Regulation 262:23(3), made under The Education Act, 1985, states: “A pupil may
be excused by the principal; from attendance at school temporarily at any time
at the written request of a parent or the pupil where the pupil is an adult”.
time to time it may be necessary for a pupil to be absent from school for a
period of more than one or two days. However, such absences do affect the
achievement of the students concerned as missed classes, assignments and tests
may result in slower progress or may place credits in jeopardy. Consequently,
we suggest that parents do not consider withdrawing their son or daughter from
school except in unavoidable circumstances. If the absence is unavoidable,
students are urged to make whatever prior arrangements are possible to complete
tests and assignments. If any test or assignment is missed because of this
absence, a special evaluation for that period will not be made after the
student returns. Students who do not write final examinations will receive a
zero for the exam component of the course.
Extended Absence of Student (3 days +)