Notes on Translation
The electronic translation service on the York Region District School Board's website is hosted by Google Translate. The quality of the translation will vary in some of the languages offered by Google. Google Translate is a free service and currently offers translation in over 50 languages, although an impressive number, this does not capture all languages or dialects. The basic translation’s goal is to capture the general intention of the original English material.
The York Region District School Board does not guarantee the quality, accuracy or completeness of any translated information. Before you act on translated information, the Board encourages you to confirm any facts that are important to you and affect any decisions you may make.
The York Region District School Board is committed to parent, family and community engagement, and it is our hope that by providing this tool on our website that we are making our information more accessible to families whose first language is not English and thereby enabling better engagement in public education.
Common Computer / Printing Issues
Common Computer / Printing Issues
Page Content
Common Computer / Printing Issues
Double-sided Printing
(right click to "Save Target As" to download pdf copy)
As of June 12, 2018 the only available printers are now:
LIBLX3 (colour = charged at $1.00/pg)
and the
LIBRH1 photocopier (charged at $0.10/pg and able to print multiple copies)
All My Files have Disappeared
Possible Reason(s) & Solutions
- Network error : May have exceeded storage capacity for account type
- delete any unnecessary files and then reboot
- Try to:
- email work if in the process of editing
- then delete any unnecessary files
- followed by a reboot
- combination of above 2 options
- Someone deleted the file(s)
- Always log-off (unattended accounts are very vulnerable)
- Never share your account or login information with anyone
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Cannot Login to My Account
Possible Reason(s) & Solutions
- Password entered incorrectly more than once -- the system is extremely unforgiving ... one mistake only
- Try another computer but be extremely careful in typing of password. Otherwise you will be simply going from machine to machine
- Network cable has become unplugged
- reconnect ethernet cable (a reboot may sometimes be required)
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File Will Not Print
Always Print Preview to ensure proper output - Do Not Reprint
Possible Reason(s) & Solutions
- Printing from Google Drive may be an issue.
- Download your file (either to your computer account or to a USB flash drive). A Word file allows editing. But with a PDF file (where editing much more difficult) what you see is what you get.
- File Size is very large - DO NOT immediately reprint
because you will be charged for duplicate copies!!!
- Go to Start => Devices and Printers
- check to see if you are already in the Print queue for your
selected printer
(files with graphics will be large and will take much longer to
- Not enough print balance
- Check Print Balance available only from the Print Balance computer on the Library's front round counter
- double-sided printing counts as 2 pages per sheet -- thus 20¢ per
double-sided sheet
- WCI Printing is limited to 1 copy at a time if printing to the LIBLX3
- But the LIBRH1 PHOTOCOPIER supports multiple copies and a maximum of 20 pages at a time. So, to print 30 pages on the LIBRH1 print in 2 clusters, with each cluster being a maximum of 20 pages each time.
- Occasionally other errors occur
- Try printing to pdf file (which is not charged) and then do a Print Preview before printing to hardcopy
- Backgrounds do not print in MS Word unless specifically enabled
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My .png File Prints in Sections Across Multiple Pages
Possible Reason(s) & Solutions
- Open Photoshop (or other graphics editor)
- convert the .png file to a .jpeg
- open a new MS Word file and insert your new .jpeg file into it (resize if necessary). Your new Word file should now be in normal print size; but always print preview.
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File Saved but Cannot be Found
Possible Reason(s) & Solutions
- An email attachment was edited
- All email attachments must be saved locally (network H:// drive, My Documents, Desktop, or USB) before editing
- Always use the option SAVE AS when editing any email attachments to ensure that
the file is somewhere local (network H:// drive, My Documents, Desktop, or USB)
- Someone deleted the file(s)
- Always log-off (unattended accounts are always vulnerable)
- Never share your account or login information with anyone
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Cannot See Anything on the Monitor
Possible Reason(s) & Solutions
- Power to the computer and/or the monitor has become disconnected
- If computer light ON but monitor light OFF then power to only the monitor has become lost
- ensure power cable to the monitor is well connected
- If both computer light and monitor light OFF then power to the system has become lost
- ensure power bar has not become shut-off or unplugged
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Possible Reason(s) & Solutions
- Extra / blank page(s) exist in your document
- Always check your print preview ( now half your print
- Either delete the blank page(s) OR specify the
exact pages you want printed
- 2-Sided printing:
- System charges all double-sided printing as even numbers
(eg./ 21 pages will be charged as 22 pages)
- Print the last odd number page separately
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Possible Reason(s) & Solutions
- File type is not compatible with any software on the PC
- Text document file type (eg/ Word, Works, etc.):
- when saving original from your personal computer, look for either save
as or export as option then "Save as type" or "Export as type" Word
- when opening a non-Windows file, click on file to open AND choose file
type in "Open file type" box (this may no longer exist for all operating systems)
- Any file type:
- can be printed to pdf to be later read or printed to
hardcopy. However without a pdf editor, the file cannot be edited.
- Software is generally backward compatible -- can read older versions;
but never forward compatible.
- Talk to the Librarian to troubleshoot
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