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                                                                                        (scroll down for continued access to Arts blog and our collection of mindful creative resources)

 WELCOME TO EARTH DAY - APRIL 22, 2020          


As we approach Earth Day 2020, we overtake our Arts Blog, for a focused and collective creative action.  And, you can be a part.  Our connection to earth, nature and all living things has never been more important. 

Explore what we have to offer for Earth Day 2020, the week & Beyond.  Join with us, and our partners, 
BIRDS CANADA & SHADOWLAND THEATRE, for a mass creative action on April 22, 2020.  

Be a part of it, to show the strength & connection of our MMHS community and demonstrate what we can achieve, together, even while apart. Meet eco-leaders from Birds Canada & Shadowland, here, for an online experience that you can share & extend further, with friends & family, around the globe. Map your reach early at for your items to show on the world map for Earth Day.


On Earth Day, prepare to flip your social media icon to advocate for our feathered friends and Birds Canada.
Copy & upload the icon of your choice, release the bird and let the message take flight.  Take a further step, &
release the Birds through your social media posts and messages to help Build the Flock  with the hashtag  #buildtheflockYRDSB + tags and links to and or this page 

Building the Flock is about gathering in community, and creative action to advocate for our birds.   Due to the wonderfully diverse nature of our school and community, we have an opportunity to spread a positive focus both locally and internationally, when the world needs it, most.  Building the Flock means fostering balance and support for our bird populations. Discover our series of Earth Inspirations and creative actions for one minute and one hour and building the flock across our lifetimes.  Engagement in eco-awareness and advocacy is key to the survival and thriving of all species, including our own. Help #BuildTheFlockYRDSB .
Be a Voice for Our Birds.  Let Your Voice Be Heard.  Watch The Flock Build.  @BirdsCanada @ShadowlandThtre  @MillikenMHS  #MMHS #EarthDay #BuildTheFlockYRDSB         

              No photo description available.                 
Give | Birds Canada | Oiseaux CanadaGive | Birds Canada | Oiseaux CanadaGive | Birds Canada | Oiseaux CanadaGive | Birds Canada | Oiseaux Canada 

                                            CONTINUE THE  LEGACY
Chirstmas Bird Count          BE A VOICE FOR OUR BIRDS 
                                                with Birds Canada, Shadowland Theatre, MMHS & YOU
                                                                                                         & help to communciate ways of giving

                                                                                                                                                                                            all imagery: Birds Canada 

"The strikingly beautiful Canada Warbler first appeared on Birds Canada’s magazine, BirdWatch Canada, in the summer of 1996.Its breeding range runs from northeastern British Columbia across the southern Boreal Forest Region to Nova Scotia, and also extends into southern Ontario, the northeastern U.S., and ​through the Appalachians. About 80% of all Canada Warblers breed in Canada. The entire population winters in northern South America, primarily in the Andes. According to the Canadian Breeding Bird Survey, Canada Warbler populations have declined significantly over the last 40 years (on average, 2.9% per year since 1970). The species has been federally designated as Threatened since 2008. Reasons for population declines include changes in Canada’s Boreal Forests, and habitat loss in wintering areas." - Birds Canada

Find out more about our partnership with Birds Canada and Shadowland Theatre, below. ​

Discover our series of creative actions and ways to be involved in the coming days and weeks. @MillikenMHS @BirdsCanada @ShadowlandThtre #mmhs #buildtheflockYRDSB  

 1 MINUTE ACTIONS - BUILD the FLOCK                                                

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         1-10 minutes 

1  Do the Icon Flip  1 minute         2  Engage with a Question Which bird do you identify with? Why?

       Birds Canada Icons are below                               How do birds inspire you? tag #buildtheflockYRDSB #MMHS @MillikenMHS @BirdsCanada

                                                                                      survey link:                                                              

Screen Shot 2020-04-18 at 5.33.46 PM.png         Screen Shot 2020-04-18 at 5.47.18 PM.png                                                                                    Join in.  Answer Principal Hilmer's survey and let your voice be heard.       
                                                                                              Your words might be chosen to appear on the 2020 Yearbook EarthDay page.
                                                                   Extension> Make it a Poem.

 3 Send a Message  minute     4 Create & Share A BIRD Pic, Drawing, Poem
                                                                      by window, lawn, file scroll, pencil + #buildtheflockYRDSB #MMHS        
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Capture the message or create one send it through your network.                                                                                                                                 D. Tan
 Type #BuildTheFlockYRDSB #MMHS #earthday @BirdsCanada            44. create a personal expression inspired by a local birdc. Cr

 join in... build community ...and Acknowledge the Earth in your actions every day  

Create an Earth Inspirations for Earth Day and any day. Add Your Voice. Share Your Expression.
include the hashtags/tags #BuildTheFlockYRDSB #MMHS @BirdsCanada @MillikenMHS @ShadowlandThtre
EARTH INSPIRATION FOUR:   WINGED THINGS                                                                         10 min- 1 hour
Spring is coming. Look and Listen.  Notice the birds in your surroundings.  Consider the birds in our environment  through an personal artwork, in your way. Drawings, origami. poetry and song are ways to creatively connect.  
If you are feeling motivated, try the guided bird study from Birds Canada below. Send in your images for the 
possibility to be included in a creative experience being developed by Shadowland Theatre.

 Getting Naturalistic - with Birds Canada Draw a realistic bird step by step, with Megan Hiebert of Bird's Canada    

  Screen Shot 2020-04-09 at 10.38.00 PM.png                          birds are a source of creative inspiration - see theclip

Once we notice birds and connect to them, we, naturally, appreciate &  want to support them...

EARTH INSPIRATION FIVE:   ENCOURAGEMENT                                                                             10 min-1 hour        Post some earth friendly, bird friendly spring inspiration in your windows as we approach Earth Day.  Consider the  
Beautiful Art of Norval Morrisseau and the message of interconnectedness with the  McMichael Gallery .  Explore in your way.  Share it.  (and visit the other natures works at the McMichael Gallery.                                                                                          

Norv​al MORRISSEAU -Video & Project  EVERYTHING is CONNECTED (hint: Gr. 9 Art Students, inspiration for one of your projects)

​​​1. Learn About Birds    2. Shop Bird-Friendly   3. Support Conservation  4.  Keep Cats Indoors  5. Welcome Birds Home
                                           6. Prevent Collisions

EARTH INSPIRATION SIX:  It's For The BIRDS                                                                                       1 hour

Design a family project to keep your home windows free from bird strikes. 
(and keep your kitty indoors.. did you know that cats are amongst the top threats to decline of bird species?.. and that outdoor cats live fewer years than indoor ones?)

EXAMPLES: - highlighter grid (easy... but redo regularly)

GTA Design Solutions: designing solutions - National Geographic​

     + MMHS adds # 7. Share it.. to Build the Flock 
      MMHS will be sharing Bird Themed Expressions, in performances and publication
    Share your own + add #BuildTheFlockYRDSB #MMHS @BirdsCanada @MillikenMHS 

                                                      APRIL 22, 2020

    Welcome to EARTH DAY 2020 - A 50th ANNIVERSARY 
 *Birds Canada * Shadowland  * Birds Canada*  Shadowland * Birds Canada * Shadowland * Birds Canada
    Screen Shot 2020-04-21 at 7.54.20 PM.png      earth day 50th poster gray.jpg

See the videos   * Take the Pledge  * Choose a Focus Action  * Interact * Explore Resources 

 EARTH INSPIRATION EIGHT- EARTH DAY - DO IT!                                  
   Complete the creative actions and share the results. Build awareness, focus and to help BUILD the FLOCK         

    See the video  
 1. an introductory message from Principal Hilmer:
 2. view a quick news clip on local birds  2min
 3.  Andres Jimenez, of Birds Canada, has been working with MMHS students

       He has offered a personal message on identifying and managing window threats:

  10 min

 4. take the Build the Flock PROTECTION PLEDGE 
 *I pledge to:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 take notice of the birds around me                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 create a safer place for birds through my choices and actions                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                *risk proof a window *clean up debris *plant seeding plants *bring cats in *make a bird box *build awareness

     5.     Flip through the pages of Bird's Canada's online Magazine
                                                     Screen Shot 2020-04-20 at 5.13.47 AM.png
                                                                                                                                                                      6.  Define a personal focus action:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               *risk proof a window *clean up debris *plant seeding plants *bring cats in *make a bird box *build awareness                                                                                                                                               

    7. MAP IT!   * Find MMHS EARTH DAY on the interactive EARTH DAY MAP (below)
                         * Place your personal action on the Earth Day Map. Share it with the world.
                         * Visit the Native Land Map to see the ways this land has been inhabited by 
                            First Nations in interaction
                         * Go to the birds Canada map. Find this region. See images of the birds in our area.


