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Frequently Asked Questions 303
Frequently Asked Questions

Community Involvement

Q What is the community involvement requirement?
The Ministry of Education policy document, Ontario Secondary Schools, Grades 9 to 12: Program and Diploma Requirements, 1999, states that every student must complete a minimum of 40 hours of community involvement activities as part of the requirements for an Ontario Secondary School Diploma. These activities can be completed at any time prior to graduation. However, only community involvement activities that have occurred following the start of Grade 9 apply.

Q What types of activities are eligible?
A Students are encouraged to choose activities outside of the school in order to benefit from a broad range of experiences. A list of eligible categories of activities has been developed by the York Region District School Board in conjunction with local School Councils, the Special Education Advisory Committee, and the Board’s insurance carrier. A few examples have been provided in each of the categories to assist students in their selection of activities. See the following brochure: Community Involvement Information Guide

Q What types of activities are ineligible?
A The Ministry of Education has developed a list of activities that may not be chosen as community involvement activities and that are therefore ineligible activities. This list can be found at: Community Involvement Information Guide

Q Where can I find answers to other questions about community involvement activities?
A The brochure Community Involvement Information Guide contains answers to the following questions.

  • How do students get started?
  • What are the roles and responsibilities of parents/guardians?
  • What are the roles and responsibilities of community sponsors?
  • What are the roles and responsibilities of school boards and secondary school principals?

Q Who should I contact for additional information?

A Secondary school principals and designated school staff will be pleased to answer any questions that students, parents/guardians, community members and sponsors may have regarding community involvement

Contacting the School

Q How do I get an Attendance Letter for my child?
A Many government agencies require verification of your child's enrolment in school.  A letter can be written by the school to assist with this. A request can be filled out by completing this form.    

Q How do I contact the school?
A School can be contacted by calling the school’s main number at 905-884-4453 or by emailing at Additional contact information can be found on the school website.

The teachers and Guidance counselor can be contacted via e-mail or they can be reached within school hours by calling the school’s main number and asking for their extension. A listing of extensions and e-mail addresses can be found on the school website

Q I am noticing changes in my child’s behaviour. What should I do?
A If the changes you see are of significant matter then you can come and see your child’s teachers, guidance councilors and if needed principal or vice –principal.

Q My child says everything is fine at school. Should I be contacting school on a regular basis? How do I do this?
A Regardless of whether your child has any issues at school or not parents should always be in touch with teachers via e-mail or phone as per above.

Q How do I get newsletter if my child misplaced it?
A The weekly e-Bulletin newsletter is available via the school website and is distributed via e-mail.

Q What are the school policies and regulations?
A The school policies and regulations can be found in student agendas that they receive at the start of the school year.

Q How often is school website updated?
A The website is updated daily as new information becomes available.



Q Will the students be given guidelines, units and topics covered and expectations from each of the subjects?
Yes, at the beginning of each semester, each student will be given a course outline for each subject. Depending on the subject this outline may include: the course rationale, assessment and evaluation breakdown, course requirements, course overview and course materials/text requirements. In addition, some will cover expectations regarding lateness, absences etc. These sheets require a parent signature. Some departments such as Math will provide a detailed overview of what will be covered on a daily basis including homework assignments.

Q If I do not agree with a teacher's teaching method, evaluation or behavior, what is the best way to handle this?
A It is always best to start with speaking with the teacher directly. Open lines of communication are first and foremost in understanding what is going on in the classroom. If the problem persists, contact one of the Vice Principals for advice on how to handle a specific problem.

Q What is the most effective way to communicate with teachers?
A Teachers can be contacted by phone or e-mail. The school phone number is 905-884-4453. The staff list can be found online at the above link.

Q I don’t understand what is expected of my child with respect to his / her courses. How do I find out this information?
A See above regarding student guidelines. In addition, parents can contact teachers directly. See teacher contact information above.

Q Why do I need a doctor’s note for my child missing a test or evaluation?
A Most departments have a policy regarding absences from summative tests or other evaluations. To ensure fairness for the evaluations, parents or guardians may be asked to justify an illness with a doctor’s note. The note must read that the student in question was seen on the day of the evaluation and was unable to attend school. Students will then be expected to complete the assessment upon returning to school. The assessment may be the same as was presented to the rest of the class or an alternate assessment may be presented.

Q Is there a website for each department or how can I access what my child is doing in classroom?
A Some departments do have websites with varying levels of detail.

Your child’s teacher will provide the site address if it is not linked through the school site.

You are encouraged to contact your child’s teacher for information regarding what your child is doing in the classroom. The school phone number is 905-884-4453. The staff list can be found online.

Q What can he/she do to improve his/her grade? How do I know whether or not my child does his/her homework, has good work habits, participates in class, cooperates and behaves appropriately?
A Parents are encouraged to contact your child’s teacher for specific information regarding individual students. The school phone number is 905-884-4453. The staff list can be found online at the above link. The school guidance department may also be able to provide assistance with information on how to help your child succeed.

