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Mission & Values 388
Mission & Values


The Mission of the York Region District School Board is “To advance student achievement and well-being through public education, which motivates learners, fosters inclusion, inspires innovation and builds community.”

At Yorkhill, we express our motivation to learn together through our school's Touchstone, which was written in the fall of 2013 by a writing team of students. Our Touchstone is our code of ethics, which guides our behaviours and attitudes. Our students aspire to become living examples of our school's Touchstone by learning skills and approaches that they can build upon throughout their lives. 

Each month, a Touchstone action statement is highlighted through announcements, thoughts, class discussions, artwork, and modeling. Students who demonstrate our Touchstone are recognized each month.

YES Touchstone

At Yorkhill Elementary School, we welcome everyone with open arms, open minds, and open smile

Looking past people’s differences and valuing each others’ strengths makes us stronger

We accept ourselves for who we are and treat others as we would like to be treated

Taking pride in ourselves and our work, we do our best and make good choices

We learn from our mistakes and grow with every new opportunity

Respect is essential. Bullying is not tolerated

Communicating in a polite and gentle way, we use words to solve problems

We encourage each other to live out our goals, hopes, and dreams

We understand

We care about those in need; selfishness has no place at Yorkhill

We strive to make a positive difference in our world; to care about the environment is to care about ourselves

We keep on moving. Forward is the only direction.

#YES we can!

Notre code de vie 


À l’école Yorkhill, nous accueillons tout le monde à bras ouverts, avec un esprit ouvert et un grand sourire
Nous regardons plus loin que les différences des autres et nous apprécions les points forts des autres; ça nous rend tous plus forts
Nous nous acceptons tels que nous sommes et nous traitons les autres de la façon qu`on aimerait qu’on nous traite nous-mêmes
Nous sommes fiers de nous et de notre travail. Nous faisons de notre mieux et nous faisons de bons choix
Nous apprenons de nos fautes et nous grandissons à chaque occasion
Le respect est essentiel. L’intimidation n`est pas tolérée
Nous communiquons d’une manière polie et respectueuse; nous résolvons nos problèmes en parlant
Nous encourageons l’un l’autre de vivre selon nos buts, nos espoirs et nos rêves
Nous comprenons l’un l’autre
Nous prenons soin de ceux qui ont besoin; l’ égoïsme n’a pas de place à Yorkhill
Nous essayons de faire une différence dans le monde; prendre soin de l’environnement c’est de prendre soin de nous-mêmes
Nous continuons à avancer. Vers l’avant, c’est la seule direction pour nous


# OUI on peut!


Monthly Touchstone Focus​​ 



Touchstone Focus  


Respect is essential


We treat others as we would like to be treated


Looking past people’s differences and valuing each others’ strengths makes us stronger


We encourage each other to live out our goals, hopes, and dreams


We learn from our mistakes and grow with every new opportunity


to care about the environment is to care about ourselves


We take pride in our work


We use words to solve problems


We strive to make a positive difference in our world


We do our best to make good choices

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