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Courses 107

​Exploring Family Studies: Grade 9/10

This course explores within the context of families, some of the fundamental challenges people face: how to meet basic needs, how to relate to others, how to manage resources, and how to become responsible members of society. Students will explore adolescent development and will have opportunities to develop into personal, decision making and practical skills related to daily life. They will also learn about the diverse ways in which families function in Canada.


Raising Healthy Children: Grade 11

This parenting course gives students insight into the significant role that parents and parenting play in child development, beginning before conception and continuing throughout childhood. Issues including relationships, mother and child nutrition, pregnancy, physical and emotional development are studied. This course offers an opportunity for students to experience the responsibility of parenting by caring for an electronic baby. This course is open to all students who want to work with children in the future, as a career or as a parent.
CREDIT: 1 TYPE: College

Intro. to Anthropology, Psychology & Sociology: Grade 11 

This course provides students with opportunities to think critically about theories, questions, and issues related to anthropology, psychology, and sociology. Students will develop an understanding of the approaches and research methods used by social scientists. They will be given opportunities to explore theories from a variety of perspectives, to conduct social science research, and to become familiar with current thinking on a range of issues within the three disciplines. Take this course if you want to study issues such as human rights, gender identity, cults, and rites of passage.
CREDIT: 1 TYPE: University or College
PREREQUISITE FOR UNIVERSITY LEVEL: The Grade 10 academic course in English, or the Grade 10 academic history course (Canadian and world studies)

Human Development Throughout the Lifespan: Grade 12

This course offers a multidisciplinary approach to the study of life span development, with particular emphasis on enhancing growth and development. Students will examine how early brain and child development are linked to lifelong learning on a physical, social and cognitive level. In addition, social factors such as poverty, addictions, familial structure, peer groups and homelessness will be studied to determine the effect on development throughout the life span.
CREDIT: 1 TYPE: University/College
PREREQUISITE: Any college, university or university/college preparation course in Canadian and World Studies, English, or Social Sciences and Humanities.

Nutrition and Health: Grade 12

This course examines the relationships between food, energy balance, and nutritional status; the nutritional needs of individuals at different stages of life; and the role of nutrition in health and disease. Students will evaluate nutrition-related trends and will determine how food choices can promote food security and environmental responsibility. Students will learn about healthy eating, expand their repertoire of food-preparation techniques, and develop their social science research skills by investigating issues related to nutrition and health. 
CREDIT: 1 TYPE: University or College
PREREQUISITE: Any university or university/college preparation course in Social Sciences and Humanities, English, or Canadian and World Studies.



Equity and Social Justice; From Theory to Practice: Grade 12


This course enables students to develop an understanding of the theoretical, social, and historical underpinnings of various equity and social justice issues and to analyse strategies for bringing about positive social change. Students will learn about historical and contemporary equity and social justice issues in Canada and globally. They will explore power relations and the impact of a variety of factors on equity and social justice. Students will develop and apply research skills and will design and implement a social action initiative relating to an equity or social justice issue. 
Credit: 1                                                                             Type: Univeristy/College
PREREQUISITE:  Any university or university/college preparation course in Social Sciences and Humanities, English, or Canadian and World Studies. 
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