    MMHS EARTH VISION 2020 - A 50th EARTH DAY ANNIVERSARY                 advocate communicate educate celebrate create contribute               

 EARTH INSPIRATION EIGHT- EARTH DAY - DO IT!                                  
   Complete the creative actions and share them. Build awareness  & focus to help BUILD the FLOCK         
 *flip your icon *answer a question *send a message to build the flock * find or make a pic *create an earth inspiration
*share an earth inspiration *share your creative expression * map it * take the pledge *watch the video 
*engage with Arts Mind ACKNOWLEDGEMENT *remain aware and involved * Build the Flock          

           YOU ARE ON THE MAP            BUILD the FLOCK across the globe.  Send Your Message.  Map it.
      Screen Shot 2020-04-18 at 10.40.44 PM.png  Screen Shot 2020-04-19 at 10.44.39 AM.png
Build the Flock and MMHS are registered as part of Earth Day 2020 online Global Action
Find us on the World Map and add yourself.

 Share your voice to your online community, our MMHS online community and the world

 * Visit the Native Land Map 
    to see growing visuals of location, movement and interaction of First Nations across this Land
                             Screen Shot 2020-04-22 at 5.15.54 AM.png

    Watch a clip of BIIDAABAN, a VR experience of A GTA reclaimed by nature, designed by artist Lisa Jackson.


 * Visit Birds Canada's Map to see which birds also share this land and which are at risk


     What have you learned by Interacting with the different maps of yoru region?



 Stay connected to Birds, Nature, Creativity and MMHS.

 Be on the Look Out for some SHADOWLAND offerings,  MMHS BIRDS & NATURE EXPRESSIONS, here.   

Logo Crystal Nguyen Earth Day Border.jpgLogo Crystal Nguyen Earth Day Border.jpgLogo Crystal Nguyen Earth Day Border.jpgLogo Crystal Nguyen Earth Day Border.jpgLogo Crystal Nguyen Earth Day Border.jpg                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Image: Crystal N                           
 Recap.:  *Video Link * Pledge Link * Interactive Magazine * Earth Inspirations    

             *Flip it *Express It  *Share It  *Map It   *Be It  *Build It ... #BuildTheFlockYRDSB

 ... continue to be aware, share, engage and visit here for more

  and visit the growing flock that MMHS is building at

 It doesn't stop with Earth Day.
*The Pages of Arts Mind ACKNOWLEDGEMENT will continue to unfold.
*Your Year Book Theme is related to our effort and a dedicated page will feature the sharing. 
*We are assembling bird-themed offerings from our classes into a On-Line Production lead by 
 Shadowland  Theatre.  MMHS musicians, actors, artists, and writers are virtually linking  
 performances and recordings into a collective expression to BUILD the FLOCK.  
 Watch for it in this space and announcements through #BuildTheFlockYRDSB.

 Screen Shot 2020-04-21 at 7.54.20 PM.png   Screen Shot 2020-04-10 at 11.44.58 AM.png 
                                                                                                                                                                                                  designs: Dylan Tan


Earth Day marks the release of the cover design of our interactive Magazine, Arts Mind
This Year our Theme is ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Stay tuned here for the release of new pages, in the weeks ahead. Print the pages to create your own book or download the pages to use in you image apps. The cover illustration was created by Ange L, in preparation for partnership with Birds Canada.  Consider the symbols and what message they send.  Our students work within creative process. Angel offers us some insight into the building of a cover, below.  While Dylan, refines text position and  explores image orientation options. 
angel cover plan.jpg artsmind text2020 cover illustration Angel new.jpg

  artsmind 2020 cover full .jpg angel b plan.jpgScreen Shot 2020-04-13 at 11.59.25 PM.png  angel b plan.jpg

Arts Mind 2020 is about Acknowledgement, acknowledgement of the land, our first peoples, all beings and vital elements in nature, plus the intricacies involved in harmonious relationship and challenging times. It is a place to discover and mindfully engage, a creative offering from our students for you, to expand and arrange, in your own way.  This year, we will release the magazine, page by page is a new size format, printable from your home or accessible for download into your favorite image editing/paint app.   Watch for it, Here...

                                                                                                                                                         all cover illustrations, Arts Mind 2019, 2020: Angel L.

Arts Mind 2020, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT,  each book is unique, because you create it.  
Keep Connected and engaged. Visit regularly for more pages ​& build your book as we Build the Flock

Keep up you interaction with nature and creativity and MMHS as we enter National Mental Health Awareness Week in the first week of May. Nature and Creativity, are key foundations of wellness, connection and meaning-making in our days and lives.  ​   May 4-10

... continue to discover below, for mindfully earthy creative activities and explorations 
to support your day, build awareness and connection

                                                                                                                                                                   IT'S COMING, ANOTHER COVER, INTERACTIVE ACTIVITIES, and birds flying, flying across the pages ...         ​  ARTS MIND 2020, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, cover release peek... for Earth Day.  BE HERE.

     Screen Shot 2020-03-27 at 11.59.01 AM.png  Screen Shot 2019-08-15 at 1.17.57 PM.png Screen Shot 2020-03-27 at 11.59.01 AM.png  Screen Shot 2019-08-15 at 1.17.57 PM.png

... continue to discover below, for mindfully earthy creative activities and explorations 
to support your day, build awareness and connection

 join in... build community ...and Acknowledge the Earth in your actions every day  

EARTH INSPIRATION NINE:   GROW                                                                                                      10 min-1 hour

Spring is here. What sign of spring or growth do you notice? Create a piece a work of art, inspired by new growth.  Phone Photographs, drawings, origami. poetry and song are ways to creatively connect.  

EARTH INSPIRATION TEN -  NATURE GRATITUDE                                                                               10 min - 1hour

Identify something in nature that makes you feel grateful.  
Create a photo, drawing, song or dance around that concept.

Nature grounds, even amidst challenging time. Gratitude is a powerful thing that enhances our resilience.

EARTH INSPIRATION ELEVEN -  NATURE NARRATIVES                                                                       10 min- 1 hour

Many illustrators are inspired by nature. Nature is at the core of the foundational narratives and learnings across cultures and our lives.  De-stress and renew with illustrators sharing their work and insights in connection with nature.

Illustrator Victoria Turnbull speaks about her beautiful book Pandora, in which a bird brings in nature and creates a new reality. Biidaaban (The Dawn Comes) - compelling animated story
In this mesmerizing stop-motion short film from acclaimed director Amanda Strong, an Indigenous youth joins forces with a 10,000-year-old Sasquatch to revive ceremonial sap harvesting in suburban Ontario. -CBC Arts silently explore the pages of the Beauty in Fox & Star by Coralie Bickford-Smith

discover or create your own...

