher and achieve more

  • Help them personalize and own their learning

  • Encourage self-exploration and the application of personally-preferred learning strategies 

What is the cost of AP? 
There is no cost associated with taking AP courses
In grades 11 and/or 12, there is a sitting fee per exam if the student chooses to write the College Board AP exam.


Advanced Placement Preparation courses offered at Thornlea:



Grade 12 Advanced Placement Courses

Advanced Placement courses in grade 12 are identified in the course planner as courses ending in the letter "E". 


AP courses offer an enriched curriculum that prepares students for both the assessments at Thornlea and the AP exams administered by the U.S. College Board. 


Students, who receive a level 4 or 5 in the Advanced Placement examinations in May, may be eligible to receive credit or advanced placement at university. These courses are designed to provide students with background and knowledge equivalent to a first-year university course. 


AP courses are recognized by many Canadian and International universities as advanced standing for first-year study in specific courses.


For further information, please go to​


Courses offered @ Thornlea SS (2024 -2025)

Arts (Drawing 2D, 3D, and Painting) 

Advanced Functions (Math)







Thank you for your interest in our AP Program.



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