Written assignments are to be uploaded to turnitin.com. Students may also use this tool to check their work for plagiarism prior to submission. http://www.turnitin.com
EasyBib is a great tool to help students create MLA citations. http://www.easybib.com
Purdue OWL MLA Formatting Style Guide
This website contains information about creating MLA citations. As well, it includes a sample paper that shows students how to properly format their wok as per MLA. https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/
AMHS Virtual Library/Resource Centre
This website provides access to the various AMHS databases. As well, their are citation guides and other useful resources for students to access. http://www.yrdsb.ca/schools/alexandermackenzie.hs/library/Pages/Library%20-Home.aspx
The Literary Encyclopedia
This resource provides definitions for a variety of literary terms and devices. https://www.litencyc.com/glossaryAL.php
Literary Devices
This resource provides definitions and examples for a variety of literary devices and terms. http://literary-devices.com