EARTH INSPIRATION TWELVE- MINDFUL NATURE                                                                             10 min - 1 hour                                    
 Observing and creating are ways of mindfulness and nature is the perfect subject.  

EARTH INSPIRATION  -  SANCTUARY                                                                                   10 min - 1 hour

How is nature "sanctuary"?
Visit the Aga Khan Museum Without Walls Initiative 
Tour the New Sanctuary Show, featuring artists and patterns from around the world  & create your own sanctuary design, inspired by nature and the patterns we find there.

 ARTNERSHIPS in Vi​sion - 2020                                                              BIRDS CANADA & SHADOWLANDS THEATRE with GREEN INC, ARTS + YOU
​  PARTNERSHIPS in Vi​sion - 2020  Birds Canada & Shadowland Theatre. + . . .

MMHS Classes in the Arts (Dance, Drama, Music, Visual Arts), English, Personal Alternative Education, Family Studies and Technology Studies have been working in partnership with Green IncBirds CanadaShadowland Theatre and others, towards Earth Day 2020, a 50th Anniversary.  Our students have engaged in information meetings and theatrical discovery, workshops lead by Andres Jiminez of Birds Canada, Anne Barber, Brad Harley, Sequoia, Ben, Chris, the team from Shadowland. Elder, Alan, from our First Nations/Metis/Inuit leadership offered a rich sharing circle featuring elements and directions, rekated to life choice and our individual responsibilities to each other and the land.  That Partnership continues... with all of MMHS, you and beyond. Share this space.  Build momentum. Share your expression.  Get involved.  

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Students, like Grace H., have been continuing their inquiries at home and creating small Avian armies, uploaded to online galleries, bringing Earth Day joy to neighbourhood window shares.  Grace had already created a big array at school in support of Shadowland Theatre's Earth Day community pageant and performances.  Once we engage with the art of creative contribution, it can become a way of life, positive focus, renewing, and meaning-making.  Our students are well -versed in the design process, creative problem-solving and responding to shifts in scenario and conditions.  We are designing ways to engage with our students, sharing​ community and connection, remotely, and students are responding.

grace birds 11.jpg  bird grace 2.jpg bird grace.jpg bird grace 9.jpgbird grace 4.jpg bird grace 8.jpg    theatrical birds: Grace H

Early in the semester, student had already begun work towards a collective theatrical and advocacy experience,  after planning events with Birds Canada, Shadowland Theatre and amazing in-class sessions with FNMI leadership. Photography and English classes experienced in-depth foundational Indigenous teaching, related to the elements, directions and personal and community living in harmony and contribution.   We all learned facts about our local birds and how best to support them as well as theatrical means of communication, building momentum, and group organization. 
Our intent is multi-faceted awareness reflected in our design approaches and forms.

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theatrical Birds: Julia H., Jeremy P, Elaine H, Amy T, Ryan M.,  Alyssa B., Elaine Z, Anita L, Victoria, Teressa Q,  Ryan S, Winson K., Andy H, and William, Dylan T

Images below are of Jason H. and Marc L., really getting into their work, a large theatrical bird lighting design, based on traditional techniques.  The work was an extension of an earlier prototype by Jason, related to our Building the Flock advocacy concept.  One thing quickly lead to another with will, diligence and the question: What could this become?  Ryan, Winson and Malina, upped the scale, further, on related theatrical set pieces/lighting designs, using a mix of technology, sustainability and maker spirit.  
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theatrical design: Jason H. and Mark L.

Allan has taken the lead on our FOR the LOVE of BIRDS, BUILD the FLOCK window installation, designed to educate the community on local bird loss, due to loss of habitat and window threats.  Allan, Elaine, Erica and others have created hundreds of bird forms for installation.  Our hope is to implement effective design solutions for our windows at MMHS, and​ bring the installation concept as education through visual messaging to the Civic and Community Centres and other local venues.
We can also help at home, be using safe window strategies and sharing bird art, awareness and positive creative expressions, in our windows.  Functional Design in the form of stripes and dots on windows can help reduce window strikes, an art project that all can try. Communicate within your household, to discover what is possible.

Our nature advocacy is a process, of creation and dedication, building, individually and together.
Below are images from Angel's Arts Mind 2020 cover inquiry and studies, inspired by Birds Canada. Angel finished the cover
with efficiency grace and good humour, early in our process and partnerships, to inspire and guide others.  Not only is the final illustration our cover,  it also served as our MMHS Banner at Quest Educational conference and an acknowledgement wallet card, to remind us that Acknowledgment is also personal awareness, recognition and action.
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    Images: Angel L.

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Andy and William created an interesting series of bird forms all from a base unit, like cellular growth.  Building thisway is akin to individual creating a whole within a flock or how individual contribution pieces can become a larger force.
Its is symbolic of the Build the Flock initiative  and would make a great animation.


Connection to nature is vital and essential, for the world and all beings.  Nature supports us, in this time and each day.  Watch this space for OFFERINGS from BIRDS CANADA & SHADOWLAND THEATRE, plus creative connections to , other collaborative inspirations. 

Respond with photography, drawing, journalling, poetry, sound, music, movement, dance 
or other available and sustainable creative means.
Related items to share can be sent to Ms Middleton (with completed YRDSB media release) and the official Earth Day website,,  for shared display. 

PARTNER SITES link and learn with and array of  First Nations see original land and people connection/relations

see Birds Canada, MMHS Visual Arts, Green Inc and Personal Alternative Education
at the YRDSB Quest Conference for Indigenous Education and Unity  - click the link

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... continue to discover below, for mindfully earthy creative activities and explorations 
to support your day, build awareness and connection

 join in... build community and get ready for Earth Day ...and Acknowledge the Earth in your actions every day  
... continue to discover below, for mindfully earthy creative activities and explorations 
to support your day, build awareness and connection


 Shadowland and Birds Canada  will continue to lead and interact with MMHS students in creative collaboration, online.

 Watch this space, for an emerging theatrical work.  Hints and links to the final results will appear here... top of page.

         We hold this space, reserved for Shadowland Theatre, in collaboration with MMHS ...

          Image may contain: text    images: Shadowland Theatre


It is not done.  Nature and creativity contain continuity, resilience and regeneration.   


...and our growing Nature Gallery


Watch here, as more pages are released for Arts Mind Magazine, each one unique, because you create it.  
This year that's true, even more so, as we release pages one by one for you to build your own book and sequence
as we head into Mental Health Awareness Week, the inspiration for the publication.

Our theme, again, is nature based, a continuation of our Acknowledgement focus at Quest.

acknowledges the land
our first people
and living things
in interrelationship
the current scenario in which we live
and ways of creating and being, together, through it  

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               ​Image Angel L.

continue​ to look here and connect with updated initiatives, activities and inspirations  - take care~​

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   Image: Crystal N.

  ... and back to our Arts Blog
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​                                                            there is always something 
                                   unfolding through MMHS Visual Arts... 

         click the link to find out more

        scroll down for our ongoing activities>>>


  Art is good for you and we are here for you.   

MMHS Visual Arts students have been provided with take-home creative assignments related to courses and active creative engagement.  As information becomes available, we will design creative solutions, and more course related content will be communicated to you.  Content and projects will be adapted for materials and technologies available to all. 

Arts is good for everyone.  Creative exploration helps.   All MMHS students, staff and friends may visit this space for links to great creative initiatives offered by artists and designers,  continuing to contribute to community and well being.  We will, also, post some of our MMHS creative works here to amuse, inspire and keep in touch.  Join us in creativity.

From Spain to Port Hope and beyond artists everywhere are displaying art and rainbow colours in their windows to focus on creativity and encourage others.  Take up the challenge in this 'window' and your own. We will post some MMHS wonder here, as it continues to grow.

