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Minutes - September 25, 2017 445
Minutes - September 25, 2017
Cornell Village School Advisory Council


Date: September 25, 2017

Time: 7:00pm-8:30pm


Parent Council Attendees

Marie Scott


Rick Chen


Susan Reid


Katherine Strain


Kelly Sutherland


Niruban ‘Chris’ Naparajah


Dolly Theodore Latchman


Kristin Vikse


Karen Bradley


Haafid Rahman


Amanda Cartan


Casandra Bryant


Sabina Khandaker


Jenn Koppes


Chris Zarras




Nilu Manji





Parent Attendees:  Heidi Riley, Niro Arunugam, Amanda Cheung, Teephon Huaug,

Yeena Peng.


Staff Attendees: Scott Chin, Nadia MacKinnon, Shelley Hobor

1a.    Welcome (Marie)


1b.    Confirmation of School Council Voting Members

        Confirmation of the 16 parent members; 10 returning members, 6 new members


Marie Scott                  Susan Reid                 Kelly Sutherland                      Amanda Cartan

Karen Bradley             Sabina Khandaker      Dolly Theodore Latchman      Chris Zarras

Nilu Manji                    Katherine Strain          Niruban Chris Naparajah        Kristin Vikse

Haafid Rahman           Casandra Bryant         Jenn Koppes                           Rick Chen

2.    Introduction of School Administration & it’s Role

        Scott Chin - New Principal.  Scott was the VP of CVPS five years ago.

        Nadia MacKinnon – Vice Principal, second year at CVPS

        Shelley Hobor - Teacher Rep.

3.    Introduction of Council Members (all)

        All parents in attendance introduced themselves and their reasons for wanting to participate on council.

        Parents also advised if wanting to chair a committee and voting members expressed if interested in an Executive role.

4.    Review of Council protocol (Marie)

        For details on Council protocol please review the constitution found here:

        Reminder that the time frame for meetings is 1.5 hours. Please respect the time allotted for the meeting.  If there is an item you would like to see on the agenda, please forward it to the Chair two weeks prior to our next meeting for review and to ensure enough time is allotted on the agenda.

        Please do not repeat anything in meeting if asked not to.

        Have parents speak with Administration.

5.    Description of Executive Roles (Sue)


Duties include:

          call and chair Council meetings

          prepare an agenda for meetings, in consultation with other Council members and the principal

          ensure that the minutes of the meetings are recorded and maintained

          coordinate the activities of the Council and subcommittees of the Council

          communicate with the principal

          ensure that there is communication with the community

          sign any contracts, minutes of meetings, this constitution and other documents which the Council has authorized

          prepare the Council Annual Report as required by the Board

          liaise with the Trustees and Board as required

          ensure that the Council constitution and by-laws are reviewed each year

Vice Chair

Duties include:

          provide support for the Chair as required

          act as Chair in the absence of the Chair

          review meeting minutes with the Secretary prior to distribution

Past Chair

Duties include:

          act as a resource to the Chair on past activities of the Council

          advise the Chair on proper procedure for the Council

          act as advisor to the Council


Duties include:

          record attendance and the minutes of the meetings of the Council

          post the minutes in the Council book available in the school office and on the website within 14 days of the meeting

          distribute the minutes by email to all Council members

          distribute reminders by email to the Council members about upcoming meetings along with the agendas for that meeting

          ensure that all records are kept in a safe place


Duties include:

          prepare a Treasurer’s report and distribute copies to attendees at Council meetings

          prepare the Annual Council Treasurer’s Report as required by the Board

          keep full and accurate accounts, receipts, disbursements and books belonging to the Council

          deposit all money and other valuable effects in the name and to the credit of the Council

         distribute the funds of the Council as instructed by the Council

6.        Nomination and Voting for Executive Roles (all)

Based on interests above, the following Executive members were nominated and accepted their roles on Council.


        Chair – Sue nominated Amanda. Sabina seconds nomination and Amanda Cartan accepted

        Vice-Chair – Chris nominated himself, Sue seconds nomination and Chris Zarras accepted

        Past Chair – Sue nominated herself. Kelly nominated Marie. All voting members voted, Susan Reid was voted in and accepted.

        Secretary – Karen nominated herself, Kelly nominated Sabina. All voting members voted, Sabina Khandaker was voted in and accepted.

