Academic Honesty & Documentation of Sources
Plagiarism and Academic Honesty
Students must be academically honest in all assignments. Students found to be academically dishonest (i.e., cheating and plagiarism but not limited to) will result in a mark of zero on that particular evaluation, and parents/guardians and/or administration will be notified. Parents will be contacted by the classroom teacher. Tasks completed using a computer translation program will not be evaluated, as they are not student-generated work. Students are expected to be familiar with what constitutes academic dishonesty, and should speak with their teachers when in doubt. Please refer to the YRDSB Guide to the School Year for definitions regarding plagiarism and cheating consistent with Board Policy #305.0, Assessment, Evaluation and Communication of Student Learning and Achievement.
The following factors may lead to suspected plagiarism:
Students who are unclear about what constitutes plagiarism, must take the initiative to:
for further clarification, speak to their classroom teachers to ensure they are documenting their sources correctly
speak to the teacher-librarian for help with documenting their sources correctly
It is students’ responsibility to ensure that their work is not plagiarized.
In the event that plagiarism is confirmed or suspected, the following procedure will be followed:
the student will be advised that the teacher considers the work plagiarized
student will be asked to provide proof to the teacher that the work is original
if the student fails to provide proof, or if the proof is unconvincing, the teacher will assign a mark of zero to the work
if the teacher determines that the infraction is unintentional and very minor/technical, the teacher, at his or her discretion, may require the student to re-work or re-do the assignment as an alternative to zero*
an appeal can be made to the Department Head
a further appeal can be made to Administration
* Note: Teachers will be much less likely to exercise this discretion with the work of senior students who, by grades 11 and 12, are expected to have fully acquired the knowledge, skills and habits necessary to avoid unintentional plagiarism.
A few final words: Begin your assignments early; complete, organize and keep all process work. Develop the knowledge and skills that will result in projects and assignments you can be proud of. Do your own best work, with integrity, and give credit to those whose ideas you use in the process. (When in doubt, cite!)
Accepted Documentation Format:
All subject areas at UHS use the Modern Language Association (MLA) format for documenting sources used in the preparation of an essay and other research assignments.
The MLA conventions: please consult the handouts available in the library –or the school website (click “Departments” and then “Library”-- for assistance). Copies of the MLA Handbook are also available in the library.
Teachers may arrange for instruction on Works Cited and citations through the Teacher Librarians; student questions are always welcome on an individual basis.
Use of Secondary Sources
· All sources consulted in the preparation of essays, presentations, and other research assignments must be accompanied by a List of Works Cited
· Citations (also known as Embedded References) must follow borrowed information in the body of your work. These brief references correspond to the full reference in your Works Cited list.
Allergies/Medical Conditions
There are students and staff members in our school who have life-threatening allergies to nuts and other allergens. If they smell or come into contact with these foods, they may have an anaphylactic reaction.
To help create an allergen-safe environment, do not bring nut or nut products to school. Additionally, UHS is a scent free environment and we ask all students, staff, parents and visitors to respect this when entering our building.
If your child has a serious or life-threatening allergy or medical condition, let the school know immediately and speak to the school office about completing the appropriate medical forms.
Announcements will be made at the beginning of first period each day. If members of a school club or organization wish to have an announcement made, the written announcement must be signed by the staff advisor and submitted a day in advance. During announcements, students are to stand still and listen respectfully if in the halls. Announcements are also posted on monitors at the main entrance and in the cafeteria.
Unionville High School actively promotes an academic environment. Consequently, gambling is not permitted in the school building, on school property, or in association with school activities. Students participating in gambling activities will be subject to disciplinary action with the possibility of suspension.
Arrivals and Departures
Parents/guardians who drive their children to school, should arrive to school no later than 8:15 a.m. There are two driveways (off Town Centre and off Apple Creek). Please ensure to be mindful of pedestrians crossing in the parking lots and obey all traffic signage. Do not wait until you have reached the door to drop your child off. Please have your child exit the vehicle as soon as you have reached the sidewalk and it is safe to do so.