Our Student Creative Team has been working to Bring You ARTS MIND MAGAZINE 2020. 
Anticipate a gradual release of interactive printable pages as we go virtual. 
Arts Mind, each magazine is unique, because you create it.

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Image: Angel L.  Design: Angel L .and Midd.

 RENEW through CREATIVE ACTION - bring positive focus, meaning & energy to your day 


Give yourself a surprise and a laugh to 
Humour and amusement can lift us each day.

1) image search your name + glamour shot - the second one is for you
2) give it an MMHS twist: image search name plus superhero and see what comes up first
3) take it to nature: image search your name plus flower - pick the one that suits you
4) try all those as .gif searches if you need an extra boost
5) take it a step further and use one as inspiration for an artwork.

The first one is via artist Wild Kristin and her amazing group of creative friends.


Promote household hygiene for flattening the curve.  Create a cleaning selfie.  For photo students, this is a good opportunity to practice selective focus and creative, communicative portraiture (faces optional).
Skip the glamour and tell it like it is ... or glam it up... either way.  Keep it as is or use it as a Basis for a poem, drawing, dance, or dramatic work.


Finding Signs and Making Messages - creative efforts to positively and responsibly​ communicate 
are emerging around us.  Record one or create one. 


We are all in partnership at this present time.  
Create an expression about social distance or distance socializing.. in image, words, dance, drama, music.
Create an expression related to connection ... across space ~


Identify something that makes you feel grateful.  Create a photo, drawing, song or dance around that concept.


Visit the Aga Khan Museum Without Walls Initiative 
Tour the New Sanctuary Show, featuring artists and patterns from around the world

TOPICAL: How do experience the physical divide? Is it actual? How can you frame it? embrace it? transform it?   
respond in word, drawing, photo, paper sculpture, food styling, office supply stacking, dance, drama or ...other viable means

 tiny quarantine gallery for gerbils
 fancy yourself a curator? into spatial design? 
 see what happens when and London museum curator is quarantined 
 keep yourself and your pets happy during challenging​ times
 hint: it fits an upcoming design project  


2021, will be something different.  What's your idea for a yearbook theme and cover?.. virtual or print edition

continue​ to look here and connect with updated initiatives, activities and inspirations  - take care~

  ARTS COMMUNITY                                                                                                                               Toronto Playwright, Nick Green has created a space 
                                                                 to shares artistic content  from cancelled art events - new virtual content from the Art Gallery of Ontario

advice on working from home from artists and designers                                                              

TOPICAL: How do experience the physical divide? Is it actual? How can you frame it? embrace it? transform it?   

banner_black.gif creative company and inspiration since 1998 - suggested by Ms Comerford

  DRAWING & DESIGN  lunch doodles with Mo Willems, artist in residence at the Kennedy Centre  illustrator Stan Propenko - great content and skills building - freebies - 30 Day Great Trials

  comic book instruction with Will Sliney ongoing create challenges huh, logo pro design competitions with potential payout prize - more pro design contests of all sorts artist C​ourtney Clinton with a weekly drawing exercise  - draw with Wendy Mac  Steam Punk portrait with art teacher Christine Rasmussen provided by Ms Perez drawing a day can change your life .. and is certainly a great focus for now... give it a try 
free courses

Lose Yourself, Find Yourself: Write & Draw for Creative Self-Discovery March 23-April      free mini sessions 1 month trial           amazing - free month trial and much other - support your figure drawing and portrait development  lunch doodles with Mo Willems, artist in residence at the Kennedy Centre  illustrator Stan Propenko - month course trials - build your portrait & figure drawing skills 


PHOTO of the DAY (and week                                                                    

Quarantine photo challenge  by Artist Isis Ascobereta  - go to Calgary to tour Vivian Maier: In Her Own Hands early portraiture CNG  - stop motion animation with Trisha Zemp   movie making in the 'stuck'  the picture this podcast


​ 2 months free creative skills guidance!

  + do your own search, follow your own interest for a range of tutorials -... offerings are out there

 ACTIVITIES and CHALLENGES for ALL  - weekly gallery led art for all 

 #antisocialartshow by Airigami  using any available supplies  gallery app with fun interaction - National Gallery, USA free colouring and activity pages Annual Colouring Festival - Unusual Sources                                                                    colouring pages and sport illustration competition by illustrator Steph Cheng window art challenge - start you own
  some of these creative finds sourced from CBC, other media/social media posts + searches
  thank you to our local broadcasters and creatives who continue to generate and offer creativity to others 
  it can be a challenge to start, to 'unfreeze' on your own... give creativity a try.. click .. start.. be

 PODCASTS  arts and culture with Rosanna Deerchild   picture this - great topics The Draftsmen- Illustrators Talking Shop

ART, ONGOING - there is a lot to explore (see the resource page for more)  national gallery                                     - NEWLY AVAILABLE FREE ONLINE ISSUE



LISTEN     story time  - tap into active listening and imagination        an ambient soundscape designed to reduce anxiety    


MOVE IT -   at your own pace and comfort and in your own way - examples below:  PE with Joe... keeping it moving daily from the UK - expand your connection and movement  short and gentle yoga for anxiety with Adrienne   poses with video demos and variations  5 minutes with You Enjoy Life - without a thought of inhibition - or fashion  (PJ friendly)   and again plus a superhero outfit   Bollywood Challenge - slow it down, figure it out - find your own  dance while barely movign with Drake  or let it all go with Thom

...find your own inspiration, honour your traditions, beliefs, personal ways & paths ... and keep flowing ...

continue​ to look here and connect with updated initiatives, activities and inspirations  - take care~


Join us Gallery 44, Centre for Contemporary Photographic, in the 401 Richmond Arts Building, for LANGUAGES, featuring photographic imagery from our Gr. 11 Design, Gr. 12 Visual Arts and IBVA students. 
It is quite a privilege to show in a gallery space, right after a show, featuring the works of famed street photographer, Helen Levitt and alongside the first professional show curated by our own MMHS 2019
grad, Heidi Wong.  

Heidi is now in internship at Gallery 44, developing her role as an emerging curator alongside studies at OCAD U.  She was introduced to the gallery and other creative opportunities, while developing her admissions portfolio through coursework and creative ventures with MMHSVA.  Her current three artist show runs through March 14th and is entitled, WHEN ONE IS FAR AND GONE

See our MMHS work in the main studio space and Heidi's show one level below, in the production gallery.  We thank the Gallery 44 team for their ongoing commitment to photography, photo education and fostering student expression and opportunity. LANGUAGES opens February 13th, with a reception on February 17th, Family Day.  We suggest that your take in all the galleries in the 401 Richmond and 80 Spadina, and visit the art bubble gum machine while at the show ... and spark your own creative fire.

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                  D.Tan                                                                                                                                                                                  images                                                                         


 MMHS ARTONOMY @ QUEST​  (full clip)  

                                                                                                                                                     MMHSVA embraces the ongoing journey towards Equity and Reconciliation.  This year, we proposed to share our Acknowledgement Landscape, in creative process and were invited to be featured in main space of QUEST, YRDSB's signature educational conference.  MMHS has participated in ARTONOMY at QUEST in previous years, through collaborative projects, with a technological focus. This year, we slowed it down, to create a space and pace for Acknowledgement, that was mindful, personal, collaborative and hand-rendered.  Our featured landscape features the act of stitching in its many global incarnations and traditions as a metaphorical action  of mindfulness, connection naming and healing.  The work uses the elements of art to communicate elements of this land and represents the many personal landscapes within the collective landscape.  Our landscape is meant to name and honour the Indigenous Peoples, including the Wendat, Anishinaabe, and Haudenosaunee, as an inseparable and integral part of the land on which our school is built.                                                                                                                                                                                             In proposing the acknowledgment project, we found ourselves discussing the thread of awareness, acknowledgment and action running through our coursework, extra-curricular projects, and partnerships.   Much of our departmental work is about shared understanding. alignment and collaboration; so, we brought along our aligned projects and partnerships, including: Arts Mind Magazine, Yearbook, IBVA, Green Inc., TEAM, and associated student leaders. We offered an interactive connection to our work and planning in action, under a collective title, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT through LANDSCAPE. Our total MMHS team involved 40 students in rotation, in varied roles,  representing many groups including: ELL, Personal Alternative Education, Cooperative Education, Special Education, IB, Equity, Healthy Schools, and Student Council.  At MMHS, Visual Art is a foundation, rather than an adjunct.         

