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Minutes May 28, 2018 445
Minutes May 28, 2018
Cornell Village School Advisory Council


Date: May 28, 2018

Time: 7:00pm-8:45pm


Parent Council Attendees

Marie Scott


Rick Chen


Susan Reid


Katherine Strain


Kelly Sutherland


Niruban ‘Chris’ Naparajah


Dolly Theodore Latchman


Niro Arumugam


Karen Bradley


Haafid Rahman


Amanda Cartan


Casandra Bryant


Sabina Khandaker




Chris Zarras




Nilu Manji





Parent Attendees:


Staff Attendees: Scott Chin, Nadia MacKinnon, Ms.Cockburn



1)    Welcome & Acceptance of current agenda (Amanda)

-all were in favour of the agenda


2)    Acceptance of April’s meeting minutes (Amanda)          

-Kelly accepted the minutes, Karen second the motion



3)    Committee Updates                                                                        

a)    Fundraising Update & Event Planning  (Chris/ Katherine)

Spirit Wear

All orders have been delivered and invoice has been supplied to the school. Overall, the Spirit Wear was successful in terms of demand, and also making profit, which breaks down as follows:


Revenue: $2,733.01

Cost of Spirit Wear: $2,373.06

Initial Profit: $359.95


In addition, we have the following remaining quantities to sell, which were produced at no charge - which means full profit:


Black Word Logo Hoodies

2 - Adult Medium

Retail: $30

Additional Profit: $60


Black Full Logo Long Sleeve Performance Shirt

1 - Adult Small

1 - Adult Medium

3 - Youth Medium

3 - Youth Large

1 - Youth XL

Retail: $20

Additional Profit: $180


Black Word Logo Short Sleeve Performance Shirt

1 - Adult Small

2 - Youth Medium

3 - Youth Large

1 - Youth XL

Retail: $15

Additional Profit: $105


If we sell the excess shirts, we will make an additional profit of $345, which will bring the total profit in at ~$700.


Since this was the first year leveraging Cotton Candy for Spirit Wear, there were obvious learnings throughout the process.  A couple of lessons learned from this year:

·         We should do our best to get our first order submitted much earlier in the year, mid-October if possible. Gildan had a number of items that were backordered for months, which the vendor wasn't able to fulfill until April and May. Also, we could look at placing a second order just before March break, which would allow time for the items to be produced and ready for when school returns.

·         We had a large offering and a number of variations of logo options for each. Since Cotton Candy does charge a setup charge per colour, per item, it may be an idea to reduce the offering so that we are focusing on the larger sellers (Hoodies, T-shirts, and long sleeve) and phase out the items that had only a handful of orders (track pants and shorts). This will keep setup charges down and increase profitability, while maintaining a reasonable price point for all other items.

b)    Parent Engagement  (Sue)

-application for pro grant is due very soon

-Sue will work on application with Scott


c)    Healthy Schools  (Marie)

-Laura is purchasing indoor soccer balls

-grade one and two’s are enjoying it

-possibly use grade 7’s as the play leaders rather than the grade 5’s next year

-training will start again in the fall next school year

-this week is ‘bike to school week’; Marie received email from City of Markham


d)    Yearbook Committee (Chris)

-Katherine was thanked for all the work she has been doing putting together the yearbook

-some areas still require additional photos for the yearbook which Katherine has asked the school to provide - due today 

-there is one class that did not submit their class collage; Nadia/ Scott will follow up

-the yearbook is going out for print this Friday 

-yearbook needs to be communicated to students/ parents; will aim to send out communication about the yearbook by this week

-yearbook will be $20

-funds will go to school council funds

-can pay for yearbook by cash or school online; Chris will make yearbook order forms

-completed yearbook will come in on June 20th

-Scott and Nadia will review the grade 8 blurbs


4)    Treasurer’s Report (Kelly)

-operating budget should be at $2000

-funds from yearbook will go towards pods (wellness classrooms)

-Scott signed treasurer’s report


5)    Update From School (Scott/ Nadia)

