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​​​​​Les objectifs du département de français est d’encourager et d’enseigner aux élèves le français et d’apprendre comment une nouvelle langue est une véhicule à un nouveau monde. C’est à travers la découverte d’une nouvelle culture quand comprend mieux la nôtre.

Le français est la langue officielle du Canada et de plusieurs pays francophones. Le français donne des oppotunités de gagner un meilleur salaire, d’avoir des contactes mondiaux, et  offre des avantages économique sociaux et de santé. C’est notre but de donner des expériences positives à travers l’acquisition d’une nouvelle langue et une nouvelle culture qui restera avec l’élève jusqu’à l’avenir.

The Moderns French department’s focus is on engaging students in opportunities of authentic French communication as well as opening the doors to a new culture and way of life. It is our goal as a staff to provide students with a “life long language learning experience” which they can use in the future. We focus on listening, speaking, reading and writing skills through the use of various texts, and technology. Students are given a variety of tasks which focus on their strengths and needs. The focus is on acquiring a new language, understanding other cultures, making connections, comparisons and contrasts to their culture and the francophone culture around the world. We promote diversity and provide an environment where students develop an intercultural awareness by exploring diverse cultures in order to enrich their own.​

The Westmount Moderns department is made up of the following teachers whose first priority is student success:


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