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The first day, presented many in-depth discussions with an array of educational professionals: teachers, consultants, principals, superintendents, associate director, director, and educational business innovators. It was even an opportunity to show our own busy MMHS staff, attending the conference, what we do, how we do it and the importance of The Arts in our school and educational system.  Our educational partners from the Netherlands, on their annual tour, were particularly interested in student lead approaches to learning. Many educators left with images of our projects, links to our planning and webpages, copies of ARTS MIND MAGAZINE, Angel's illustrated Acknowledgement as personal reminder card, and the ideas extended through our team.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               On our second day, students greatly appreciated the opportunity to learn directly from students and teachers , Ms Kontozis and Ms Johnston, from Sutton District High School, through their RED DRESS PROJECT, a significant work of personal and collective awareness, acknowledging and honouring The MISSING and MURDERED INDIGENOUS WOMEN, women residential school survivors, relatives, elders and the value of Indigenous women.  We look forward​ to further collaborations with our friends at SDHS,  across the expanse of YRDSB.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Our friends from Stephen Lewis S.S. dropped by on the third day and lingered to discover through spontaneous​ creativity, fibre art and our mindful, interactive illustration.  We connected with fellow educators and creative professionals, bringing​ some into our circle for MMHS EARTH DAY and other explorations.  Video of our students in action was shared within the conference and posted to the conference site, further extending the creative effort and expression.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Through it all, students were dedicated, focused and engaged and actively learning more about project proposals, event planning, presentation and collaboration, while making significant progress, across current projects and advocacy themes.  2020, is, symbolically a year of clear vision, and we are carrying the vision of Acknowledgment through the year and our projects.   Join us in April 29th on Earth Day and Arts Mind in May, to further engage with our Acknowledgment pieces.                                                                                          

Be on the lookout for:
ARTS MIND MAGAZINE 2020 (Angel, Anya & Yashini leads) 
ARTS MIND WEEK for Mental Health Awareness (MMHS ARTS COLLECTIVE) - show, performances, activities
ART ALIVE!! LIVE PAINTING IN ACTION (Frederica & Kabilash) - 1 hour, 1 canvas, creativity always wins
YEARBOOK 2020 (lead by the whole, amazing Yearbook Team & Ms Sukhaj) 
BUILDING the FLOCK - a collective paper sculpture installation related to Bird  Safety & Advocacy
EARTH DAY 2020 - April 29 (a collaboration between BIRDS CANADA, SHADOWLANDS THEATRE, 
                               GREEN INC., TEAM, MMHS ARTS, the FNMI TEAM, ADMIN., SLAM, EQUITY & others)
MMHSVA IBEX2020 - Opening MARCH 26th - our first IB show related to personal connecting concepts
                                  and social themes of our times - level one Cafetorium and showcase the fibre arts ACKNOWLEDGEMENT LANDSCAPE  (Alena & Iqra with Quest +) 
bringing students into collaboration and new discovery ... and MMHS to QUEST

                                                                                                                                                                This year, we continue to work with concepts of acknowledgement, ecology, and sustainability, recognizing that​ personal and collective wellness 
is connected to planetary, environment and First Nations wellness
and the innate need for creative expression. 
We align this mandate across our publications, activities. partnerships and courses.                                         

    ART ALIVE!!                                                                                  
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On May 10th, ART ALIVE!!, the culminating event of Arts Mind, landed in the atrium like a creative whirlwind, with over 25 ​
painters in a focused Art Discovery challenge against a 55 minute clock.  The theme was Inner Landscapes,
in keeping  with Land Acknowledgment, Mental Health Awareness and aligned with MMHS Drama's Landscape inspired production (in partnerships with Tarragon Theatre, the University of Toronto and the works of landscape artist and educator Doris McCarthy).  

It was a Visual Arts Ventures opportunity for Frederica and Kabilash who confidently ran the show weaving dynamically and
spontaneously through the images, music, participants and audience.  Our late arrival special guest artist almost 'stole' the
show, but each unique creative expression shone through.  

As in traditional art challenges, all of MMHS was invited to view the process and final artworks and consider a personal favourite, an, admittedly, difficult task.  Votes were split across all of the images, showing an appreciation for the range of design and technique, individual response to theme and creative resilience in action.  Mandy amassed the most responses for her vision of tranquility and everyone, participants and audience,  alike, were winners in creativity.

We send a big thank you to Mr. Hilland and his sound team for getting us up and running and all the students and staff who
took on the creative challenge, building sharing, mindfulness and community at MMHS.  Arts Mind is MMHS ARTS week long 
offering of creative explorations, shared performance and community in conjunction with Mental Health Awareness Week. 


    JOIN US                                                                                    
    MAY 1st is ARTS KNIGHT.  Join us  from 6:00- 8:00 pm in the atrium for,​ featured offerings from 
    Dance, Drama,  Music  and Visual Arts.  Support The Arts in Action at MMHS & Mr. Hillands final MMHS performance.
    All are welcome.

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May 6-10, it's Arts Mind, a series of daily lunchtime activities, performances and workshops, in conjunction with Canadian Mental Health Awareness Week.   Painting music, flash mobs, bubble art and ensembles are all typical parts of the roster, plus more.  This year,  we will also have a live theatrical performance in the center of the atrium. It all wraps up with Art Alive!!, the Paint 'Battle' and over 25 participants registered to face the creative challenge. Check the schedule in the showcase for details. 

Engaging with art supports well being.  Our doctors can now offer prescriptions for art shows and performances as a means to foster well being and connection.  Whether an audience member or participant, art is good for you... for health, for skills, building meaning and community.  Join us in creativity and sharing.  


INNER LANDSCAPES - This Year, Arts Mind has a thematic focus. MMHS Drama has initiated the direction through a collaboration with Tarragon Theatre and U of T,​ Scarborough and we are inspired to join them on the journeyWithin this theme, we consider our personal interior landscapes, collective landscapes and the impact of historical and contemporary actions on individuals, groups, communities and The Land.

ARTS MIND - The 'ZINE, 2019 -  Inner Landscapes/Landscape of the Mind
The Collaboration extends into the relationship of image, word and interaction with the Inaugural edition of ARTS MIND, The 'ZINE, added to the Arts Mind roster.  Creative, mindful activities designed by MMHS students will be interspersed with original poems and imagery.  Every book will be different and personal, because the 'reader' is also a creator.  See Ms Coleman and Joyce Z. for details. 

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                                     Tracy with Kitty AWD3M1-MIDD     Yino with Krystal AWD3M1- MIDD, Angel AVI101, Dylan- VENTURES

Don't forget... Arts Battle/the Paint Challenge will return... full force, in landscape theme, in the atrium .. May 10th, with Frederica and Kabilash as Masters of Ceremony, a solid soundtrack and a ticking clock.
Our participation list is open until April 25th. See an art teacher to be included. Students & staff are welcome.

 Arts Mind for Whole Health Awareness, In Conjunction with Canadian Mental Health Week -  May 6-10.

