"I think everybody in this country should learn how to program a computer because it teaches you how to think.” , Steve Jobs, the Lost Interview
"Our policy at Facebook is literally to hire as many talented engineers as we can find. There just aren't enough people who are trained and have these skills today", Mark Zuckerberg, Founder, Facebook
“Whether you want to uncover the secrets of the universe, or you just want to pursue a career in the 21st century, basic computer programming is an essential skill to learn.“, Stephen Hawking, Theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author
Our School CCC Number is : 058102722
If you have never registered for an Online Grader Account,
To participant as a Milliken Mills High School student, you must also make your payment through our School's SchoolCashOnline by February 8, 2023 (Tentative firm deadline).
You may freely access the CCC Online Grader and Practice Exercises and Past Contests.
February 15, 2023 (tentatively) - North American Competition Date
We anticipate an $8.25 Registration Fee.
The 2023 CCC Contest will be held IN PERSON only at MMHS this year.
It will likely be held in our Library Resource Centre from 12:15pm - 3:15pm
Use of personal devices as per CCC Rules and Policies is permitted. Use of school desktop computers in our Library Resource Centre will also be available BUT your coding language or IDE of choice may not be support by the images of these desktop computers. Please check in advance of the day as to your choice of platform as per CCC Contest policies.

It is the aim of the Computer Studies Department at Milliken Mills High School to provide an opportunity for each student to use computers in a creative way.
We feel that it is important for all students to be exposed to a broad range of computer applications and techniques as well experience and learn about the many new developments occurring in computing every day.
We believe that people learn by "doing". We offer our students the opportunity to grow with the technology available at Milliken Mills High School. From a variety services, our students will gain the experience which is going to best prepare them for post secondary and work placements.
At Milliken, our Computer Science Lab (Rm306) is open before school each morning, at lunch, and frequently after school, to allow any Milliken student a quiet place in the school to complete work, collaborate with a fellow student, or meet with their Computer Science teacher for additional support.
Milliken has earned a solid reputation for preparing students for studying Computer Science at our most popular Colleges and Universities. Based on our Provincial Curriculum, our department is able to offer ICS2O1, ISC3U1, ICS3C1 and ISC4U1 courses that will provide our students with an excellent foundation in problem solving and computer programming that will provide for a solid understanding and preparation for College and University programs.
ICD2O1 is open to any student, Grades 9 through 12, with no pre-requisite.
ICS3U1 or ICS3C1 are open to any student, Grades 9 through 12, with no pre-requisite.
ICS4U1 requires that the student have been previously successful with ICS3U1; a pre-requisite, and immediately starts to build from what was learned in ICS3U.
IB Candidate Students (Grades 9 and 10) may wish to consider ICD2O1 in their Grade 9 year and ICS3U1 in their Grade 10 year.
In expectional circumstances, IB Candidate Students with a passionate interest in Computer Studies may consider taking ICS2O1 in Grade 9 (first semester) along with ICS3U1 (2nd Semester of Grade 9 or 1st semester of Grade 10; the later assuming ICS4U is being offered in the 2nd semester) and taking ICS4U1 in Grade 10. Alternatively, some students may bypass ICS2O1 altogether (not recommended) and choose to take ICS3U1 directly (as there is no prerequisite for this course, just a suggested prerequisite of ICS2O1) and ICS4U1 in their Grade 10 year. In order to 'free up' a Grade 10 elective day-school credit in their schedule, some students may choose to take their Careers/Civics Credit in summer school between Grades 9 and 10 as ICS Computer Studies courses are usually NOT offered during summer school in YRDSB.
- Ms. K. Huynh
- Ms. M. Zereen