APPLY TO SHSM by filling this form (copy and paste the entire link into your URL):
Our students tell about their SHSM and Experiential Learning experiences - Watch this Video
Exploring Hindu Symbols
We organize field
trips to religious institutions and temples, to educate our students
about different cultures, spiritual and
religious values and symbols.
Their learning experiences are infused with diversity, equity & inclusion education, and this has been translated into beautiful cultural
heritage giant murals that are great examples of visual storytelling combined with DEI education. Our trip to Shri Swaminarayan provided SHSM students with experiential learning opportunites outside the classroom in a culturally immersive environment.
Islamic Heritage Resources for Professional Learning:
Celebrating Black History and Heritage at Thornlea
Portrait Paintings "Blessed Be the Woman, Blessed Be the Child" - SHSM Arts and Culture Sector
Connecting SHSM students with Discovering Thousands of Artworks, Artifacts, and Stories
Black History Literacy Lessons
Black History OSSLT Literacy Resources
Literacy Lessons with a focus on Canadian Black History. These lessons will allow teachers to incorporate Canadian Black History in their subject area while preparing students for the literacy test. It is a teacher-friendly resource for teachers in all disciplines to use in their classrooms and earn SHSM Experiential Learning Certifications.
28 Canadian Black History Facts You Never Knew
And while we may only make up about 2% of the population, what we lack in numbers, we make up in our diverse cultures and triumphant accomplishments.
Learning about Indigineous Cultural Values. Thornlea SHSM Students immerse themselves in learning about the diversity of Canada through ART and Technology.
Our ACAM students blend their curriculum learning with social values and community member participation. Thornlea's SHSM & ACAM program hosts guest speakers who present real-world knowledge so that our students are ready for a changing world community.
Indigenous Literacy Resources for Professional Learning:
SHSM: Specialist High Skills Major Programs at ThornleaThe Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) is a Ministry-approved program that lets students develop the skills and professional knowledge required in various industries while earning their high school diploma.
Students take a bundle of 7-9 courses, including 2 CO-OP credits in a related job field, during their grade 11 and grade 12 years. Students can gain experience through course work and special reach-ahead opportunities and are able to customize their high school experience to focus on an academic and career path that interests them.
The courses associated with these programs cover the skills and knowledge that are required to succeed in the workplace and in post-secondary environments which lead to careers in these three sectors.
How to get started in Grade 11:
When choosing your courses for Grade 11 on My Pathway Planner,
check off the SHSM box. This will indicate your intent to join the program. Also, choose the right mix of courses based on the charts above. Remember that you have to take 2 major credits at the Grade 11
level and 2 major credits at the Grade 12 level. You also have to take
Coop in either Grade 11 or Grade 12.
Who to Contact:
For general questions about SHSM or for specific questions about your sector or progress, please see your Guidance counselor or visit the school's Guidance Department.
Students who complete the program are awarded a special Ontario Secondary School Diploma, with a red seal, that shows they have successfully completed an approved Specialist High Skills Major program.
Colleges and universities are acknowledging the extra work and understanding that comes with these programs and are now awarding scholarships in some cases.
Students also receive a record of their achievements, including certificates affirming their completion of training courses. This can be used by the student, when seeking employment, as a record of skills and knowledge beyond the high school program.
Benefits of SHSM
- builds both a student's theoretical and practical experience to give him or her an advantage heading into some of the most competitive and lucrative job sectors and post-secondary destinations
- shows the student which careers are available in a specific sector, and teachers the student what he or she needs to do to be successful in that sector
- allows the student to become aware of and/or experience post-secondary and apprenticeship opportunities
- helps the student see concrete connections between school and work
- helps the student get a head-start on summer job opportunities and future employment
- helps the student make useful real-world contacts
- allows the student to earn a specialized degree--a Red Seal Diploma--in recognition of his or her participation in specialized career-focused programming
Who can enter the SHSM Program?
The program is for all high school students who want to focus their studies in the Media, Art, Health & Wellness, Business, or Transportation sectors. Whether your pathway leads to university, college, or directly to the workplace, the program is arranged so that you will get the educational and practical experience required to set you on your way. You will get to try out many of the careers associated with these job sectors while in class and during special field trips. The overall experience will help you to make the right choices for your post-secondary pathway.
Certificates by Program:
Arts and Culture (Choose 6):
Standard First Aid CPR-C WHMIS
Stage Combat Portfolio Development Customer Service Lighting and Sound Equipment Recording Equipment Training in Art Technique |
Business (Choose 6):
Standard First Aid CPR-C WHMIS Customer Service |
Management/Leadership, Counterfeit Detection |
Health & Wellness (Choose 6):
Standard First Aid CPR-C Infection Control WHMIS |
Conflict Resolution Communication Personality Inventory Leadership Automated External Defibrillation (AED) Coaching Customer Service Proton |
First Aid and CPR Training (Mandatory Training)
"Did you know" fact: In the chain of survival, early CPR and the use of an automatic external
defibrillator can increase the chance of surviving a sudden cardiac
arrest up to 75 percent.
Speed Painting Workshop with Mme Be
Advanced Training in Art Technique: SHSM Arts and Culture students from Thornlea SS and Westmount CI participated in this workshop to learn painting techniques.
SHSM Learning and Leadership Opportunities - Experiential Learning
"Turning Your Passion Into Purpose"
Here is how we are helping to address Socio-Economic Challenges in our Community...
Our SHSM students create a Clothing Line and promote their Fashion Brands online.
Please see below their "Flowers" Design projects, inspired by Boho and Coachella designs.
Our dresses are giving you stylish, on-trend looks at very affordable pricing.
Monies raised will be used to support our community’s most vulnerable including children, those living with a mental illness, victims of violence, and the homeless.