The 2025-2026 YRDSB Regional Specialized Arts Edsby Registration
The Arts Huron Application is now closed.
ARTS Huron Application
The York Region District School Board Specialized Arts Program registration is completed centrally for all candidates. Students are eligible to apply to the school in their Program Area Boundary.
Please visit the YRDSB School Locator to determine which school serves your home address.
2025-2026 Registration Requirements for Regional Specialized Program:
● You currently live in the Programme Area Boundary indicated on the YRDSB School Locator
● You are a student currently in Grade 8 or Grade 9
● Complete the online registration process through EDSBY.
● Applicants are encouraged to contact the school they are applying to if support is needed in completing the registration process.
○ Use the How to Guide to help you
Grade 8 Progress Report Card
○ YRDSB student reports cards will be shared with the Arts schools automatically
○ Non-YRDSB students must email a scanned copy of the report card to the school the student is applying to