-grade 3’s completed EQAO and the grade 6’s are in the process of completing it

-there is a cooling area in the office

-2 fans in each class and portables

-classes going outside for DPA, mostly in the mornings as it is cooler

-this time of the year is for wrapping up for the current year and planning for the upcoming school year

-report cards are being completed

-lots of field trips

-track and field occurred a few weeks ago

-team that will go to area competition will be on June 11th

-last Thursday was tryouts for high jump for area competition

-mental wellness team is working on pods, STEM and STEAM teams have resources and will have plan of action, another team is working on implementing goals for next year to reflect

diversity and creating an inclusive space

-next year, fourth pillar focuses on equity and Indigenous education

-graduation is on June 26th at Bill Hogarth Secondary School; a communication will be sent out

-Scott asked for volunteers for graduation night for serving cake and drinks (punch/juice) around 7:30/8:00; Scott will communicate this request to parents


6)    New Business (All)

Silent Auction & Fun Fair

-google drive has document to keep track of items for silent auction

-School of Rock is not able to contribute to fun fair

-Cassandra is keeping track of donations and Scott is keeping track of demonstrations

-Chris reviewed silent auction donations that we have so far

-in two weeks, everyone is to give donations (gift cards, etc) to Cassandra

-Muskoka chairs are at the school and need to be painted

-14 staff members are helping to coordinate fun fair

-Scott will send out a request for volunteering at the fun fair

-Scott will be calling the vendors this week to confirm everything

-there will be bouncy castles, face painter, fire truck, food trucks, henna, etc.

-in order for the kids to participate in bouncy castle, etc., the school will be selling wristbands for $7, two for $12 and three for $15

-will be selling popcorn, cotton candy, drinks, food

-kindergartens are raising funds with popcorn and bracelet

-there will be a ticket table or can purchase wristbands and tickets on school cash online

-3 food trucks and an ice-cream truck coming (Scott will be booking food trucks for open house for upcoming school year)

-more popcorn supplies have been ordered

Goals For Next Year

-fun fair funds will go towards technology

-would like technology order submitted in October 2018; goal is to raise $4000


-drinking fountain for upstairs is $2500 installed; possibly ECO team can help to contribute in raising funds

-aim to have fountain installed by May of next school year


-implement lunch orders from Subway for new school year October to December 2018; Chris/ Amanda will develop order sheet for Judy to put on school cash online


-school would like to put more resources towards STEM and STEAM

-order for seating/ heavy chairs in the library for $7000 (on hold)

-will have a dance-a-thon and another ‘a-thon’ to be inclusive of everyone

-have order for spirit wear in September 2018


-possible idea to have movie in the gym during lunch time and students pay $2

-possible idea to have family movie night outdoors for the community; explore if Long & McQuade can donate sound system and screen

-Scott will look into the license for movies


-parent council to communicate and reach out more to the community to participate and be more engaged

-important for council to hear voices of other parents

-explore getting parents from all grade levels represented on council

-possibly modernize form for volunteering; this would have to completed by end of June

-explore survey for parents by the end of the year to obtain feedback about top 3 things that are most important for council to work on for next year; Chris to create survey for parents to be sent out by mid-June

-can reach out to parents via Facebook


-suggestion to have first parent council meeting earlier in the school year; meet September 17th to be before the Open House which is scheduled for Sept 26th.







-outdoor garden: cleaned up, tilled, plants planted, more soil and mulch ordered – Thanks Sue!

-will need a water schedule this summer

-Shelley is working on a sign-up sheet for the garden for the summer and will be displayed at the fun fair

-caretakers tilled the garden

-mesh was placed on soil

-several plants donated

-Nadia suggested placing wet newspaper over soil and then adding soil on top to keep weeds away (more economical, environmentally friendly)

-some of the classes are assisting with watering the garden during the school year

-Scott is looking into the longer hose which will be in the bunker and it will be decided who has access to the key

-Marie has a contact for more plant donations

-Ms. Hang is exploring David Suzuki’s Butterfly program for next year


-next school council changed to June 11th


7)   Motion to Adjourn (Amanda)

-Marie accepted motion to adjourn, Haafid second the motion




Minutes taken by Sabina Khandaker

If any discrepancies in these minutes please contact:


Sabina Khandaker​

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