Upcoming Events:
Please stay posted...
- Allison Carlow(Department Head)
- Semester 1 - Beatrice Caraghin; Karyn McGibbon; Chloe Luk
- Semester 2 - Toby Hindel
Settlement Worker
Settlement and Education Partnership in York Region (SEPYR)
New to Canada? Do you have a child enrolled in a York Region Public school? We’re here to help you. Funded by Citizenship and Immigration Canada, SEPYR provides settlement services in many languages for newcomer students and their families in their local schools. Through this program, we are pleased to offer newcomer families support in the following areas: education, employment, language training, housing, health, family related issues, youth issues, legal concerns, finances, library/recreation and more. We have a settlement worker who can speak English, Mandarin, and Cantonese in Pierre Elliott Trudeau High School on Wednesdays to provide services for you. You can contact the School Settlement Worker Ms. Julie Zhang at:
为帮助新移民学生和家长尽快在社区定居,了解和适应学校学习,由加拿大联邦公民及移民部资助的约克区移民安居及教育合作项目为移民提供学校和社区安居服务。该项目服务范围包括教育、就业、语言培训、住房、健康、图书馆及娱乐活动信息,家庭及年青人问题等等。Pierre Elliott Trudeau 高中每周三有安居社工为移民提供英语及华语服务。如需服务,请联系学校安居社工Ms. Na (Lina) Li。
Na (Lina) Li | School Settlement Worker
School and Education Partnership in York Region (SEPYR)
St. Joseph The Worker Catholic School
475 Brownridge Drive, Thornhill, ON L4J 5Y6
Phone: 905.731.8281 | Cell Phone: 416.567.4026
Email: nli@ccsyr.org
Website: www.ccsyr.org
To All Parents of English Language Learners
At PETHS we try to support our newcomer parents by organizing a monthly information night to provide essential information about school and postsecondary pathways. Please contact our guidance counsellor, Dennis Lee (dennis.lee@yrdsb.ca), for more information.
致所有ESL 同学的家长:
在PETHS 我们尝试组织每月一次的家长咨信会来提供重要的学校咨信和大学/大专的资料。如感兴趣参加我们的家长晚会,请跟我们的辅导老师 - 李老师 - 联系:Dennis Lee (dennis.lee@yrdsb.ca)。
Here is a documentary capturing Refugee Awareness Day in December:
Check out the youtube channel with the documentaries from our Pet Docs Festival in January: