Note: to verify if you live inside of the Thornhill Secondary School Boundary, click here.
Current YRDSB Grade 8 students who plan to be pre-registered at a YRDSB secondary school must select secondary school courses in My Pathway Planner from February 16-25, 2022. Students will no longer be submitting a registration form to their home secondary school or as part of their request to transfer from their home secondary school. Students who are not continuing with YRDSB must use the “Not Returning” feature in My Pathway Planner.
Select your courses on My Pathway Planner. You can begin submitting your courses.
Note: to verify if you live inside of the Thornhill Secondary School Boundary, click here.
For current YRDSB grade 8 students:
Step 1: Request electronic transfer form from their home face-to-face elementary school. Step 2: Family completes section A and submits to home face-to-face elementary school. Step 3: Home face-to-face elementary school submits to student’s home secondary school, as indicated in School Locator.
For external grade 8 students: Request electronic transfer form from their home secondary school, as indicated in School Locator. Family completes section A as well as a registration form and submits to their home secondary school by February 4th, 2022.
For external grades 9-12 students: Request electronic transfer form from their home secondary school, as indicated in School Locator. Family completes section A as well as a registration form and submits to their home secondary school.