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Application Process 416
Application Process


Applications for the UHS Arts Program will open on November 11, 2024 at 12:00 PM and will close December 4, 2024 at at ​12:00 PM

Please Note: We encourage applicants to apply to Edsby through a Chrome Browser on a laptop/desktop.

Step 1: Register Online
Registration for the Regional Secondary Specialized Arts Program on Edsby
Please click here​ to register. 

Registration for the Arts Unionville Program is completed through Edsby. Families are encouraged to create an Edsby account before beginning the application process. The Ed​sby Instructions will guide families through the account creation steps. If there are any issues creating an Edsby account, please contact the school directly.

The York Region District School Board Specialized Arts Program registration is completed centrally for all candidates. Students are eligible to apply to the school in their Program Area Boundary.
Please visit the YRDSB School Locator to determine which school serves your home address.

2024-2025 Registration Requir​ements for Regional Specialized Program:​​

  • You must currently live in the Program ​Area Boundary indicated on the YRDSB School Locator when you apply
  • You are a student currently in Grade 8
  • Complete the online registration process through Edsby
    • Applicants are encouraged to contact the school of the program they are applying to if support is needed in completing the registration process.​ Edsby Registration Instruction​. Contact school for question: or 905-479-2787 Ext. 431​
    • November 11, 2024 at 12:00 PM and will close December 4, 2024 at at ​12:00 PM​
  • ​Families will receive an email with further application instructions for the ​January 2025 auditions, sent to the email address they provided in Edsby.
    ​​​All students who submit an application by December 4, 2024, at 12PM are guaranteed a spot in the workshop for their chosen discipline in January 2025​​​​​
    • ​​​​Fees: A non-refundable application fee of $20.00 for each discipline. Maximum of two disciplines. (These fees are not eligible for tax receipt).​
  • After the AU application submission closes on December 4, 2024, at 12 p.m., families will receive audition workshop instructions, dates, and times via email before the winter break. If families do not receive an email in December 2024 regarding the January 2025 audition workshops, they should contact the school directly.
Step 2: Audition Process

The Application will be an in person audition process.
A:  Student receives notification of audition time and date through email December 2024
B:  Student responds to audition time and date for the program(s) they are applying for.
C:  Student attends auditions in January 2025.
Once the AU application submission closes on December 4, 2024 at 12:00PM, the audition preparation will be shared before the winter break and the auditions will be scheduled end of January 2025. Be sure to check your emails before the winter break for your scheduled audition date and time.
Step 3: Acceptance Email
After the selection process, schools will send out acceptance emails February 2025.

Arts Unionville Program Residency Requirements and Student Expectations

It is understood that the student must reside with a parent/guardian whose primary residence falls within the specified Arts Unionville boundary throughout the entirety of the 4-year program. Additionally, any changes to this primary residence address must be promptly disclosed to the school's main office. It is noted that any changes to the student’s primary residence may result in potential withdrawal from both the ARTS program and/or Unionville High School. 

There are expectations regarding attendance, behavior, and academic performance. These expectations are designed to foster a conducive learning environment and ensure your success throughout your time at Unionville High School. Failure to comply with these expectations may result in student withdrawal from the AU program and possibly, Unionville High School.

Attendance: Consistent attendance is crucial for your academic progress and success. It is expected that you attend all classes and arrive punctually. In cases of unavoidable absences, please notify the school office or your teacher as soon as possible, and make arrangements to catch up on missed work promptly.

: We uphold high standards of conduct within our school community. Respect for peers, teachers, and staff is paramount. Additionally, adherence to school rules and policies, both in and out of the classroom, is expected. Your behavior should reflect integrity, responsibility, and a commitment to a positive learning environment.

Academics: Your academic performance is a reflection of your dedication and effort. Strive for excellence in your studies by actively participating in class, completing assignments on time, and seeking assistance when needed. Take advantage of the resources available to you, including teacher support, tutoring services, and study groups, to enhance your understanding and mastery of the material.

By adhering to these expectations, you will not only excel academically but also contribute positively to our school community. Remember that your success is our priority, and we are here to support you every step of the way.

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