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Dress Code Policy 319
Dress Code Policy

Students at Woodbridge College continue to wear the school uniform, which has significant community support from parents.  The uniform dress code also helps ensure the safety of students and staff by allowing them to identify non-College students more easily.  It is expected that all Woodbridge College students will adhere to the uniform dress code while at school throughout the entire school day, while in the building, (i.e.  between classes, in the cafeteria, at lunch, etc.).  Violations of the dress code or how various elements are worn will be addressed and students will incur consequences.
School Uniform
For All Tops
· Must have a WC crest.
· Polo tops are available in white or navy blue short sleeve and navy blue long sleeve.
· White or navy blue, undershirts, undergarments or t-shirts may be worn underneath a Woodbridge College polo top.
· Only two buttons may be undone for the Woodbridge College crested blouses or shirts.
· For cold weather a Woodbridge College vest, pullover or turtleneck may be worn.
· The top must meet the bottom.  The top must completely cover the navel and midriff even when arms are extended straight over their head.
· Only Halpern’s grey dress pants with the Woodbridge College insignia may be worn and they are to be worn at the waist.
· Pants must be done up.
· ALL BLACK SHOES must be worn.
· Only approved non-marking footwear may be worn in the gym.
· Flip-flops and open-toed shoes are not permitted.
· Only religious headgear is permitted in the school building.
· No other headgear may be worn in the school building at any time.
Other Club/Team/Band Apparel
· Can only be worn at designated activities approved by the principal.
· Jackets, coats, sweatshirts with hoods, etc. are not acceptable while you are in the school building (except during the lunch hour), and should be left in lockers, and not brought to class.
Uniform may not be altered in any form
(i.e. no writing, no slits, no buttons…)
Students are required to arrive to class in full uniform. Persistent uniform infractions will result in consequences.  Parents may be contacted and the student may be sent home to change.
The Character Education Club, in consultation with school administration, designates specific days as civvies days, when students may attend school out of uniform.  A minimum donation of $1.00 to the designated charity is required on civvies days.  
The dress code for civvies days is as follows:
· the top must completely cover the navel and midriff even when arms are extended straight over their head
· clothing should be conservative and not revealing
· clothing should be free from offensive logos or labels
· no head covering may be worn, except for religious reasons
· mesh or transparent clothing may not be worn
· Students who do not comply with the dress code on civvies days will be sent to the office.  Parents will be contacted and students will be sent home to change their clothing. 
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