Am I Being Academically Honest? Am I Being Academically Honest.docx
Fun Academic Honesty Tutorial from Acadia University
Quote It and Note It!
Checklist to help you practice Academic Honesty
The following details are quoted directly from:
YRDSB Policy and Procedure #305.2 - Academic Honesty
Academic Honesty
For the purposes of this policy, academic honesty refers to students providing original evidence of their learning and appropriately acknowledging the work of others.
Cheating is the attempt to gain an unfair advantage in an academic evaluation which may misrepresent the demonstration of a student’s learning or the learning of others. Forms of cheating include, but are not limited to, the following:
• copying from another student or permitting another student to copy material;
• using aids, materials, and assistance which are not approved by the teacher;
• obtaining an unauthorized copy of a test or examination prior to the date and time of writing;
• changing a grade/percentage mark of an evaluation;
• preparing work, in whole or in part, with the expectation that this work will be submitted by another student for evaluation;
• offering for sale or gratis assignments, in whole or in part, with the expectation that these works will be submitted by a student for evaluation; and
• unauthorized entry into a computer file for the purpose of using, reading, changing or deleting its contents, or the unauthorized transfer, in whole or part, of files for academic gain.
Intellectual Property (also defined in Board Policy #545.0, Intellectual Property, Copyright and Professional Services)
Intellectual property (IP) is a broad term for various legal rights which attach to certain types of information, ideas, or other intangibles. The holder of this right is generally entitled to exercise various exclusive rights in relation to the IP subject matter. The term intellectual property reflects the idea that this subject matter is the product of the mind or the intellect, and that IP rights may be protected at law in the same way as any other form of property.
This may include using someone else’s words, ideas or creations.
Plagiarism refers to representing someone else’s ideas, writing or other intellectual property as one’s own. Any use of the work of others, whether published, unpublished or posted electronically, attributed or anonymous, must include proper acknowledgement. Plagiarism hinders learning and the development of learning skills and work habits. Forms of plagiarism include, but are not limited to, the use of the following without appropriate reference or citation:
• someone else’s written and/or spoken idea, theory or opinion;
• misrepresenting co-authored or collaboratively created work as one’s own;
• music, drawings, designs, dance, photography, and other artistic or technical work created by someone else;
• reproductions of tables, graphs or any other graphic element produced by someone else;
• facts and information that are not generally known;
• an unusual or distinctive phrase, a specialized term, a computer code, or quantitative data;
• paraphrase or summary;
• unauthorized entry into a computer file for the purpose of using, reading, changing or deleting its contents, or the unauthorized transfer in whole or part of files for academic gain;
• copying from the Internet without giving proper acknowledgment to the source;
• submitting work prepared, in whole or in part, by another person or source and representing that work; and
• downloading research papers from the World Wide Web (www), in whole or in part, and submitting the paper as original work as one’s own.
Students shall provide original evidence of their learning and achievement and appropriately acknowledge the work of others by:
• understanding the key concepts and definitions related to academic honesty;
• understanding the range of supports to promote academic honesty;
• using skills and strategies to prevent cheating and plagiarizing;
• understanding the consequences applied when cheating and/or plagiarizing is detected;
• demonstrating the learning skills and work habits that support life-long learning;
• acknowledging all sources using the required citation format;
• obtaining permission, where possible, to use other’s intellectual property; and
• actively seeking clarification and support when needed.