All student and staff parking are coordinated by the office. Any unauthorized parked vehicle will be tagged and/or towed. All vehicles must have the Unionville H.S. parking tag clearly visible on the rear view mirror. The Town of Markham has indicated that all of their parking spaces have been reserved for their staff and visitors, therefore, no student parking is allowed at the Civic Centre or Markham Theatre. Cost of a student-parking pass is $15 per semester. The student must show his or her UHS ID card when submitting a parking pass application to the main office. Parking passes are valid for one semester only.
More information about bus routes and times can be found at Parents/guardians, it is important to remember your child’s bus number and pick-up/drop-off times.
Students who use bicycles, rollerblades, skateboards or scooters to travel to school:
· Must wear a helmet.
· Must walk, rather than ride, while on school property.
· Should lock bicycles on the bike rack.
· Must store rollerblades, skateboards or scooters in their locker or backpack.
The school is not responsible for any lost or damaged personal items. Note: skateboards are not allowed to be used on school property. Students must pick skateboards up and carry them once on property.
Regular attendance and punctuality are a vital part of learning and are directly related to student success. Students will attend and participate in all of their classes regularly and be punctual. The only valid reasons for absences are:
· Illness
· Parent/Guardian authorized reasons
· Authorized school activity; or
· Religious observance
Absences - A student’s parent/guardian (if the student is under 18) must phone the school to report the absence preferably on the day of the absence before 2:00 p.m., or provide a note, detailing date(s) and reason(s) for the absence. The note is to be submitted to the attendance office before 8:15 a.m. on the first day back.
Lates - Students who are late must go directly to class where the teacher will record the late. If a student arrives late to school after 30 minutes into period 1, he/she must sign in at the attendance office prior to going to their class. Students are expected to be on time for all classes. Persistent lates will be dealt with by the teacher and /or an administrator.
Leaving - If a student must leave during the day for any reason he/she must sign out at the office. Students who are under 18 years of age must provide a note from a parent/guardian, or phone for parental permission.
Work Missed during Absence - Students are responsible for all work missed during absences, and will be evaluated on all work for the course. Teachers must be notified in advance when a student will be absent for appointments, field trips, etc. It is the responsibility of the student to make arrangements with individual teachers to complete missed assignments and evaluations.
Extended Absences - The school does not endorse extended absences due to personal vacations. Extended absence forms are available in the attendance office to inform teachers and administration should a student require an extended absence. Students will write exams at the place, time and date indicated on the exam schedule. Students cannot be exempted from exams for activities such as camps, family holidays, or employment.
Age of Majority - (Students over 18 years of age) 18+ students have the responsibility of notifying the school of any absence, and of signing in/out when necessary.
Punctuality - You are expected to be on time for school and each subject class. Late arrival is a disturbance to the learning in progress in the classroom
Use of the cafeteria is a privilege not a right. You are expected to put all garbage into the receptacles which are provided and behave in an appropriate manner. In respect for those students who are still in class, students who are on lunch are expected to remain in the cafeteria or in the library. Students are expected to leave the school by 4:00 p.m. each day unless they are involved in a supervised school activity that extends beyond that time. There is no after school supervision in the cafeteria.
Code of Student Conduct
Students are expected to demonstrate behaviour that is respectful and courteous at all times. This includes demonstrating respect for each other and our communities. These expectations are indicated in our School Code of Student Conduct. Students are expected to follow these rules of behaviour on school property and during Board or school-sponsored events and activities.
1. Respect for Self
You are expected to strive for achievement with integrity. You are expected to come to school free from the influence of alcohol or drugs. Use of such substances in the school or on school property or any school sponsored activity may result in suspension and criminal charges.
2. Respect for Others
You are expected to be courteous, kind and considerate to others and to model this on a consistent basis. You will respect the privacy and persons of others. UHS does not participate in initiations. Any students involved, will be suspended. Criminal charges may be involved. All individuals regardless of their sex, religion, ethnic background, size, ability or personality are entitled to personal dignity and to learn in an environment free from any form of harassment.
3. Respect for Property
You are expected to treat the school building, grounds, and equipment with respect and care. This includes property adjacent to the school such as Markham Theatre, Civic Centre, Mall etc. It is expected that all students clean up after themselves in the cafeteria.
