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School Council Meeting Minutes - January 20, 2020 445
School Council Meeting Minutes - January 20, 2020
Cornell Village School Advisory Council


Date: Monday January 20th 2020

Time: 7:00pm-8:30pm


Parent Council Attendees


Kirk Apel


Nilu Manji


Marie Scott


Niro Arumugam


Niruban ‘Chris’ Nadarajah


Katherine Strain


Nicole Bell


Sarah Murphy


Kelly Sutherland


Karen Bradley


Haafid Rahman


Cynthia Vo


Amanda Cartan


Susan Reid


Chris Zarras


Sabina Khandaker


Monica Rivera




Liz MacFarlane


Kristine Sabourin






Parent Attendees: n/a


Staff Attendees: Scott Chin, Vivienne Baine



1)   Welcome & Acceptance of Current Agenda (Amanda)

-       Agenda approved by Marie        Seconded by Liz


2)   Treasurer’s Report 2019/2020 (Liz)

-       Drop in Hot Lunches possibly due to Christmas Break, less time to order

-       December movie night – Abominable, big success, much quieter than last

-       Will plan for possibly 2 more movie nights


-       Vote was held to purchase a baritone and a tuba for the music program, all that were in attendance voted in favour. Approx $6,000 in Council raised funds from last school year.


3)   Committee Updates


a.    Fundraising – Colour Day will take place instead of the Cornell a Thon this year, it will take place on February 26th. Discussed council selling snack packs on this day to raise funds for the instalation of trees for each team.  **Further to meeting, this was not approved as part of the colour day.  We will revisit as a fundraiser later.

b.    Parent Engagement – Mental Health Night – April 16th subcommittee to meet, ideas include; Canadian Mental Health Association, workshops, survey to specify which topic / age categories and whether to do an activity with the kids/without kids to have that night. Parents Council will give their input by Friday January 25th.

c.    Sustainability/Healthy Schools – Winter Walk Day- didn’t touch on


4)   Update From School (Scott/ Vivienne)

Extracurricular Programs during the day are still running, the musical production is now rehearsing during lunches. They are trying to bring fun into the school to help with any trips, sports and programs outside of school that are cancelled until Jan 31st as of right now.

Scott and Vivienne addressed the costs for programs, specifically the grade 7/8 Arts Program and what the cost covers. Scott advised that the board is covering half the cost of the 8 week program. A guest speaker from We Day, Wali Shah, will be in, a sewing studio, theatre performances etc. This will not take away from classes, it is held during art periods. Scott & Vivienne will send out a new email with more information regarding this program.

Scott will be sending out a reminder for the Grade 8 Grad trip to start saving, however, it is currently on hold until further notice.

 New Business (All)

a.    Movie Night – Frozen 2 is available Feb 25th  – Movie night in March to be decided

b.    Outdoor Class 6 trees representing each house team will be going around the outdoor classroom, will look into costs of a retaining wall and create a plan to put into motion to get the outdoor classroom started. Sub-committee to plan the outdoor classroom with Scott, hoping to start as soon as possible.

c.    Other Items – Snack Packs for Colour Day Forms will go out on February 18th for the snack packs, and will also be made available on school cash online. Parents Council will handle the fundraising and not the staff. (See note above)

d.    Fun Fair – June 11th – Food trucks, possibly a general donation ask, and silent auction donations to the outdoor class.

e.    Cornell A Thon – Will not take place this year, A Colour/Team Building day will take place instead and all council fundraising focus will be put into the Fun Fair/Silent Auction.

5)     Motion to Adjourn (Amanda)

Next Meeting Monday February 24th 2020

- Accepted the motion to adjourn Marie       Seconded the motion Sarah



Minutes taken by Kristine Sabourin

If there are any discrepancies in these minutes please contact:

Kristine Sabourin   ​

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