The Mission of the York Region District School Board is “To advance student achievement and well-being through public education, which motivates learners, fosters inclusion, inspires innovation and builds community.”
In alignment
with the Board’s mission, Thornhill S.S. is committed to providing a quality
education that considers the past, prepares for the future and expects the best
from each student. Our school aspires to support the success of each and
every one in a learning environment founded on respect, trust and courage. This
envisions a school which is safe, caring and dynamic.
Thornhill, diversity is recognized and celebrated. The development of a
strong community and the holistic education of our students are our primary
At Thornhill S.S. we believe in students. We encourage self-motivated, life-long
learners. We promote the tenets of Character
Education where each student shall have the opportunities to develop into
confident, responsible, compassionate and mature individuals who can think
clearly, act wisely, and behave with respect towards self, others and the
Secondary School has a distinct character. Its staff has consistently validated
the value of curriculum that extends beyond the classroom. Further, it is a
school known for its active School Council and strong community partnerships in support of educating students to
be engaged, healthy and caring citizens.