4. Respect for Authority
You are expected to comply with the rules of the school and with the expectations of all staff in the school building, on the grounds, on the school buses, and at any school activity. The "Staff" includes Administrators, Teachers, Secretaries, Custodians, Cafeteria Staff and Bus Drivers. All staff deserves courtesy, consideration and respect.
5. Preparation for Class
You are expected to arrive on time for each class with the proper texts, notes and equipment. We encourage all students to use an agenda on a daily basis. Agendas may be electronic or purchased when shopping for school supplies. Exams, tests and all other assignments are designed as instructional tools. You are expected to study for and attend each test or exam. When you fail to complete an assignment you lose the instructional value as well as the evaluation value. You must complete the Ministry requirements for the course (course expectations and 110 hours of instruction) in order to be eligible for credit. To be granted a credit you must complete all requirements and have a mark of 50% or more.
Improving Behaviour
Students are expected to behave at all times in a manner that will bring credit to our school and themselves. If a student’s behaviour contravenes the Safe and Supportive Schools Policy, then the consequences outlined in the policy will be applied.
Parent Contact
Making Up Lost Instructional Time
Positive Reinforcement
Monitoring Student Performance
Restitution- for damage to school property or the personal property of others
Withdrawal of Privileges
Removal From Class
Formal Suspension
This very serious action temporarily denies a student the right to attend school under the terms of the Education Act 1980, Section 22(1). Students should be aware of the Safe and Supportive Schools Policy found in the Guide to the 2014-2015 School Year. Pamphlets will be given to you on the first week of class.
The Board Code of Student Conduct is part of Policy #668.0, Caring and Safe Schools.
Parents/guardians are our most important partners in educating children. We communicate with you in a variety of ways throughout the year.
To improve communication between home and school and reduce paper use, we coordinate an email distribution list and send home an e-mail bulletin every Friday. The list will be maintained and used only by school staff to communicate electronically to parents/guardians. Your email will not be sold, distributed or publicly posted.
Stay Connected Online
You can also stay connected online through our school website: Some classrooms also have Moodles, blogs, Twitter feeds or newsletters to help you stay connected. Your child’s teacher will provide more information.
In addition, you can follow Board news and updates at or on Twitter @YRDSB.
1. Dances on school premises (cafeteria) will run from 7pm to 10:30p.m.
2. Doors will be closed at 8:00 p.m. (outer door will be locked and supervised). No admittance allowed after 8:00 p.m.
3. Guests must be approved by Administration
· maximum of one guest per student,
· guest must be registered in a York Region high school and complete a guest form
· guest must have ID with name and photo
· guest must arrive with school sponsor
· student council guests are subject to the same procedure as all other guests
4. All jackets must be checked in before admittance to the dance. Minimum coat check fee applies. No bags are allowed into dances. The Locker areas are out of bounds.
Tickets for dances must be purchased in advance. There will be no tickets sold at the door.
Prom & Semi-Formal
1. These events will take place on a Thursday evening.
2. They will run from 6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.
3. Permission and guest forms to these events will be available on the UHS website at under “Student Council”. Forms must be completed prior to purchasing a ticket. See guest rules and restrictions above.
4. There will be no in and out privileges for anyone, including SAC members.
Dress Code
The York Region District School Board believes that school is a place of learning and, to be successful, students must focus their attention and energy on school-related matters. For this reason, it is important that students dress appropriately for the task of learning. Clothing which demonstrates respect for self and others is expected at all times. Appropriate dress is in effect while at school, on field trips, and during any other school-related activities or events.
For example:
a) Language or graphics on clothing will not display provocative, obscene, sexist or racist slogans, or refer to drugs, alcohol, smoking or sex. Clothing which contravenes the Human Rights Code in any way is unacceptable.
b) Students will not wear clothing to school that is revealing or provocative. Midriffs and undergarments will remain covered at all times and shorts, dresses, and skirts will be mid-thigh in length. Tube tops, halter tops, and other tops with narrow shoulder straps or “spaghetti” straps are unacceptable.
c) Clothing and accessories/paraphernalia depicting violence or death or that identify or promote cults or gangs are unacceptable.
Shoes must be worn at all times.
Staff and students have the right to work and learn in a respectful, safe and supportive environment.