At the end of February, Students from across York Region will engage Skills Challenge, hosted by Seneca  College.   Heidi was nominated by her the photography crew to represent Milliken Mills HS and YRDSB in Photo Category.  Heidi and our other photographers have grown accustomed to discovering and developing and refining  photographic works independently.  Students in the event, will respond to a predetermined, but, as of yet, undisclosed photo challenge and respond within time and location parameters.   It will be interesting to see what unfolds.... no pressure... just exploration.  

Heidi's triptych requirement for the challenge is shown below.   She will be combining this and other works together to curate and model a personal show entitled, EMERGENCE, within our Arts Mind/Arts Knight spring show, beginning May 1st (particularly helpful to students considering the IB Visual Arts Programme).  

  Screenshot 2019-04-04 06.44.46.pngScreenshot 2019-02-14 07.23.05.pngScreenshot 2019-02-14 07.23.05.png    VENTURES- YR Skills Challenge                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
   Screenshot 2019-04-20 18.07.30.png Heidi Wong panoramic.jpgshallow depth window light Heidi.jpg Screenshot 2019-05-12 07.38.28.png

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Photos by Heidi W.
      AWQ3M1, AWD3M1-MIDD & INDEPENDENT                           

​   GALLERY 44 - Centre for Contemporary Photography
                        CAMERALINKS: LOOKING FOR​WARD

​​​On February 13th, Gallery 44 Centre for Contemporary Photography held the opening for their annual CameraLinks thematic exhibit, Looking Forward.  Photographs by MMHS students are presented within a feature wall arrangement and in a customized digital display.

The gallery welcomes visitors to view these and other diverse works included in Looking Forward. The Show runs through to February 23rd, (excluding Sunday), at 401 Richmond Street West (at Spadina), in the heart of the gallery district.  

Through our Visual Arts Ventures Network, we actively seek to  connect our students to a range of meaningful opportunities and experiences. MMHS has a rich history of showing art within GTA galleries and our community.

Gallery 44 is one of a just a few photo focused galleries in the GTA.   It has a special mandate to promote photography education in traditional and contemporary approaches.  As part of our approach to Equity, all of our students are offered an opportunity to refine a related project for showing and engage with the documentation and preparation of works for display as part of design 'delivery', and an aspect of Visual Arts curriculum.  This year, digital prints from AWD3M1 Visual Design, AVI4M1 Visual Arts and independent students (Middleton), plus a framed projection sequence from AWQ3M1 (Kong) will be featured. 

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                                                                                                                                                                                  AVI4M1 & AWD3M1 - MIDD

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     AWQ3M1- KONG


Several of our MMHS Visual Arts Photography and Design students were invited to show collaborative Photographs at the Markham African Caribbean Canadian Association &City of Markham Black History Recognition Ceremony on Wednesday January 3rd at Markham Flato Theatre and the Civic Centre's Great Hall.  Since the event was STEAM based (with a focus on science, technology, engineering, art and math), the organizers were particularly interested in the technical motion studies from our Gr. 11 Photography course, influenced by groundbreaking electrical engineering studies at  MIT (with related application to scientific, sports, advertising, news. and fine art photography).
Students were asked to present large scale prints and a slide show, with Daniel taking the lead to speak on the intersection of Art & Science in their Photographic work.  Physics, Chemistry, Math, Technologies, Engineering of photographic devices and scenarios are all a part of full-spectrum study of Photography at MMHS.  (We don't just point and shoot).  The group presenting work on the theatre screen included Daniel, Usman, Sheraz and Aditya,  with additional print design and portrait works by Safia with Taylor (on display until the end of the week). Students had an opportunity to meet and interact with community leaders and the mayor while communicating the value of personal collaborations and mindful creative engagement through Photography. That's what Visual Arts Ventures Networking is all about.

(UPDATE:  Daniel and Usman have now been accepted to all three of the post-secondary Photography Programmes to which they applied.  They showed independence and determination in ongoing exploration, consultations and refinements to build truly personal admissions portfolios.  Congratulations!)

Screenshot 2019-01-24 20.37.30.png   usman and daniel motion.jpgMotion2aditya.jpgMarkham Mayor, Frank Scarpitti, with Photographs by Safia with Taylor, AWD3M1 (Middleton)        Motion Studies by Usman and Aditya with Daniel AWQ3M1 (Midd)
and Usman with Daniel (Indpendent with consultation)                    Image: City of Markham
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   ​MACCA/City of Markham Recognition Awards Recipients                  Image: City of Markham                                                              Image: Usman with Daniel

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 ​    Event Promotion                                                               Image: MACCA & Eventbrite      MMHS at Markham Flato Theatre  Image: City of Markham
BLACK ART & CULTURE - IN SCHOOL - During February, visit our display board, featuring an array of works by Black artist/innovators and help create the Roots & Rhythms Glass Mural as we take Visual Arts Discovery, to the Library and Maker Space.  Discover rich traditional patterns from Black cultures around the globe and add your own colours and shapes to the mural concept, designed by award winning ​MMHS student, Shamar.  Extend the inquiry and use the library resources for further inquiry into traditional and contemporary art, artists and culture.  All staff and students are welcome in this collaboration between Alternative Education TEAM, Maker Space, Library Learning Commons and Visual Arts.

  YEARBOOK - IT's HAPPENING..                                                         
Yearbook is for everyone, the book and the course.  You still have a chance to order a copy.  And, if you have a prior senior Visual Arts or Technology credit, you still can enrol in next year's AWE4M1 course, learn about professional graphic design and publishing and have a chance to build next year's experience.  Yearbook is networking and community, 30 YEARS, strong. (Image: Yearbook Team, with S. Jobanputra)           Screenshot 2019-01-17 12.58.07.png

  Annual Shows - A Tradition Continues        
Every year, we venture out, extending student creative expression into the community. In September, it was an installation at Markham Fair, featuring multiple students (see the blog  post, below)... in November, the Provincial​ OSSTF Finals, in January, the Civic Centre and Markham Flato Theatre and, in February, we engage​ Gallery 44 and  York Region Skills Challenge.  Some of our student work is on permanent community display, with two trios of MMHS Visual Arts students completing large commissioned paintings at the Milliken Mills Community Center and  Library, each related to Equity and Wellness.  Spring marks the Arrival of Arts Knight and Arts Mind as  Our students experience their art related to community, connection and opportunity.

UPCOMING... G44 CAMERALINKS: Looking Forward - in February 
Gallery 44 is located in the 401 Richmond Street, Building at the south east corner of Richmond and Spadina.  The photographs will be on display from February 13-24, with an opening reception of February 13th as part of CameraLinks, LOOKING FORWARD.

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    MMHS student photography on display at G44, 2011     MMHS at McKay House
    Image: Gallery 44                                    Article: The India Times

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January 2019)

It's freshly 2019, with Lunar New Year and semester 2 approaching. All that, tends to make us look back on what we have done and DEFINE, directions moving forward.  It has been a semester filled with coll​abor​ations. People drop by daily for support with individual and classroom projects, research questions, admissions portfolio & essays, contest refinements, visual resumes.... it's ongoing and only growing with the increased visibility and use of art & design in the modern marketplace. 

Connection is a vital part of the Visual Arts Department. So, we are enacting the title, Visual Arts Ventures Network, as an umbrella, for the array of initiatives that we support outside of the classroom - in which students, school and community partner together through common creative purpose.  Networking, is more than adding names to a social media list.  It is  timely communication and collaboration in action, defining clear goals and developing action steps to creatively manifest them.  See our OPPORTUNITIES PAGE to find out more and see the results of Visual Arts venture networking​ throughout our pages.

