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Code of Student Behaviour 206
Code of Student Behaviour
A.  Intent
Our Code of Student Behaviour supports an environment which fosters the most effective teaching and learning.  The Code of Student Behaviour is in effect while students are on school property, adjacent to school property, or on school-sponsored activities such as trips, sports events and dances.
Some important elements of that environment are:
1.   a sense of business-like purpose and commitment to education on the part of students, staff, and parents;
2.   mutual respect and co-operation among students, staff, and parents;
3.   a supportive, friendly atmosphere where each individual is treated in a fair and unbiased manner;
4.   physically neat, clean and safe grounds and building;
5.   pride in Williams as a composite school with high academic standards;
6.   freedom of individual expression within a framework of respect for the rights and responsibilities of others;
7.   recognition of the value of gender, cultural, racial, physical and social diversity of our community.
B. Expectations
Respect For Self
You shall act within the bounds of all provincial and federal laws.  You are expected to come to school free from the influence of alcohol or any illegal substances.  You are forbidden to possess or use such substances anywhere on school property, adjacent to school property or during school activities.
Respect For Others
You are to be courteous and considerate in your dealings with others.  You are not to threaten, coerce or harass others verbally, physically, emotionally or sexually.  Inappropriate language and the inappropriate use of other communication tools such as the Internet will not be tolerated.
Respect For Property
You are to treat the school grounds, the school building, and everything in the school with respect. You may not deface or damage school property by writing on or scratching desks, chairs, lockers, or walls.  Garbage must be deposited in the bins which are located throughout the school.  Any vandalism or damage to property will be dealt with by the school administration and police.  Damage to school property will be paid for by the student.
Respect For Authority
While on school property and during all school activities, you are to follow all school rules and expectations of school staff, including giving your name, when asked.  If you believe that you have been unfairly treated, discuss the problem with the staff member involved and then, if necessary, with a school administrator.  You may include your parents/guardians in such discussions.
At the beginning of each semester, your teachers will outline for you their individual classroom and course expectations. Your homeroom teacher will review various school policies and will answer questions you have about school policies and expectations.
C.  Consequences for Inappropriate Behaviour
Consequences for inappropriate behaviour may include:
1.   counselling;
2.   temporary exclusion from class;
3.    temporary confiscation of inappropriate item;
4.    direction to change clothing to align with Dress Code
5.   parent/guardian contact;
6.   working in class under close supervision;
7.    reflective writing/reading;
8.   detention(s);
9.    mediation or restorative meeting(s);
10.  referral to outside agencies;
11.  loss of privileges such as attendance at dances, parking,
       participation in school events, and team membership;
12.  behaviour and performance contract;
13.  clean up duty and/or restitution for damages;
14.  change in timetable (permanent exclusion
       from class);
15.  police involvement;
16.  formal suspension from school;
17.  expulsion from the YRDSB.
If you are asked to leave a class, you are to go immediately to Room 101 and wait for an administrator to speak with you.  Failure to do so will escalate consequences
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