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Assessment, evaluation and communication of student learning and achievement are essential components of the teaching and learning process. The role of assessment is to improve student learning by providing information needed to direct the instruction to meet each student’s strengths, needs and interests. Student involvement in assessment practices increases engagement, learning and achievement. High-quality assessment practices provide students with multiple and varied opportunities to demonstrate achievement and lead to deeper learning.
Our procedures and process for assessment, evaluation and reporting at Keswick High School are outlined below and stem from the fundamental principles found in the Ministry of Education’s document: Growing Success – Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting: Improving Student Learning.
Policy for Evaluation and Reporting
The evaluation of all achievement demonstrated in this course is based on the ministry categories of Knowledge and Understanding, Thinking, Application, and Communication as described in the Course Outline.

Determining Final Grades:
Assessment for, as, and of Learning
Students, teachers and parents all have critical roles in ensuring that students submit evidence of their learning to meet course expectations within established timelines.
To assist students, teachers will:
·         share learning goals and success criteria to help you develop a clear understanding of the quality of work that you need to demonstrate to meet the performance standards;
·         show you exemplars and samples of student work;
·         provide you with opportunities to receive, give and use descriptive feedback from your teachers, peers and self, prior to the final evaluation;
·         teach you to set your own goals and monitor growth in relation to the curriculum expectations;
·         develop and assess your learning skills and work habits to support lifelong learning;
·         provide clear communication of timelines, due dates, and the school policy for assessment and evaluation
·         use fair, transparent and equitable assessment, evaluation and communication practices
To be active participants in their learning, students will:
·         provide evidence of  achievement of the curriculum expectations within the time frame specified by the teacher, and in a form approved by the teacher;
·         demonstrate the learning skills and work habits that support life-long learning;
·         use descriptive feedback to monitor learning
·         recognize, describe and apply success criteria in relation to the learning goals;
·         reflect on thinking and learning to inform next steps
·         seek assistance when appropriate; and
·         fulfill responsibilities and commitments within the learning environment.
To assist students, parents will:
·         Learn how assessment and evaluation information is being used;
·         Work collaboratively with the school, teacher and child;
·         Actively monitor their child’s learning and support the child in implementing next steps for improvement;
·         Communicate regularly with their child’s teacher(s);
·         Assist with developing the importance of creating and submitting high quality original work;
·          Assist with developing learning skills (especially time management) in order to meet deadlines;
·         Advise teachers and provide documentation prior to authorized absences.
*For consequences arising from instances of plagiarism and cheating, please refer to the KHS Academic Integrity Policy.
Timely Completion and Submission of Assignments for Evaluation:
The expectation is that all assignments for evaluation will be written / submitted on time.
·         If you are going to be away on an assigned due-date for a prearranged reason, it is your responsibility to submit the assignment on a date that is mutually agreed upon by you and your classroom teacher.
·         Absences are considered acceptable for reasons such as illness, family bereavement, and/or pre-arranged family vacation (Forms can be picked up at Attendance Office).
Responses and Application of Consequences:
In the event that an assignment for evaluation is not completed on the assigned date, your teacher will engage in solution-focused dialogue with you and/or your parent(s)/guardian(s) to determine and document appropriate consequences and responses which follows the department practice (see below).

Family Studies Department Practice
The teacher will be fair when determining test dates, and assignment due dates/dead dates.
·      Students who do not submit work on the assigned deadline may, at the discretion of the teacher, be permitted to complete the task within a newly established timeline shown in an “assignment contract”.

·      If the newly established timeline is not adhered to, a mark of zero will be assigned.

·      In the event of an absence on the day of a test or an assigned deadline, students must provide an “Approved” slip from attendance.  If the absence is approved in accordance with school policy on legitimate absences, the student may be expected to be prepared to make up the test/submit the assignment on the day of his/her return to school.

·      If the absence is not approved according to school attendance policy, at the teacher’s discretion, a mark of zero may be assigned.
·      If a student is absent on the day of a presentation, at the teacher’s discretion, the student may be given an alternative assignment or may receive a zero.  The student will still be evaluated on the process leading up to the presentation.
·      Excessive use of the extension policy will be reported to administration.


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