Arts Club, too,  is trying on a new name, better associated with the unique goal of our weekly mindful creative gathering, to differentiate it from our service and product based efforts.  Arts Club has been around for 30 years and for the last 15, the focus has been on mindful, sustainable creative explorations, offered during lunch, open to all students and staff.  To reflect this,  Arts Club is becoming VISUAL ARTS DISCOVERY. Discovery is a design industry term, often used to describe the open-ended, exploratory stage of the creative process.  VISUAL ARTS DISCOVERY, it's about possibility, pressure-free personal exploration and creative play; it's discovering about self and other, through creativity... no pressure, just exploration.  DISCOVERY uses readily available sustainable materials, suitable to the time frame and all levels of experience.   DISCOVERY is open to all students and staff and our offerings will be announced and posted to insure equal access.  

 Green Guardian via Gr.9 Visual Arts... is on the way
                                                                                                                         (December 2018)      Screenshot 2019-01-19 04.07.30.png
​        Madeline - Character & Cover Prototype AVI101 (Middleton)                  exploratory mock-up ... concept in development
        (with study of figure drawing studies, Photoshop)
When students explore creativity and personal meaning, utilizing their skills and gifts.... projects align with purpose. Such is the case with Madeline, who has been developing a character and cover design as part of a Gr. 9 culminating assignment which seems, naturally aligned to current issues and the Mandate of Green Inc./Eco Schools ... and, in just a few moments, and some effective communication... an alliance was formed (and, the concept of VISUAL ARTS VENTURES,  opportunity matching focus, (see OPPORTUNITIES PAGE), again, made sense ).

Part of our Role in Visual Arts is to recognize and foster creative alignments, linking individual, community and real-world experience - expanding resumes, portfolios, messages and connections. Fostering collaborative relationships and an awareness, helps us all. With creative work like Madeline's, the concept of VISUAL ARTS VENTURES (see our OPPORTUNITIES & DIRECTIONS PAGE) began to make even more sense.

Madeline has been taking control of the project and her vision, consulting and discussing the possibility of a storyline involving polarized possible futures.  Immediately, she began to consider adapting the story scenario and design detail to best suit the opportunity & Eco mandate, through a positive tone.  She has embraced the opportunity, considering an ongoing multi-year initiative, across her time at MMHS, with a role to match her interests and inclinations. Wow. 

Be on the lookout for more of Green Guardian - as Madeline applies her skills, gifts and experience ...
Early connections and opportunities help to show students what is possible and how we can work together 
in action for our collective future and potential personal futures and possibilities.

More GREEN INC/ECO SCHOOL MATCHING through Visual Arts Ventures

  dragonfly naomi.jpg Screenshot 2019-01-02 07.35.52.png
​                                                             Naomi - Acrylic on Board Painting AVI4M1 (Middleton)                                                                       (December 2018)  
Everybody has been admiring Naomi's recently completed dragonfly, an acrylic painting on wood panel.
People and groups have asked to have it, others have just come to visit dragonfly. This happens sometimes.  Our students apply themselves within the project process, resulting in refined, viable and meaningful creative products.  At MMHS, we match work to purpose, we don't give it away.  In the digital age, students can retain their original copy and still offer their work for meaningful purpose...  and what better purpose than habitat and biodiversity preservation.   Naomi immediately offered her image and support to GREEN INC and other artists and their subject creatures signed on as well.

The project itself is designed for awareness and connection, through Naturalistic study.  The art class became more connected to their bugs, insects and the rest, and we started to discuss when we last saw a 'Praying Mantis' and other species subjects that the students had chosen to depict. It caused us to consider the reduction in local species numbers and diversity, across the globe.  The resulting art, considers the detail and beauty of each species and will be used to bring this awareness to others.  The 'fade' technique contributes the visual emphasis and furthers the message that our biodiversity is disappearing.

Green Inc Design Duo, Dylan and Vivian, are integrating the images into promotion/educational posters.
Alternative Education's TEAM generated the slogans, related to bio diversity.  Watch for the unveiling, within Green Inc initiatives.

 YRAC - Youth Committee - A Visual Arts Venture Network Match
Image result for york region youth arts committee                                                                                             (December 2018)
Congratulations Heidi.  Heidi's interests in Arts organizations, art history and curatorial concepts  lead to a Visual Arts Ventures match with York Region Arts Council.   She used the creative process to DISCOVER the mandate and role of the organization and learn about the application process for YRAC Youth Committee and DEFINED a council suitable role related requirements and deadlines.  She DEVELOPED solid integrated visual resume, personal logo, cover letter and updated her on-line portfolio, consulted around refinements and DELIVERED her pitch in a council interview. Heidi is now a member of the YORK REGION YOUTH ARTS COUNCIL executive, a great learning experience, networking opportunity and addition to resume.  She can continue in this role during her post-secondary education and move on to other roles within this and other related organization.

In her role, can represent the interests of Milliken Mills and Markham alongside personal interests, a step forward into inter-relating benefit. In MMHS Visual Arts we strive to prepare students for opportunity with projects that build personal visual identity and experience, and skills, while offering ongoing support outside of class​ time.

Opportunity awaits.  Starting early builds awareness, confidence and possibility.

              WINTER GREETINGS and COLLABORATIONS                
Gr. 11 students created a winter design and fundraising experience, with the Guidance of Ms. Ng.  The extracurricular venture was a great learning opportunity around the preferences of a target audience and market, materials costs, fundraising protocols, advance orders and direct deliver systems.  Proceeds (after costs) will go to BEST BUDDIES, an MMHS fundraising focus.  
Cards were designed By Teressa, Dylan and others, with a group approach to sales and delivery.  Students often design occasion cards logos, and other marketable items as part of the independent inquiry component within our courses.  Seeing their designs in action, re-enforces the real world applications of art and design.  This venture may become an annual tradition, with cards celebrating our array of winter festivals, including Diwali, Lunar New year, Hanukka, Kwanza and more. 
Design class, AWD3M1 (Middleton) was also in mode, adapting a course project on mental health awareness into a winter holiday greeting, suitable to varied cultural traditions, while acknowledging that both the holiday season ​and winter can be a particular challenge, with a call to mindful within the season.  The image acts as both an e-greeting and print postcard, that can be kept as a reminder throughout the year. Our featured image was created by Emily and model (using paper theatrical design, lighting and digital photography with Photoshop).

Remember the YRDSB annual calendar features art depicting the meaningful nature of all cultural celebrations and any student can enter to have work included.  The deadline to enter your work if February 22, 2019.  See an art teacher for details.

 Dylan T. Represents York Region - Senior Visual Arts Division     (November 2018)
As always, we encourage our students to pursue creative opportunities and provide in- house postings,            details and ongoing support.  This Year, Dylan's artwork, Hands of Time, has been selected from all York Region Senior Visual Arts entries, to represent OSSTF District 16, at the Provincial final. 

     IMG_8977.JPG   osstf award.jpg
Dylan extended the components of his drawing project in AVI3M1(Ng), into a personal statement and challenge, related to the contest theme, spending many independent hours fine honing his pencil and pencil crayon techniques towards magical naturalism.   This year's theme, Ahead by a Century, is a challenging one, designed to foster inquiry around whether collective and human actions, in recent decades, can be considered more as advancement or detriment to our world. Dylan's artwork is full of rich nature symbolism, a fitting match to the theme, like paintings by the Baroque Vanitas masters, visited in AVI3M1 curriculum.

