Village School Advisory Council
Tuesday September 22nd
Parent Council Attendees:
Niro Arumugam
Haafid Rahman
Marie Scott
Nicole Bell
Susan Reid
Katherine Strain
Karen Bradley
Liz MacFarlane
Kelly Sutherland
Amanda Cartan
Kristine Sabourin
*Jim Vair
Chris Zarras
Sabina Khandaker
Parent Attendees: Kelly Dunn, Kirstie Andrews
Staff Attendees:
Scott Chin, Myka Hang
1) Welcome
& Acceptance of Current Agenda (Amanda)
-all present 2019/2020 members
were in favour of the agenda
2. New council introduced and
Executive voted on
Chair – Amanda Cartan
Vice Chair – Liz MacFarlane
Treasurer – Niro Arumugam
Secretary – Kristine Sabourin
Chair – Susan Reid
*New Member – Jim Vail.
A few past members are going to
stay involved as Community members but not have voting rights. (Sarah Murphy, Kelly Dunn)
2) Treasurer’s
Report 2020/2021 (Liz)
Opening balance is $13,476.92 for the 2020/2021 year.
There was $26 deposited from movie night back in March. Broke close to even on
movie nights. Hot Lunches were refunded.
$1,500 for fanny packs. Hoping to get the outdoor
classroom done in the spring of 2021.
Scott suggested funds could go towards balls and equipment
for students to use at recess.
3) Update
From School (Scott/ Vivienne) – Open to
parents and public at 8:00pm
Scott advised they tried to put out as many precautions
and developing procedures as quickly as they could. The main concern is the
safe return for the staff and students. Admin from YRDSB and hospitals came and
had a visit with Cornell. Cornell’s Caretaking team cleans most common touch
points, three times a day, the school has gained another caretaker. There are
washroom schedules for students, and colour coded areas,
different recesses to reduce the amount of kids in hallways. All classrooms
have sanitizer, all classrooms have been provided extra masks. There is a good
ventilation system in the school to keep air flowing. Office, Library & Gym
are now air conditioned and help with air ventilation. Possible communication
to go home or a townhall with all the behind the scenes work
Staff get tested, you can get tested at Markham
Stouffville, but you call and register ahead of time.
Protocol right now
is if someone is symptomatic, siblings do not come to school until tests
comeback. Scott keeps track of all students and staff that are absent and will contact
families to get children tested, even if there is a headache, as a precaution.
This protocol is changing soon.
Scott advised that if someone is wearing ppe/mask and
there is one case, it does not mean there is an outbreak according the Public
Health. For more info check out public health
Will be going ahead with Terry Fox Walk, but staying with
Orange Shirt Day on September 30th 2020
Staff are getting together to discuss spirit days and what
they can do.
Looking at buying more soccer balls and items for classes
for outdoor play.
4) New
Business (All)
Spirit Wear
(Chris Z) – possible facemasks, made out of bamboo, Canadian made. Possible
signs for kids that are doing virtual to say “Proud Cobra”.
Vote to add Facemasks to spirit wear Approved – Chris, Amanda looking into
companies. Katherine to design image.
Vote to fund half the cost of Fanny Packs – Approx.
$1,500 - Approved
5) Motion
to Adjourn (Amanda)
Proposed Next Meeting – Tuesday
October 27th. 7:00pm. *Meeting dates to be reviewed and voted upon
by email.
- Katherine accepted the motion
to adjourn, Sabina seconded the motion
taken by Kristine Sabourin
If there
are any discrepancies in these minutes please contact:
Kristine Sabourin