Q For French and/or Spanish what can my son/daughter do to communicate well/fluently in that language?
A It is best to contact your child’s teacher who will have suggestions on how to improve their foreign language skills. The school phone number is 905-884-4453. The staff list can be found online at the above link.

Q Are there any exchanges or immersion programs in which my son/daughter could participate in for few weeks over summer or during school year?
A There certainly are programs during school year and over summer where students can get into different programs This information is available from the Guidance Services Department in each secondary school or from Continuing Education at 905-884-3434.

Q My child is having difficulty with some areas of the curriculum. Where can I find information about extended support offered by the school?
A Some Departments in the school (including Math, English and Science) do offer peer tutoring for students to obtain extra help during their lunch break or after school. Encourage your child to speak with their teacher directly for specific information regarding what support is available.

Q Is the library well equipped with all resources required by students?
A The library collection includes text and electronic resources. The school subscribes to the EBSCO Host Database, Thomson-Gale Databases, the Grolier online encyclopedia and Encyclopédie Hachette Multimedia. We also offer some e-Books in the field of science which may be renewed up to three times.

Library Collection:
Search for books in the Bayview Secondary School Library by selecting Library tab at the top. 

Bayview's Library Resource Centre is open from 8:15 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. unless otherwise posted. Individual and small groups of students are welcome at any time for quiet research or reading. Full classes should be booked in advance by the subject teacher. If students need help with research or for reading selections, they are encouraged to ask the Teacher or Librarians for assistance.

Grade 9

Q How to register for grade 9 courses?

Courses can be viewed online through Career Cruising.
Course Selections are done online through Career Crusing
If you do not have internet access, contact the Guidance Department for further information.

Q As a parent, for my child, what can I do to help ease the transition from Middle School to High School?

Visit the school. All of the feeder schools have a special day that the Grade 8 classes visit and tour the school. In addition, there is a Grade 8 parents’ night where parents can come out and visit and tour the school.

Go online. Visit the school website and get a feel for what’s going on. There are also numerous websites that give information about how to transition to high school. A good one is kidsource.

Talk to friends and acquaintances that have already made the transition and ask for tips. Talk to your child about your own experiences and tell them about “what you know now that you wish you knew then”.

Q What are the requirements to register if new to the area and school?
A The Secondary School Application Form can be downloaded or obtained from the school office. This must be completed and brought to the school along with the following supporting documents:

  1. proof of child’s age - a birth certificate or passport
  2. proof of address - copy of a bank statement, telephone or electrical bill or apartment lease with your name and address
  3. proof of guardianship – required if the child is under 18 years of age and is not living with the parent
  4. proof of child’s immigration status - birth certificate, passport, Record of Landing (IMM1000) or confirmation of permanent residence (IMM5292). In most boards, children must be Canadian citizens or landed immigrants to register directly at the local school.
  5. immunization record - proof that your child has been immunized, according to the recommended immunization schedule in Ontario.

Q How to register if not coming from feeder school?
A Generally Bayview is not open to students who do not live within our school boundary. Students who are outside the boundary and registered in the IB program at Bayview will be the exception. These students will be registered for Bayview as part of the IB registration. If you live in the boundary but your child did not attend a feeder school please follow the directions in the previous question.

Health & Safety

Q What is the policy and procedures adopted by school for kids with severe allergies?
On January 1, 2006, the Ontario Government passed Sabrina’s Law. The Board is in compliance with the new law and has approved the Anaphylactic Reactions Policy. We have a number of students and staff in our schools that have a life-threatening food allergy. To ensure the health and safety of all of our students, please let the school know if your child has a life-threatening allergy. The principal will inform the parent community if there is a particular life-threatening allergy (e.g. nuts) at the school. We ask that all parents help to keep our school community safe.

To view both the Anaphylactic Reactions Policy and Procedure, visit the "Policies" Section of the school's website.

Q What are the parents of anaphylactic student required to do for school?
A Students with a severe allergy (i.e. peanuts) need to communicate that information to the school. If the student carries an Epipen, it is imperative that the pen be carried or is easily accessible by someone other than the student. The location of the Epipen or in some cases, an extra Epipen must be provided to the main office with completed medical forms e.g., administration of medication.

Following the York Region District School Board protocol, students with a severe allergy or any other medical conditions need to communicate that information to the school – so the necessary safety precautions can be taken. Also, a medical alert bracelet is recommended for identification purposes.

Q Is the food served in cafeteria healthy?
A School Cafeteria has to follow guidelines set by Board. The food served has to be trans fat free, it has to be whole wheat and only diet pop is to be sold.

Q Is the food in cafeteria nut free?
A The cafeteria does not serve nut based products but they cannot guarantee that their food is nut free.

Q What are the protocols in case of an emergency at school?
A Parents can go to the Board website and find all the policies. Also brochures are available at the school.


Q Is there homework help available for students?
A It is recommended to obtain the home work help information from BSS office or BSS website.

