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School Council Meeting Minutes - November 29, 2022 445
School Council Meeting Minutes - November 29, 2022


Monday, November 29, 2021 7:00 pm 8:30pm






Welcome & Acceptance of Current Agenda

1 min


Acceptance of Minutes from October Meeting



Haafid to motion, Sabina to second

1 min



2 mins




Niro Arumugam


Heidi McLeod


Karen Bradley


Sarah Murphy


Amanda Cartan


Haafid Rahman


Liz Kennedy


Marie Scott


Sabina Khandaker


Kelly Sutherland


Wendy La


Kelly Dunn







Parent Attendees: Linky, Asiya Baig


Staff Attendees: Scott Chin, LeeAnn Morrow, Myka Hang



Treasurer’s Report                                                                  5 mins             Haafid

-       Current budget $11,206.10

-     Majority of the budget is already earmarked for an outdoor garden for students to promote outdoor learning

-       Will wait to see how the budget moves once we receive donations from fundraising drive

-     Send a reminder for school donations - make sure it is sent to our school and include a screenshot

Committees - Updates for each committee                            20 mins           All


-       Looking at two big events and if we have time for a few smaller ones, we canSilent Auction: typically end of May/early June (maybe aligned with fun fair if we can from Public Health)

-       In the past, 30-50 items, most were gift cards ($2000 raised typically)

-       Kelly will forward a formal letterhead and list of past donors

-       We should set a date for an outdoor fun fair (rain date?), and if they can promote their service/product in-person, such as a karate demo, that would be great.

-       Other options:

-       Cookie fundraiser on hold but pricing is on hold - house colours

-       Virtual movie nights (Thursday night before Family Day weekend) - collectively watch a movie together, sell popcorn, snacks, PJ day, half-time stretch

-     Leeann will look info free popcorn from Kernels

-       June outdoor movie night - if possible, Wendy to look into pricing for a giant inflatable screen

-       Chocolate bar fundraising - Aunt Sarah’s/World’s Finest

-       Fundraising Committee to connect and decide if there will be just a few large fundraising initiatives, or have a few smaller ones as well.

     Staff Appreciation

-       Goal is to put something in the teacher and staff mailboxes once a month!

-       Karen B made cookies for teachers and staff for November - everyone appreciated it! Thank you, Karen!

-       Sarah and Amanda to work on something for December

-       This comes out of our pockets, so if anyone is able to donate time or money for one month, that would be much appreciated!

     Parent Engagement

-       Focus on getting parents involved in a variety of topics. Some of the items suggested by the YRDSB include:

-       Social inclusion, racism, marginalized groups, safe and welcoming environment Indigenous community.

-       Cooking classes were a hit - should do it again this year - sustainable cooking, connect it to our Indigenous education; taking care of our Earth, learning about different cultures and cuisine

-       Last year there was a focus on mental health

-       Getting someone to come in to talk about Indigenous art, create a mural, connect with students and parents

-       December 14 due date for the funding that Amanda is looking into - Amanda will follow up with Scott.


-       Heidi is updating our FB pages




-       Scott to include it in his next weekly email to have parents join the group.

Amanda will coordinate

-       Every other Friday or once a month, Council can take turns contributing something into Scott’s weekly emails.

-       Maybe the Friday after Council meetings we send out the link to meeting minutes, and every other week it is something different, interesting or fun.

-       Sarah and Heidi will discuss how this will move forward

     Constitution Review

-       Scott, Sarah and Amanda will look over this in January and get it updated

-       Please add Haafid to this committee


-       TerraCyle, Crayola have been in the past - can look into this again this year

-       Send out seeds in the spring - growing our own food, taking care of our planet, tie it in with our land acknowledgement

-       Ms. Stewart and Ms. Hang can help us from the teacher side

-       Food drive -



Update from School                                                                20 mins           Scott/Leeann

     Board Priorities and goals for our School Council

-       Foster Well-Being and Mental Health

-       Build safe, healthy and inclusive learning and working environments where all feel they matter and belong

-       Champion Equity and Inclusivity

-       Build understanding of anti-racism, anti-oppression, culturally relevant and responsive pedagogy and the ongoing impact of colonialism

-       Provide Effective Instruction and Assessment

-       Provide effective instruction and assessment that reflect students’ identities, lived experiences, strengths, needs and interests

-       Build Collaborative Relationships

-       Build trust and collaborative relationships with students, families and staff by developing shared solutions through respectful communication and responsive actions

-       Empower Ethical Leadership

-       Build a shared understanding of Ethical Leadership that elevates student, staff, family and community voice

     Scott/Leeann to send Parent Council survey results from CVPS so we can get a better understanding of what issues are of concern that impact our students, families, and community.

     What’s new at CVPS?

     Snack program $13,000 in funding received - $10K from PC charities, $3500 from snack program. Starting on December 2!

     Volleyball Team has started

     Ukulele Club starting this week - Grade 6




Cornell Village Public School

     Investment in Education - letter has gone out

     Technology Upgrades - purchased 30 Chromebooks

     Food Drive - Grade 1 - going well! Very close to reaching the goal of 500 items! (As of these minutes being sent out, the drive now has over 600 items!!


New Business                                                                         10 mins           All

-       N/A

Actionable Items - Review                                                       5 mins            Amanda

-  N/A

Motion to end Meeting                                                            1 min               Amanda Karen to motion, Haafid to second



Future Meetings - All on Monday’s at 7pm by Zoom Jan 24th, Feb 28th, April 25th, May 30th, June 20th.




































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