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Minutes - November 27, 2017 445
Minutes - November 27, 2017
Cornell Village School Advisory Council


Date: November 27, 2017

Time: 7:00pm-8:45pm


Parent Council Attendees

Marie Scott


Rick Chen


Susan Reid


Katherine Strain


Kelly Sutherland


Niruban ‘Chris’ Naparajah


Dolly Theodore Latchman


Kristin Vikse


Karen Bradley


Haafid Rahman


Amanda Cartan


Casandra Bryant


Sabina Khandaker


Jenn Koppes


Chris Zarras


Niro Arumugam


Nilu Manji





Parent Attendees: Heidi Riley


Staff Attendees: Scott Chin, Nadia MacKinnon



1)     Welcome & Acceptance of current agenda (Amanda)

-Haafid approved the agenda, Chris second the motion


2)     Acceptance of September’s minutes (Amanda)  

-Chris accepted the minutes, Haafid second the motion



3)     Update from School (Scott)

-Me to We is underway

-collecting gently used clothing donations

-fundraisers such as selling cookies; Me to We team will decide where to distribute the funds


-school has Spirit Days

-different sporting teams are competing

-Duffle Bag Theatre is an upcoming event next Thursday; $3.00 per person

-parent teacher interview night occurred last week; very good turn out

-December 20th holiday concert at 6:30pm; communication will be sent out to the parents soon

-December 21st will be a kindergarten holiday concert during day

-the grade 8’s will visit the new high school Bill Hogarth on December 13


-math night on January 18, 2018 for the school community

-admin requested funds from parent council to purchase resources that can be taken home by parents for the math night (cards, board games, etc.)

-will also have a raffle for math related items/ games

-there will be a theme for math night which is ‘The Amazing Math Race’ with prizes that are tied to games that can engage the children in math at home

-school will need assistance/volunteers for the day of the math night event

-Chris to make t-shirts for the math night

-Nadia explained that people will leave with resources/ handout; from a goal perspective the school wants to give the parents the tools to support their child and to give the parents insight

into the learning involved in a comprehensive math curriculum


-members voted to use pro-grant funds in the amount $900 to be used towards the math night; vote was unanimous and all agreed


-there will be a follow up math curriculum night for parents to explain the math program being taught in school; this will take place in the new year possibly closer to April 2018


-Scott spoke about possibly having another short survey for parents (for Parent Engagement Committee to look at)


-will start a green bin program and stations; bins/stations will be supplied to the school for free

-this Thursday the school will be educated by the Town of Markham about compost and


-eco-team will monitor this initiative throughout the year

-goal is to have waste placed in proper bins

-this will assist with increasing the eco-rating of the school

-there will be different campaigns throughout the year

-Ms Stewart and Ms,Hang will lead this initiative


-cost-sharing funds for technology have been utilized

-Macbook Pro was purchased

-49 chromebooks were purchased

-2 smart tables were purchased and it’s self-projecting – currently used in 2 Kindergarten classes

-will communicate the technology purchases to the school community


-school is discussing ways to engage more boys in school activities and in school

-there will be increased attention and strategies in place to focus on mental health and a sense of belonging for boys (girls will also benefit)



Math- Understanding Comprehensive Math (Scott & Nadia)     

-review of the math program

-program has 5 components:

·        procedural fluency (how quickly you can compute math questions)

·        productive disposition (attitude towards math)

·        conceptual understanding (understanding the material)

·        strategic competence (using the best method or most efficient strategy to solve questions)

·        adaptive reasoning (ability to reason through something and explain why)


-tasks in classrooms include games, puzzles and purposeful practice, guided lessons,

problem solving

-components include learning, an environment to support learning and understanding the


-shared what the comprehensive math program is.



     4b) Questions & Answers (All)

          -discussion took place about communicating the math program to parents

            -possibly explore short presentations about math

            -possibly explore Go Animate for presentations

            -discussion about how math is taught in different countries

      -questions about why EQOA results are not as good; there is a thought that maybe

 students don’t put as much effort towards questions that they may find difficult

      -this curriculum will be implemented in full in 3-5 years at the school

-there are dedicated funds towards teaching math curriculum to teachers



4)     Committee Updates                                                                        

a)     Fundraising Update & Event Dates  (Katherine, Amanda)

-money raised from Gingerbread House sales to be discussed at next meeting or an email will be sent out to council; this is due to not being able to access the orders, however, Judi will be in the office tomorrow and Katherine will follow up with her

-Duffle Bag Theatre presenting Peter Pan will be in December 7th and there will be a movie in the library; it should be communicated that parents need to attend with their children

-popcorn will be sold at the Peter Pan play

-Spirit Wear; Katherine showed different designs for the school logo/ brand and council along with admin gave feedback

-Dance-a-thon is Feburary 23, 2018

-fun fair is June 20

-discussion about gathering prizes for the Dance-a-thon and for the fun fair silent auction – Letter needs to be written and can be used to secure prizes/donations (Fund Raising Committee)


b)     Parent Engagement  (Susan)

-$900 of pro-grant funds will be used towards math night

-$100 will be used towards a coffee morning for parents


c)     Healthy Schools  (Amanda)

-students have completed their training

-review recess structure

-gym programs where the older students lead younger children in learning/playing games


d)     Staff Appreciation 

-Nadia thanked parent council for complimenting the teachers dinner with salads and



e)     Yearbook Committee (Chris)


-Chris stated that the yearbook should be approximately 100 pages    

-explore dedicating page(s) to ads for businesses to generate funds


f)       Communication (Scott)


-Rick will ask a parent who works in the communication field if she is interested in chairing

      or taking part by providing feedback/ tips in this committee


5)    Treasurer’s Report (Kelly)

-no update as reports could not be accessed

-reports will be distributed at a later date


6)    New Business


a.  Principal’s Profile

      -this was not discussed


b.     Other items


-discussion about how teachers communicate with parents as it isn’t consistent

-Scott suggested that parents speak to the teacher first

-teachers may choose different tools to communicate

-admin will speak to teachers about communicating with parents

-Chris stated that the parent survey did reflect that parents want digital communication


7)    Motion to adjourn

- Haafid accepted motion to adjourn, Rick second the motion



If any discrepancies in these minutes please contact:


Sabina Khandaker​

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