The Actor is an athlete of the heart;
To grasp the full significance of life is the actor’s duty,
to interpret it is his problem, and to express it is his
Marlon Brando
In Drama we learn to explore the way other people
think, feel and communicate, helping us understand others and ourselves on a
higher level. Drama assists with presentation, voice production, team
building, networking and marketing skills helping us with business, employment
and schooling.
One of the reasons Drama works so well is that there is no
“correct” answer, so participants can safely explore options without the fear
of being wrong. This makes them equal in the Drama class and empowers
them to have a voice They soon come to realize that all opinions are valid even
if they are not acted upon. Thus it builds confidence and makes ‘can’t
do’ into ‘can do'.
Improvisation is a key point in drama. By introducing
improvisation games, participants learn team building, communication, how to
express their feelings and emotions, learn to think for themselves and build
confidence and wit whilst having FUN!
A drama class is a safe environment for students to explore
issues to make sense of the world they live in. If at the end of
the day we have helped deal with a self conscious matter, bullying issue or
even assisted a participant with their career, then we have reached
fulfillment. There is nothing more rewarding than watching someone become
stronger, more positive and emotionally healthy.
Drama is a course that
can make this happen.