Our school community understands that personal communication devices are being used by students. Examples of these devices include, but are not restricted to: cellular/camera phones, pagers, PDAs or PSPs. However, we recognize that the widespread use of these devices can be disruptive to the overall learning environment, various school routines, and that the audio/video and image recording and email/text messaging features can be used inappropriately. As a result, students are restricted in their use of these devices during school hours.
Personal devices:
· are not permitted during any assessment or evaluation activity
· where individual privacy must be protected, such as washrooms or change rooms
· where recording features, such as audio/video or picture taking, are used in such a way as to show disrespect for or violate another’s privacy
· may be used with headphones in instructional areas, including the library, only with teacher permission and only for program purposes at a volume which does not disrupt the learning of others
Emergency Information
Let office staff know as soon as possible if any of the following information changes:
· address, work or home numbers or other contact information
· emergency contacts and telephone numbers
· changes in custody agreements
· medical alert or changes in health condition (e.g. allergies, medications)
Excursions/Community Walkabouts
Teachers may take classes on walks around the community to support classroom programs. As well, many physical education classes and other activities are held outdoors, weather permitting. You will be informed whenever school vehicles are used for longer trips.
Field Trips
Field Studies are a vital part of many Unionville High School courses. In all situations, the trips will be supervised by appropriate personnel who will take every possible measure to ensure student safety. Students are expected to follow the Code of Behaviour and specific instructions from trip supervisors at all times during the field trip. A fee to cover part or all of the transportation costs and other expenses is normally charged.
Fire Drills
The continuous buzzer is the signal to leave the building. Students must proceed quickly, avoid crowding, and leave the building by the exit designated on the sign posted in each room. Once outside, everyone must move well away from the exits. No one may return to the building until a signal is given.
The guidance department offers a number of services, including support for academic and career planning, personal counselling, referrals to community resources, and support for the development of study habits and life skills. For more information, contact the school’s guidance department.
COURSE CHANGE PROCEDURES – Timetable Alterations
Students and their parents are reminded to select courses for the upcoming year very carefully. Careful course selection is the most important ingredient in your recipe for a successful school year. Once courses begin students must attend all classes. If a course change is required, students may make an appointment with the guidance department. Students who have incomplete timetables will be accommodated first; requests for course changes will be dealt with after all students have received a full timetable. Factors which may allow the student to receive a timetable alteration:
· A graduating student requires a course to complete diploma requirements
· A senior student requires a change for post-secondary entrance requirements
· A student failed a course prerequisite
Students in Grades 9, 10 and 11 are required to take a full timetable of 8 courses. Students in Grade 12 are required to take a minimum of 6 courses if they have accumulated 24 credits.
Semester 1: the first two weeks of Semester 1 Semester 2: by the end of Semester 1
FULL DISCLOSURE DATES – For Grade 11 and 12 students:
Semester 1 – November 23, 2015 Semester 2 – May 2, 2016
Each student is issued a locker for the year. Students must:
· take care of it
· maintain the contents in an orderly fashion
· keep it locked, using the Dudley combination lock provided by the school. This lock remains the property of Unionville High School.
· empty the locker at the end of each school year and leave the door open with the lock locked. Students who are leaving the school must return their lock to the office.
Students are strongly urged to keep their locker and lock combination confidential and never to leave valuables in the locker. Lockers are the property of the YRDSB.
Lost and Found
Lost articles should be turned in to the main office and may be claimed from there. Students are not to bring valuables to school.
School Council
As parents/guardians, there are many ways you can be engaged in your child’s learning at home and at school. This includes getting involved with the school council. Contact school office staff for more information.
In accordance with Board Policy, there will be no smoking allowed on school property or at school-related events. Students caught smoking will be subject to the following disciplinary action:
1st offence: an offence letter sent home
2nd offence: 3 day suspension and the Markham By-Law Department will assess a fine
The Theatre front, back and sides are out of bounds. Therefore, smoking there is not acceptable.
Student Personal Information
Schools routinely collect, use and release student personal information, in keeping with the Education Act and other laws. Whenever your child’s personal information is collected, its use will be explained to you.
