Notes on Translation
The electronic translation service on the York Region District School Board's website is hosted by Google Translate. The quality of the translation will vary in some of the languages offered by Google. Google Translate is a free service and currently offers translation in over 50 languages, although an impressive number, this does not capture all languages or dialects. The basic translation’s goal is to capture the general intention of the original English material.
The York Region District School Board does not guarantee the quality, accuracy or completeness of any translated information. Before you act on translated information, the Board encourages you to confirm any facts that are important to you and affect any decisions you may make.
The York Region District School Board is committed to parent, family and community engagement, and it is our hope that by providing this tool on our website that we are making our information more accessible to families whose first language is not English and thereby enabling better engagement in public education.
Community Involvement
Community Involvement
Page Content As part of the diploma requirements, students must complete a minimum of 40 hours of community involvement activities during their secondary school years. Accumulation of community involvement hours may begin the summer after grade 8.
The purpose of the community involvement requirement is to encourage students to develop an understanding of civic responsibility and the role they can play in supporting and strengthening their communities. As well, such involvement can assist students in increasing their awareness of community needs and in making a positive difference. Helping others enhances the self-image of students and fosters a greater sense of belonging. Experiences in the community may also influence career choices.
The requirement is to be completed outside the student's normal instructional hours. The activities are to take place in the student's designated lunch hours, after school, on weekends, or during school holidays. Each student must submit to the school a record of his or her community involvement activities. Before engaging in volunteer activities, students (and parents) are strongly advised to confirm the eligibility of all intended volunteer activities with their school's principal or guidance office.
For more information about community involvement hours, eligible and ineligible activities please visit Community Involvement on our Board website.
