Monday, November
29, 2021 7:00 pm – 8:30pm
Welcome & Acceptance of Current Agenda
1 min
Acceptance of Minutes from October Meeting
Haafid to motion, Sabina to second
1 min
2 mins
Niro Arumugam
Heidi McLeod
Karen Bradley
Sarah Murphy
Amanda Cartan
Haafid Rahman
Liz Kennedy
Marie Scott
Sabina Khandaker
Kelly Sutherland
Wendy La
Kelly Dunn
Parent Attendees: Linky, Asiya Baig
Staff Attendees:
Scott Chin, LeeAnn Morrow, Myka Hang
Treasurer’s Report 5 mins Haafid
Current budget $11,206.10
- Majority of the budget
is already earmarked for an outdoor garden for students to promote outdoor learning
Will wait
to see how the budget moves once we
receive donations from fundraising drive
- Send a
reminder for school donations - make sure it is sent
to our school and include
a screenshot
Committees - Updates
for each committee 20 mins All
Looking at two big
events and if we have time for a few smaller
ones, we canSilent Auction: typically
end of May/early June (maybe aligned with fun
fair if we can from
Public Health)
In the past,
30-50 items, most were gift
cards ($2000 raised typically)
- Kelly will forward a
formal letterhead and list
of past donors
We should set a date
for an outdoor fun fair
(rain date?), and if
they can promote their service/product in-person, such as a karate
demo, that would be great.
Other options:
- Cookie fundraiser on hold but pricing is on hold - house
Virtual movie nights (Thursday night before Family Day
weekend) - collectively watch a movie together,
sell popcorn, snacks,
PJ day, half-time stretch
- Leeann will look
info free popcorn
from Kernels
June outdoor
movie night - if possible, Wendy to look
into pricing for a giant inflatable screen
Chocolate bar fundraising - Aunt
Sarah’s/World’s Finest
Fundraising Committee
to connect and decide if
there will be
just a few large fundraising initiatives, or
have a few smaller ones as
Staff Appreciation
Goal is to put something
in the teacher and staff mailboxes once a
Karen B made cookies for teachers and staff
for November - everyone
appreciated it! Thank you, Karen!
Sarah and Amanda
to work on something
for December
This comes
out of our pockets, so if anyone is able
to donate time or money for
one month, that
would be much appreciated!
Parent Engagement
Focus on getting
parents involved
in a variety of
topics. Some of
the items suggested by the YRDSB include:
Social inclusion, racism,
marginalized groups, safe and welcoming environment Indigenous community.
Cooking classes
were a hit - should
do it again this year -
sustainable cooking, connect it to our Indigenous education;
taking care of our Earth, learning about different cultures and cuisine
Last year
there was a focus on
mental health
Getting someone to come
in to talk about Indigenous art,
create a mural, connect with students
and parents
December 14 due
date for the funding that Amanda is looking
into - Amanda will follow up with Scott.
Heidi is updating our FB pages
Scott to
include it in his next
weekly email to
have parents join the group.
will coordinate
Every other Friday
or once a month,
Council can
take turns contributing something into Scott’s weekly emails.
Maybe the Friday
after Council meetings we send
out the link
to meeting minutes,
and every other
week it is something different, interesting or
Sarah and
Heidi will discuss how this will move forward
Constitution Review
Scott, Sarah and Amanda will look
over this in January and get it updated
Please add Haafid to this committee
Crayola have
been in the past - can look
into this again this
Send out
seeds in the spring -
growing our own
food, taking care
of our planet, tie it in with our land
Ms. Stewart and
Ms. Hang can help us
from the teacher
Food drive -
from School 20
mins Scott/Leeann
Board Priorities and goals for our School Council
- Foster Well-Being and Mental Health
Build safe, healthy and
inclusive learning and working environments where all feel they matter and belong
Champion Equity and Inclusivity
Build understanding of anti-racism, anti-oppression, culturally relevant and responsive
pedagogy and the ongoing impact of colonialism
Provide Effective Instruction and Assessment
Provide effective instruction and assessment that reflect students’ identities, lived experiences, strengths, needs and interests
Build Collaborative Relationships
Build trust and collaborative relationships with students, families and staff by developing
shared solutions through respectful communication and responsive actions
Empower Ethical Leadership
Build a shared understanding of Ethical Leadership that elevates student, staff, family and community voice
Scott/Leeann to
send Parent Council survey results from CVPS so
we can get a better understanding of what
issues are of concern that impact our students,
families, and community.
What’s new at CVPS?
Snack program $13,000 in funding received - $10K from PC charities, $3500 from snack program. Starting
on December 2!
Volleyball Team has started
○ Ukulele Club starting this week - Grade 6
Cornell Village Public School
Investment in
Education - letter has
gone out
○ Technology Upgrades -
purchased 30 Chromebooks
Food Drive - Grade 1 - going well! Very close to reaching the goal of 500 items! (As of these minutes being sent out, the
drive now has over 600
New Business 10
mins All
Actionable Items - Review 5 mins Amanda
Motion to end
Meeting 1 min Amanda Karen to motion, Haafid to second
Future Meetings
- All on Monday’s
at 7pm by Zoom Jan 24th, Feb 28th, April 25th, May 30th, June 20th.