Cornell Village School Advisory
Date: January 29, 2018
Time: 7:00pm-8:45pm
Parent Council Attendees:
Marie Scott
Susan Reid
Niruban ‘Chris’ Naparajah
Theodore Latchman
Kristin Vikse
Haafid Rahman
Casandra Bryant
Parent Attendees: Heidi Riley, Kelly Dunn
Staff Attendees: Nadia MacKinnon, Shelley Hobor
1) Welcome
& Acceptance of current agenda (Amanda)
-all were in favour of the agenda
2) Acceptance
of September’s minutes (Amanda)
- Susan accepted the minutes, Sabina second the
3) Committee
a) Fundraising Update & Event Planning (Katherine/
Marie/ Amanda)
-dance-a-thon will be on February 23rd
-a letter was sent out to parents
inquiring about any community members who could donate prizes; to date, no one
has come forward with donations
-the letter also included how the funds will
be used
-cash, cheque and cash online will be
all be accepted
-DJ will cost $800 and has been booked
for the dance-a-thon
-Sue reached out to the DJ from last
year and is waiting to hear back from him
-$400 has been allocated to prizes
-$100 towards pizza for the classroom that
raises the most amount of funds
-$40 for iTunes gift cards
-$100 towards pizza for those individuals
helping out the day of the dance-a-thon
-council will also need to purchase
juice boxes, glow bands, popcorn kernels, popcorn bags, sour keys
-discussion took place about
pre-ordering a kit containing all of the items (juice, popcorn, glowband, one
sour key)
-may still sell items/kit the day of the
-members of council can supervise
students for gathering pre-orders during recess
-there will no longer be prizes for
students raising the 2nd and 3rd most amount of funds but
there will still be a prize for the student who raises the most amount of money
prizes include a top prize to be an Insta camera and film and prize
draws: $100- projector, $50- Google home mini, $25- jelly bean
dispenser, $10- emoji speaker
-suggestion made about having a visual
for students so they can see where their name is being entered for the draws (ex.
have boxes)
-suggestion made to add a draw for every
$10 raised, along with the existing draw amounts
-email needs to be sent out to council
in order to vote on $1800 being spent for the Dance-a-thon
b) Parent Engagement (Susan)
-The Amazing Math Race was very well
received by the community
-there was a very good turnout
-from the pro-grant money, $700 was used
-the remainder of the pro-grant money,
in the amount of $200, will be spent on another math night for parents to
review the curriculum; tentatively scheduled for March 22nd
c) Healthy Schools
-‘winter walk day’ will occur on
February 7th and hot chocolate will be served
-Amanda and Susan will assist students with
serving the hot chocolate
-communication will be sent out about
the ‘winter walk day’ and bringing mugs for the hot chocolate
-council will also purchase some paper
cups (not styrofoam as it’s not environmentally friendly)
d) Yearbook Committee (Marie)
-Karen brought some samples of yearbooks
-the yearbooks will be softcover as hardcovers are more
-students/ teachers will be doing the layout, so the cost
would just be for printing; cost is approximately $15.00
-parent council will assist with the work involved with the
page layouts
-council would like to increase the number of pages in the
yearbook from last year (last year there was about 60 pages)
-committee will need to set parameters for the yearbook
(number of pages for each class, etc.)
-there wasn’t enough council members to vote on the
yearbook vendor; there are two vendors to choose from (Commerce Press vs.
Maarcle Press)
-Amanda will send out an email to vote on the vendor for
the yearbook
e) Constitution Review
(Cassandra/ Amanda)
-a copy of the most recent constitution was emailed to
council for review prior to the council meeting
-the copy on file is from 2014/2015
-Cassandra commented that the methods of communication
should include 1:1 meetings and texts
-Cassandra reviewed with members that professional conduct
should always be practiced when communicating with each other
-discussion took place about amending communication of
sub-committees to better reflect current practices
-discussion took place about informing parents at the
beginning of the year how funds were spent the previous year
-communication of parent council meeting date should be on
the outside board but there wasn’t enough space this month
-the record keeping for treasurer needs to be updated in
the constitution as the current practice involves collaboration with the school
-those who signed up for the constitution review committee will
make amendments/ revisions to the constitution for next council meeting
4) Treasurer’s
Report (Kelly)
-$1362 was raised from the gingerbread
fundraiser and the funds have not been designated yet; a vote will be needed to
allocate these funds
-the allocation of funds from the gingerbread
fundraiser towards ‘Arts’ in the Treasurer’s Report will have to very clarified
at the next meeting
-$245.25 was raised from the QSP fundraiser and
those funds will go towards technology
5) Update
From School (Nadia/ Shelley)
- there will be a winter walk day and dance-a-thon
-first winter elective/ activities occurred
last week and there will be a second day of winter
activities in February
-the Amazing Math Race went very well and there
was a very good turnout of students and parents
-there will be a 2nd math night
“Math Myth Busters” geared towards informing parents about the math curriculum
to be held April 5th; discussion took place about having supervision
for children during the math night
-students are having a longer recess by eating
snacks during class time; this has worked well by allowing kids to be out longer
during recess and offering them 30 minutes for outdoor physical activity
-there are several clubs taking place which
include the chess club, bracelet making club, drawing club, etc.
-the school hosted 6 tournaments, as well as
attending tournaments at other schools
-every Wednesday in February will be ‘spirit day’
-there will be a ‘backwards day’ this week
-there will be a spring musical
-in April and May, there will be a music Monday
-there will be a film festival on April 26th
-May 3rd will be ‘welcoming of
-arts night will be on April 30th (school
council meeting will need to be rescheduled for a different day)
-grade ones are skating every Wednesday
-the school is continuing with professional
learning; the focus has shifted to math and working with teachers on this topic
once a week
-on February 14th report cards will
be sent out
6) New
Business (All)
-discussion took place about changing the
February council meeting to March 5th.
-the council meeting on April 30th
will need to be rescheduled as the school will be having an ‘arts night’ that
-some members of council noticed that there
were a few days when the sidewalks leading up to the south side of the school
and along the school weren’t shoveled; this was raised as a concern as it is a
safety issue
-Nadia acknowledged that those sidewalks should
have been shoveled
Motion to adjourn
- Cassandra accepted motion to adjourn, Marie second the
If any discrepancies in these minutes
please contact:
Sabina Khandaker