        Treasurer – Sue nominated Casandra. Nilu nominated Kelly.  All voting members voted, Kelly Sutherland was voted in and accepted.

7.        Description/Introduction/Review of Committees (Marie)

Committees are formed to conduct the detailed, in-depth work that is not possible during regular council meetings. Each sub-committee focuses on one area of interest. Subcommittees other than the standing subcommittees may be formed as required or need arises.

Fundraising Committee
Coordinates the raising of funds to supplement the goals of our School Council. 

        In the past: Dance a thon (Feb/March), Sprit Wear (will have again this year), QSP (again this year), Invest in Students (form goes out asking for funds), BBQ (we would like to have a year- end event this year)


Parent Engagement Committee
Coordinates the efforts of the Council in support of our School Plan.  Helps to increase parental involvement in school activities through volunteering in the classroom, parental involvement in student reading and writing, and presenting workshops for parents and the community on issues relevant to the school plan.

        Apply for grants (have $1,000 for this year)


        Resource library (bin in front office)

        Volunteer program (matching of teacher’s needs to what parents can provide)

        Coffee and hot chocolate morning


Staff Appreciation
Planning initiatives to give back to our children’s teachers and recognize the great work they do.  This historically has meant, providing meals for the staff on the Parent/Teacher Nights and Concert

        Open House October 5th, dinner for teachers


**  It was decided that this would not be its own Committee this year, but all council members would be asked to contribute to these events when and where they are able to.


Healthy School Committee

        This is new committee being combined with previous Sustainability Committee


End of School Year Committee

        It was proposed to create a new committee for this one event but all members would play a role in supporting it



Year Book Committee

        Members help Staff and Student Council prepare the School’s Year Book


Constitution Review Committee

        Needs to be reviewed this year



        There are many brand new initiatives in this area being brought into the school. More information will be available at the next meeting

        Therefore this committee will be decided on at that meeting

8.        Committee Chair Selection


        Fundraising – Katherine and Marie co-chair

        Parent Engagement  – Sue Reid

        Healthy School/Sustainability - Katherine and Marie co-chair

        End of Year - TBD

        Year Book Committee – Marie is Lead

        Constitution review – Scott and Amanda

        Communications – TBD


9.        Treasurer Report


        $2050 is the current balance

        QSP raised $2400 last year, was put towards Technology

        Spirit Wear raised approx. $1,300 last year. Combined with $750 from previous year - $2001.09 was used to buy an additional basketball net for school yard

        Dance a thon raised $5000

        $6000+ came in for year book but very little was actually profit for school

10.    Committee Updates


        Spirit Wear – looking into new company and possibly new design.  More information will be available by the next meeting.

        QSP Magazine Subscriptions – will be online orders only this year.  Date to be confirmed but coming up soon.


11.    Meeting Selection Dates


        The following dates for Council Meetings were proposed (and have since been approved) for the 2017/18 school year:


October 30, 2017

November 27, 2017

January 29, 2018

February 26, 2018

April 30, 2018

May 28, 2018

June 18, 2018

12.    School Report


        Classroom reorganization was necessary due to class sizes.  Parents and students were notified last week, and changes begin Sept 26th

        2 full classrooms were added and 2.7 new teachers.  Overall we have lowered class sizes.

        Terry Fox Run being moved to Tuesday Oct 3rd due to extreme heat. (check blog/website)

        Cross Country is up and running, area meet is Oct 4th.

        Flag Football has begun, Volleyball will be starting soon as well as Bands.

        Kiss and Ride has started and is working well. Many great volunteers helping each day.

        School Twitter account will be starting soon

        School Blog will be up and running next week. (google translate will be available for it)

        Eventually the Blog will be the primary source for all school updates, news and information, the emailed newsletter will be phased out.

        Open House is next week – Thursday Oct 5th from 6-7pm. Plan is to have Food Trucks in the parking lot during the event.  Need a few more vendors.

        Picture Day is October 26th.

13.    New Business

        Yearbook (Hard cover vs soft cover)

        A few new members expressed interest in helping find new a company and reduce costs

14.    Motion to adjourn

        Meeting adjourned



If any discrepancies in these minutes please contact:


Katherine Strain

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