Graduating students please join the Gr12 Google Classroom qgy6heq for post-secondary information.
US/UK Information
UK University Pres April 2024.pdf
US University Pres April 2024.pdf
If you are applying to the US
for Early or Regular Decision, or are applying to the UK, you must complete the
google form in your grade 12 year by the following dates:
UK - Oxford, Cambridge and
Professional Programs with an early deadline September....
UK - All other applications
US - Early Decision/Early
Action OCTOBER...
US - Regular Decision NOVEMBER....
Be advised that Guidance cannot
guarantee late requests will be fulfilled. You will be contacted by the
guidance counsellor who will support your application. Students should not
approach teachers for predicted marks, your guidance counsellor will do this for
you. You must approach teachers for reference letters.
Whether you are
thinking of apprenticeships, college, university, or going directly into the
workplace, you need to plan. Your guidance counsellors are here to help
you make the transition from high school to the destination of your choice.
Apprenticeships are
paid, hands-on learning opportunities for individuals wishing to enter the
skilled trades. See a guidance counsellor to learn more.
The Ontario
Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP) opens the door to
apprenticeship in a wide range of exciting careers. If you are entering Grade
11 and are at least 16 years old, you can work towards a career in a skilled
trade as a registered apprentice, and eventually a certified skilled worker or
journeyperson, while you complete your Ontario Secondary School Diploma.
Ontario's colleges are at the forefront of technology, innovation and workforce development, preparing students for success in the cutting-edge careers of tomorrow. Colleges offer a variety of diploma and degree programs.
Ontario universities offer a variety of university degree programs and experiences. Ontario Universities Info is a great starting place to research programs and admission requirements.