Last year Dylan entered an excellent independent digital illustration in the Junior category, related to the
popular, What's your Super Power theme.  He regularly and willingly applies his creative skills to service, fostering further versatility, awareness, rendering/design skills, while building a personal portfolio through real-world work with Green Inc., Arts Knight, Arts Mind, and other MMHS initiatives.  Works from Gr. 10 are appreciated around the school, for use in varied mindful, ecological and equity initiatives. Behind
the contest, is an amazing example of how creative engagement enriches community, connections, meaningful causes, and aligns personal focus and opportunity. When students engage in our three focus areas of Visual Arts, Visual Design and Photography (with both traditional and contemporary media and techniques), they become a Visual 'Triple Threat'+. Dylan has already been matching his skills and vision with his awareness of MMHS and community initiatives, touching base, within the Department for consultation and refinement of work. Some of Dylan's cross-disciplinary work related to MMHS NETWORK initiatives is featured below (check-back for his growing portfolio, and versatility... coming soon to the portfolio showcase):

dylan hero.jpg (old) Arts Night Poster 2019 - Dylan Tann (1).jpgMind Poster Dylan 1.jpgMind Poster Dylan 3 (1).jpgMind Poster Dylan 2.jpg                                                                                                                                              AWD3M1-MIDD
 I am dylan horizontal .jpeg  Green Inc Vinyl Banner Vertical.jpgGreen Inc Vinyl Banner 2 (1).jpgGreen Inc Vinyl Banner 2 - Copy (2).jpg dylan Arts banner small (1).jpg                                                AWD201-MIDD                                                                                                                       VENTURES- MIDD
     Dylan Walk Cycle Lineart.gif Dylan Walk cycle Colour.gif  

     Screenshot 2019-01-19 07.08.53.pngScreenshot 2019-04-21 13.50.43.png Screenshot 2019-04-21 13.50.43.png 
                                                                                     VENTURES- NG/KONG

This Year, MMHSVA will support the traditional MMHS table space, honouring and including the 14 women engineering students of Ecole Polytechnique with an atrium display featuring powerful works created by Heidi with Naomi, Safia with Taylor, Tracy with Kitty and Grace ​with Lee.  These images arrive at a pivotal time, alongside the expansion of the Me Too phenomena and other human rights initiatives. (They also act as a preview to our related work with Looking Forward in February and Arts Mind in May.)  Elizabeth Z serves as curator/prop & lighting designer for the exhibit, with poetry and content support from Joyce Z and the AVI4M1 group​ and research by Mona.  Thank you to each additional student who created sculpted paper flowers to honour the women of Ecole Polytechnique and all those taken by gender based violence.
artsmind afaia taylor jp.jpg white rose best.jpg white rose poem.jpg
                                                                                                  Imagery: Safia with Taylor, coursework AWD3M1 (Middleton) (with permission of the artists)
                                                                                                  Curation: Elizabeth with Joyce    Research: Mona (Co-op ollaboration- Mitchell & Middleton)

Part of our mandate is producing meaningful art, developing skills of art presentation and collaboration, engaging social cause and community.  Visit the showcase to view the works. 

for additional information:

​    This year, a team lead by Teressa under the Guidance of Ms NG and Ms Kong, created a banner to support
   the annual MMHS Remembrance Day ceremony.  The banner, with classic imagery can now become part of   
   the MMHS tradition.  With advanced planning, the team worked extra-curricularly, over several weeks to 
   meet their delivery date, with Teress demonstrating great dedication in completing the project. (Photo: S Ng) remeberance day.JPG   
  For more information on Rememberance Day Observances and Visual Symbols visit:

   GALLERY 44 Centre for Contemporary Photography  
                                                                                                                       (October 2018)

Another of our students has been chosen to represent Gallery 44 online and in print. It is a great continuation of our longstanding involvement in all manner of Photography in MMHS Visual Arts 
and demonstrates the continued role and value of film, darkroom and hand rendered work in, and beyond, the art community. 

Aditya's image was one of several of his portraits that were on display at Gallery 44.  His work was chosen from all school submissions and is the only student work featured on the gallery site.  The image will be used to promote this year's CAMERALINKS show and remain on the Gallery site for an extended period, (an excellent addition to any resume).   

This semester, Design, Photography and Visual Arts students will all be creating, preparing and showcasing images for a professional gallery environment.  Part of out mandate is to connect students with opportunities, experiences, community and creative networks, building resumes, awareness and confidence.  

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                                                                                              Image: Aditya, with Sheraz from the Pictorialist Portrait Portfolio​ series AWQ3M1 (Middleton)



    YEARBOOK 2018-19 available for preorder NOW.     (September 2018)  
      $26 Hardcover! .. School Cash Online - for details, contact ​Ms Jobanputra
 Screenshot 2019-01-02 05.14.47.png
         Yearbook is communityopportunity - connect now & in               
​​         the future, claim your belonging, stretch your roots, reach             
         your branches, expand your network, share in the surprise,           
         unfolding...Yearbook is us, in it, together Yearbook 2018-19          
       new year, new theme, new team,  30th anniversary!            

                                                                                                                          Image: Yearbook Cover 2017-8 AWE4M1 (Jobanputra Group)

  MARKAM FAIR ...                                   (September 2018) 
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     MMHS INSTALLATION (partial view)     
     AVI101, AVI3M1 painting & AVI4M1 curation (Middleton) 
     with Co-op display design, construction and assembly​
     commissioned Poem - Joyce Z
     plus drawing additions from Visual Arts DISCOVERY (Kong, Ng)

This Year, MMHS Visual Arts and Co-Operative Education Departments collaborated on an Art Installation in support of Markham Stouffville Hospital. The project became an opportunity for us to engage and create between departments and with our community as well as explore career areas involving curation, display construction, transport ​and assembly. The interdisciplinary artwork featured the work of multiple students, including a collaborative feature piece from our special needs class who visited the fair and saw their artistic expression on display, alongside the work of other community artists.

Our theme, in response to the Fair's working title Old Days, New Ways, involved the connection between Art & Harvest across time and styles of art-making.  The form of the installation was inspired by tradition wooden produce packing crates and roadside stands. As with many things, details emerged mid process and a new title for the show emerged from the Fair - “Cultivating Canada:  Voices for the Past, Visions for the Future”.   This caused us to further consider the role of Treaty Lands and Treaty Peoples as integral to our national harvest and art, within the installation. A transparent Treaty Map and outlines of Canada were placed at the center of the arrangement, with a  symbolic seed, sculpture and poem, representative of potential healing and new growth.  Our installation demon​strated how we may consider multiple mandates and something approaching more fulsome awareness within a creative endeavour.​

MARKAM FAIR ... next year ... the 175th anniversary!


 Visual Arts DISCOVERY - Mindful Art Activities             

In semester 2, our weekly offering will reboot under a new name,  reaffirming our commitment to accessible, mindful, sustainabl​e creative art experiences .....most TUESDAYS - P.3 

ART DISCOVERY is an open, creative activity and space vs. a closed name roster or hierarchy. 
All are welcome to participate in Art Discovery activities which will posted and announced to insure equal access.  DISCOVERY uses readily available, low cost, environmentally friendly materials in creative ways.        Our Visual Arts experiences are open to all students and staff.  

OPEN STUDIO is ongoing independent access to the Visual Arts studio spaces (130, 132, 242A photo studio and darkroom) by arrangement.   A supervising teacher volunteer is required for you to access a studio.  
Consultation is also available and recommended.  See a teacher for supervision availability.  Open studio is guaranteed one day per week, but often is available more frequently.  

(Please do not assume that a teacher will always be available or that the art spaces are substitute daily lunchrooms.)

   VISUAL ARTS VENTURES NETWORK                           

At MMHS, we match students to opportunity.  The projects and opportunities that we create within the department are often designed to align with community initiatives and needs.  We strive for real world connections, experience and relevance which further builds portfolios, resumes and leads to further opportunity in an ongoing cycle of creative manifestation.


SEE the message boards, listen to announcements & check in for details of new, rotating activities & featured topics.


​​​​                                                                                        The art of teaching is the art of assisting Discovery. - Mark Van Doren 

                                                                                                                                                              K.Middleton, Subject Head, Visual Arts, MMHS, YRDSB

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​MMMMHS ARTONOMY @ QUEST​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​artsmind text2020 cover illustration Angel new.jpg

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