Q How much time should be spent by students at home doing their homework per grade per night?
A The time required to complete assigned homework will vary depending on the abilities and the commitment of each student. Regular review and reading ahead will dramatically increase the student’s chances of success. The following amounts of homework times are suggested:
  • Grade 9: 90 minutes per day
  • Grade 10: 100 minutes per day
  • Grade 11: 110 minutes per day
  • Grade 12: 120 minutes per day
Q Is there a list of tutors available from school?
A Parents should contact the guidance department for a list of tutors.


Parent Engagement


Q How do parents get started volunteering at Bayview Secondary School?
A Contact the school by telephone at (905) 884-4453 or by e-mail at and provide your name, contact information (telephone number and e-mail address), availability (morning, afternoon, evening), and activities you have skills or interest in. Please refer to the activity list below. A staff member will contact you when a volunteer need arises.
Q What volunteer opportunities are there at Bayview Secondary School?
A The School Council asked teachers what activities they would value parent volunteers for. The list teachers provided includes:
Administration – photocopying, decorating, maintaining bulletin boards, planning field trips, fund-raising, liaison to local businesses and translation (Chinese, Farsi, Hindi, Korean and Russian);
Supervision – clubs, field trips, dances, conferences, cafeteria, exams, competitions, contests, parking lot, adopt-a-road, hallways, detention room, library, computer use;
Beautifying Bayview – interior decorating, landscape planning, landscaping or gardening, donations (cuttings, plants, etc.);
Speaking – job/career talks, workshops, translation, immigration experiences
Support – in-class help, tutoring, task direction, conversational French, conversational Spanish, proofreading, set construction, costume making, exam preparation, co-op placement, and industry tours.
Q Are there any parent workshops to help parents?
A The school council periodically puts on workshops for parents. These will be communicated via the schools website.
Q Are there any events that parents can attend?
A Parents are welcome at many school events, from concerts, to sporting events and plays. Information on up-coming events can be found on the school’s website.

School Council 

Q Can anyone join School Council?

A School council is open to all parents to participate. Elections for Council are held in September but anyone can attend council meetings (which are generally held monthly). Meeting dates can be found listed in the Calendar Section.

Q What are the roles of School Council?

A Bayview Secondary School Council will promote and facilitate parental engagement by collaborating with administration, teachers, support staff, students and the community with the goal of providing educational excellence to every student enabling them to acquire the skills and attitudes to prepare them for life-long learning in an ever-changing global society.

Q Does School Council play an important role in school?

A The school council is an important forum for parents to provide input and contribute to the success of students at Bayview Secondary. The impact is dependent upon the number of participants and volunteers. If you would like to help out in any way please join the council or ask how you can get involved. Contact information can be found in the Council Section.

Q How active is School Council?

A The full council meets on a monthly basis. Meeting dates can be found in the Calendar Section. In addition to full council meetings there may be sub-committees that meet from time to time on specific projects.

The school council is involved in many activities at the school sometimes leading activities and other times providing support as necessary.

Q Can School Council help me if my child is having problems at school?

A Council does not address issues related to individuals. If there is a broad issue that impacts a large number of students then the council is a good forum to discuss and address. If you have a specific issue you can address this with a teacher, guidance, a Vice Principal or the Principal. All are open and willing to discuss any issues you may have.

Student Engagement

Q Are there any clubs that students can join during and after school hours?

At Bayview everyone is encouraged to get involved in a variety of activities. A multitude of opportunities are available for the students. The following is a list of existing activities and clubs:

Art club, Athletic council, Badminton club, Baseball, Boys' and Girl's Basketball, Character Education, Chess club, Harry Potter Club, Cross Country, Cricket, Curling, Debate team, DECA, Drama Club, Drama Production, Environmental Club, Girls Field hockey, Fitness, Golf, Improv Club, Intramural sports, Lacrosse, Literacy, Multicultural and Multiracial Club, Music Council, Peer Mediation, Photography, Physics Club, Prefects, Prom Committee, Red Cross Council, Boys' and Girl's Rugby, Skiing and Snowboarding Club, Boys' and Girl's Soccer, Softball, Student Council, Swimming, Tennis, Track and Field, Cap Campaign, Boys' and Girl's Volleyball, Wrestling and Yearbook.


Q Where can I find information regarding public transportation to and from school?

For information on bus routes, stop locations, times, late arrivals, cancellation, eligibility, how to acknowledge an exceptional bus driver, register a complaint, safety and general information, please visit or contact the York Region Student Transportation Services School Bus Information Line, accessible 24 hours a day, at: 1-877-330-3001.

For further detailed information on the York Region District School Board’s Transportation to Schools Policy #680.0, please visit the Board’s website.


Q University preparation in high school is a priority for many parents so how does BSS prepare them for success?

A BSS follows the guidelines of York Region District School Board to prepare the students for success. More details can be found in the School Agenda (Brochure) distributed to students in September every year or via the BSS website in the Student Section.
Q Where can I find information regarding university choices for my child?
A The updated information (forms or brochures) regarding university applications or seminars can be obtained from the BSS office or school website.  Students or parents are encouraged to visit the interested university website to search for the current information. For example: admission requirements of University of Western Ontario or Ontario University Application Centre (OUAC) has information. 
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