Please see the section on Student Personal Information in the Guide to the School Year booklet for a list of examples for when permission will be sought. Parents must sign the Policy Agreement Form, acknowledging that they have read and understood this information.
If you have any questions about your child’s privacy protection, please contact the school principal or the Information Access and Privacy Office at 905-727-0022 ext.2015.
The York Region Board of Education has supplied textbooks on a loan basis. While they are in a student's possession, the student is financially responsible for them. At the end of the semester it is each student's responsibility to ensure that all materials signed out to them are returned to subject teachers. Students must return their textbook(s) or the dollar value of the lost book(s) before writing their exam.
All visitors, including parents/guardians, must:
· Check in at the main office. Office staff will deliver important messages and materials to your child.
· Sign in and obtain a parking pass for your vehicle as well as a visitor or volunteer pass to wear while in the school.
We welcome and encourage the important role that parents/guardians and community members play in education. There are many opportunities for you to get involved at the school. For more information, contact the school office staff or review Policy and Procedure #280.0, Volunteers in Our Schools. If you are interested, please complete the School Volunteer Form and return it to the school office.
For More Information
You can find more information on these and other topics in the Guide to the 2015-16 School Year-16 School Year included with this package or on the York Region District School Board website at
Wolfpackapp Privacy Policy
Suelyn Cheong built the wolfpackapp as a Free app. This SERVICE is provided by Suelyn Cheong at no cost and is intended for use as is.
This page is used to inform visitors regarding my policies with the collection, use, and disclosure of Personal Information if anyone decided to use my Service.
If you choose to use my Service, then you agree to the collection and use of information in relation to this policy. The Personal Information that I collect is used for providing and improving the Service. I will not use or share your information with anyone except as described in this Privacy Policy.
The terms used in this Privacy Policy have the same meanings as in our Terms and Conditions, which is accessible at wolfpackapp unless otherwise defined in this Privacy Policy.
Information Collection and Use
For a better experience, while using our Service, I may require you to provide us with certain personally identifiable information. The information that I request will be retained on your device and is not collected by me in any way.
The app does use third party services that may collect information used to identify you.
Link to privacy policy of third party service providers used by the app
Log Data
I want to inform you that whenever you use my Service, in case of an error in the app I collect data and information (through third party products) on your phone called Log Data. This Log Data may include information such as your device Internet Protocol (“IP”) address, device name, operating system version, the configuration of the app when utilizing my Service, the time and date of your use of the Service, and other statistics.
Cookies are files with a small amount of data that are commonly used as anonymous unique identifiers. These are sent to your browser from the websites that you visit and are stored on your device’s internal memory.
This Service does not use these “cookies” explicitly. However, the app may use third party code and libraries that use “cookies” to collect information and improve their services. You have the option to either accept or refuse these cookies and know when a cookie is being sent to your device. If you choose to refuse our cookies, you may not be able to use some portions of this Service.
Service Providers
I may employ third-party companies and individuals due to the following reasons:
To facilitate our Service;
To provide the Service on our behalf;
To perform Service-related services; or
To assist us in analyzing how our Service is used.
I want to inform users of this Service that these third parties have access to your Personal Information. The reason is to perform the tasks assigned to them on our behalf. However, they are obligated not to disclose or use the information for any other purpose.
I value your trust in providing us your Personal Information, thus we are striving to use commercially acceptable means of protecting it. But remember that no method of transmission over the internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure and reliable, and I cannot guarantee its absolute security.
Links to Other Sites
This Service may contain links to other sites. If you click on a third-party link, you will be directed to that site. Note that these external sites are not operated by me. Therefore, I strongly advise you to review the Privacy Policy of these websites. I have no control over and assume no responsibility for the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third-party sites or services.
Children’s Privacy
These Services do not address anyone under the age of 13. I do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children under 13. In the case I discover that a child under 13 has provided me with personal information, I immediately delete this from our servers. If you are a parent or guardian and you are aware that your child has provided us with personal information, please contact me so that I will be able to take necessary actions.
Changes to This Privacy Policy
I may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. Thus, you are advised to review this page periodically for any changes. I will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page.
This policy is effective as of 2021-12-15
Contact Us
If you have any questions or suggestions about my Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to contact me
By email: or
By visiting this page on our website: